A-Troupe Won Internationals at the end of Riley and James. Nothing could have been more perfect. Except everyone knew that after Internationals they were going to go separate way through college in the hope they would find their way back to each oth...
This has felt like the longest 5 days of my life, but it's Friday morning and I was about to finally arrive back in Toronto. I didn't want to call James until I was done at the court house, but I promised to keep the rouse up so that is exactly what I'm going to do
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Riley_Ray: Ontario, you were at beautiful as ever 💜 Time to get back to reality though. Photo Credit to @James_95
I smiled looking at the photo before finally hitting post. The photo credit wasn't a lie this time, James truly did take this photo As soon as this is over with I can't wait to finally get to see him again. I steered clear to protect him and Piper but I've missed them all more then I thought was even possible "Raymond Vs Daniels!" A man called into the corridor. I stood up from where I was seated only to come face to face with Lucas My breath hitched at the sight of him and it was evident that the gentlemen noticed "Daniels enter" He warned Lucas before offering me a sympathetic smile I don't think I could ever do this job, listening to these calls day in and day out about the type of things men and women get away with. I couldn't stomach it
"Okay, I believe that the paperwork was submitted by Miss Raymond, is that correct?" The judge asked me and I happily nodded. I could feel Lucas' gaze burning a whole in the side of my face but I chose not to make eye contact "Do you have any defence Mr Daniels?" The judge asked and Lucas nodded "It's all false. I have never once laid a hand on her" Lucas said instantly digging himself a grave "There was no mention of physical abuse in the paperwork" The judge said then looking over at me "I chose not to include it. I knew opening that box would then lead to a further trial when at the end of the day all I want is for Lucas to stay away from me. I just want to get on with me life, without him constantly threatening me and the people I love" I replied and the judge nodded "In order for me to give a full report, I need to know everything Riley. Are your prepared to speak about it all?" The judge asked and I sighed looking at Lucas. The look on his face made me realise he knew he was going to win this battle "Yes" I replied still keeping eye contact with Lucas
"okay, Riley if you'd like to start when you are ready" The judge asked and I nodded. I started to fiddle with some paper in front of mine before taking a deep breath in "I met Lucas in college. We both attended Julliard in New York. When I met him, he was great, perfect even and then one day that all changed, one day I became nothing but a nuisance to him. Nothing more then a punching bag" I muttered "It started with him convincing me that my friends and family back home were sitting around waiting for me to fail and that it was in my best interest to cut them all off. That was my first mistake. I should have never listened to him" I replied "Then after that was in motion, it became constant put downs. Reminding me how worthless I was followed by hitting, scratching, pulling hair. Anything" I said making the judges gaze shift from me to the Lucas as did mine "I left New York and returned home here to Toronto in the hope I could start again, without him but he wouldn't let that happen. He followed me here and threatened me all over and again, but he also took it a step further and threatened a close friend of mine and his little sister who is merely 17" I continued "That is when I drew the line, I wasn't going to let him to touch her" I said trying to push back any tears "Miss Raymond, I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. Had you mentioned the physical abuse previously. I would have been more then happy to have offered you a TRO" the judge said and I nodded realising it was my mistake "As for you Mr Daniels. I will 100% stand with Miss Raymond and issue her with her Restraining Order against her. As far as chargers are concerned. I know you said you didn't want them pressed Riley but I have to send them over to the New York Police Department for them to review" he explained and I nodded
That was it, I was free. There was nothing Lucas could do anymore. I smiled to myself as I made a fast B line for Lost & Found and without a fail, there James sat on the sofa in the bull pen As soon as I stepped in line of him he looked up from his phone and smiled rushing over. Before a single word was even able to be spoken James scooped me up into his arms lifting my feet off the ground "I won" I whispered making James put me down to look at me face "You won?" he asked and I nodded I don't know what came over me but the next thing I did was place my hands on James' cheeks before crashing our lips together If I had never left this boy to behind to begin with then i wouldn't be in the situation/ It's safe to say that, this little adventure of mine lead me back to the person I was meant to be with the entire time Yes James and I have had our ups and down, yes we have struggled at times but we have always come out stronger then ever