Chapter 38

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Emily's POV

I sighed as I stared up at the ceiling playing with Michelle's hair listening to her snore softly. Her being the only thing on my mind. I breathed deeply as I held her closer to me. I knew she was hurting, something in me told me she was. I looked down at her placing a kiss on her forehead, she started to stir. Uh oh did I wake her. Her eyes slowly opened as she smiled and said, "Hi blue eyes." I giggled saying, "Hey beautiful." I placed another kiss to her forehead before asking, "You sleep better this time baby?" Michelle smiled so big I started to smile as she said, "Yea, best sleep I've had for a while." I smiled as she cuddled impossibly closer, I giggled before placing a kiss to her lips which she reciprocated. I pulled away asking, "You still excited for tonight?" A smile graced her lips as she nodded and said, "We're gonna have a great time." I chuckled and said, "That we are gorgeous." We stayed in bed for an hour more just talking, giggling, kissing, and enjoying each other's presence. A knock was heard and Michelle yelled, "Come in." Aunt Kate entered as she smiled and said, "I heard y'all talking and I wanted to see how you were both doing." We both smiled as Michelle answered, "I slept good. Thanks Aunt Kate. Emily being here helps." Aunt Kate chuckled as she leaned against the door saying, "That's great Michie but Emily is not always gonna be around however she is allowed to stay for Christmas break." Michelle and I both smiled looking at each other then I quickly placed a kiss on her cheek as she giggled. "Oh Michie. There's a package or something for you down stairs." Aunt Kate informed her as she left the room.

Michelle and I entered the living room, but couldn't find a package instead was a man with blonde hair and blue eyes standing in Army uniform. A girl with blue eyes and blonde hair wearing jeans a blue t-shirt and a black leather jacket over top. Michelle shrieked with excitement as she tackled the blonde into a hug yelling, "Arizona." I smiled looking at my girl who had all the energy in the world and the most beautiful smile on her face. The two ladies hugged as I walked over to the man in uniform saying, "Emily Beaton it's a pleasure to meet you." The man smiled as he looked at my hand that I had stuck out for him to shake he shook it as he said, "Sergeant Timothy Robbins. It's nice to meet the beautiful girlfriend." I smiled as we released hands saying, "Oh not yet. We're still dating." I heard Michelle chuckle as she hugged Timothy and I shook hands with Arizona who smiled politely. Michelle placed her arm around me asking, "What are you two doing here?" Arizona smiled saying, "Well you told me about the winter ball and your aunt said your mom was working tonight and wouldn't be able to help plus Regionals is next week so we came to watch you dance. Your moms gonna be off for that isn't she?" Michelle shrugged as we all sat around in the living room saying, "I don't know. I told her the date, gave her the ticket, and now she has to make the decision. It's not up to me now." Arizona nodded understandingly as she looked over at me saying, "So you're Emily. Take care of her, if I find out you hurt her I will make you disappear and make your life very very miserable." I chuckled looking over at Michelle, "Me hurt my girl. Not in a million years." "I'm not your girl, yet Em," Michelle says teasingly. As Michelle and Emily continue to bicker the adults look on them with smiles on their faces as Timothy says, " They're a perfect couple." Miss Kate nods in agreement before she says, "Ok girls that's enough. How about y'all go get ready for the dance?" Michelle and I grinned happily as I grabbed my phone to text Riley and Stephanie that I was on my way.

I was halfway dressed when I heard on a knock on my door. "Come in," I spoke. I watched as the door opened and my dad walked in saying, "You look all grown up Em. You look so beautiful." I chuckled at my dad as I said, "Thanks dad but I'll always be your little girl even if you didn't raise me." He hugs me and says, "I think your mother and I did a great job. You're so strong, independent, and stubborn headed but hey that's ok. You get it from your mother." I chuckled as I heard my mom from the hallway yelling, "I heard that honey." He chuckled yelling back, "You were meant to."  Riley came into the room my mom not too far behind following as I slipped the dress on saying, "What do y'all think?"

"  Riley came into the room my mom not too far behind following as I slipped the dress on saying, "What do y'all think?"

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My dad was mind blown as he spun me in a circle saying, "I'm getting all chocked up now. How am I gonna be at your wedding day?" My mom and Riley gushed as they gave me comments on beautiful I looked.  I looked over Riley and I was amazed she looked stunning. "Riley you look beautiful," I commented at my sister as my dad spun her as well.

Seeing how the theme of the party was winter ball everyone at school decided the dresses would be some type of Christmas color

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Seeing how the theme of the party was winter ball everyone at school decided the dresses would be some type of Christmas color. Our mom hugged us as she says, "You girls look stunning. I can't believe how grown up you both are." Riley was wearing light make up with light blue eye shadow and painted some small white snow flakes beside her eyes while I was also wearing light makeup with red eye shadow and some tiny Christmas ornaments stickers by the wings of my eyes. I smiled as the door bell ringed, "That should be them. I can't wait to see Michelle. We didn't get to pick our dresses together." Riley nodded in agreement as I said, "I'm so excited to see James tonight is going to be so epic." Riley and I walked down stairs with our purses and our parents following not too far behind us. I couldn't wait for tonight.

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