Chapter 21

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Michelle's POV

I found myself staring at the girl I was slowly falling for. Here she was standing in the freezing cold rain confessing to me, but I couldn't do it. She shook my arm as she said, "Michelle say some thing. Anything." I wasn't sure what to say. I wanted to kiss her, tell her I liked her back, but I couldn't mumble a word I couldn't do anything. Tears were streaming down her face as she slowly stepped back into the rain. I reached out for her as I finally said, "Em no," Yet it was too late; she was running back into the studio and out of my arms.

*One Week Later*

West, James, Riley and I were going over moves for the Regionals routine. Emily has been sick ever since our conversation in the rain. She had texted asking me to cover A-Troupe rehearsals and Aunt Kate asked the same thing, so after being a complete idiot and freezing up I thought I would do something nice. We've texted, but haven't had a chance to really talk. As we hit a turning section I get distracted by my thoughts and slam into Riley and we both fall on the floor. I lay on my back with my eyes closed and sigh. "Yo Michelle. What's up with you?" James questioned while sitting beside me. Riley chuckled, she took a seat beside James as she said, "I could take a guess." West smiled as he sat across from them and asked, "What's a five letter name for a girl with blonde hair likes to wear red dance shirts and has blue eyes?" "Emily," I said popping up into a sitting position. I glared at them as I said, "I still can't believe I froze like that. I can stand up to Tiffany, I can come out to my family and friends, yet when it comes to telling the girl of my dreams that I like her I can't say shit." "Language," we all heard from Aunt Kate's office. We busted out into laughter before Riley said, "Don't worry we'll help you two finally come together." I sighed as I said, "Thanks Riles." West smiled at me asking, "You're taking her to homecoming right?" I nodded as he continued, "Do something like a homecoming proposal." That's when the idea came to me. I smiled happily at West before enveloping him in a hug and saying, "West you're a genius." He smiled saying, "I know. Now let's finish this dance for Em so you can work on the proposal." Everyone nodded in agreement as we all got up and began spitballing ideas for our regional routine.

After rehearsals West gave James, Riley and I a ride home. Wanting to speak to Emily real quick they stayed in the car talking while I went upstairs and into Em's room. She was sitting up reading one of her favorite books The Great Gatsby, I smiled as I quoted the book to her, "There are all kinds of love in this world but never the same love twice." She looked up as she heard my voice and I was greeted by a small smile. Even though she was sick she still looked breathtaking. Her blonde hair was in a pony tail with some of her loose hair hanging around her face. She was wearing her black framed glasses and it was like her blue eyes were even bluer, she was wearing my black jacket I had leant to her on one of our movie nights with the team and I wasn't sure about the pants since she was laying under neath her blanket. "I love her and that's the beginning and end of everything," she replied. She patted the bed beside her and I walked over to take a seat. "Hey Michie, I've been missing you," she said while I grabbed her hand to play with. I placed a small kiss on her knuckles before saying, "I miss you too Em. I just wanted to come over and apologize for how I reacted and believe me, I'm going to make it up to you. Just give me a little time." She nodded in hesitation as she said, "Sure Mich. Take your time. I better get some more rest. I'm coming back to school on Thursday." I nodded standing up saying, "It's gonna be great catching rides with you again. West is nice and all, but being with James and West in the early mornings is kinda energy draining." She laughed before I kissed her cheek and said, "I'll see you Thursday morning Em. Bye." She smiled as she waved before I made my way towards the car with the boys.

James, West, and I were at the mall, while driving towards the mall James and I decided we would do a homecoming proposal for Riley and Emily together. West was here saying he wanted to help and to give us rides home afterwards. As we were walking into the food court after gathering all the materials we would need I noticed a certain brunette who I really wasn't fond of, she was wearing a black skirt with a white t-shirt, her hair hair was loose with a red head band holding it back, and was wearing red ballet flats for shoes. "Hi James," Amanda said walking up to the three of us he awkwardly waved at her as West and I giggled in the background. "What are you two laughing about?" She questioned getting in my face, honestly I would love just one day where no one gets into my personal bubble my gosh is that too much to ask. I rolled my eyes before saying, "Nothing Amanda just back off." She gasped saying, "I recognize you now. You're the Elite wanna be. Michelle is it." I sighed before nodding and saying, "Yep. Now I have some food to acquire and if you don't mind you're kinda in my way." I side stepped to walk around her, but her two lackeys blocked my path. Annoyed with the situation I was finding myself in I rolled my eyes before saying, "Look just move, I just wanna go eat with my friends." Amanda once again got in my face and said, "Or you'll do what Michelle." My anger grew as I stepped closer towards her fist balled and teeth clenched as I said, "You don't know what I'm capable of." At that point James and West both grabbed an arm pulling me into the direction of the entrance of the mall. Thankful for what they did I thanked them once my anger disappeared and treated them to ice cream before we dropped James off at home.

West and I were sitting on the front stairs of my aunts house. We were eating our ice cream as West asked, "So your mom still not coming around?" I nodded my head as I said, "Yep and to make matters worse my dad got shipped out to Vietnam." I sighed sadly as West said, "Don't worry. I'm sure he'll be back before you know it." I chuckled as I said, "My brother used to say that." He looked at me with an eyebrow raised as he said, "I didn't knew you had a brother. What's he like?" I smiled sadly saying, "He was the best brother anyone could ask for. Technically he's still MIA, they haven't said if he was KIA yet cause they don't have any proof. He used to dance too when he was younger, very much into hip hop. He would've liked you as a friend for me. He would've said something like you're a good friend for Michelle. You remind me of myself, with the random facts and always trying to make everyone feel better and smile." West smiled as he asked, "Is this your way of thanking me for being a good friend?" I chuckled as I said, "Sure West. Whatever you want it to be." He stood up as he finished his ice cream, I stood with him and hugged him as he said, "Alright Captain. See you at school and rehearsals tomorrow." I nodded as he walked towards his car and waved.

I was currently sitting in the kitchen at the kitchen table while Aunt Kate cooked dinner with my ear buds in listening to Animal by Neon Trees doing my History paper. Mrs.Evangel is a  nice teacher, but gosh does she grade hard. Her class has been stressing me out too the max, well that and covering for Em as captain at rehearsals. I wonder how she does it by herself so flawlessly she amazes me always. Aunt Kate yanked one of my earbuds out as she said, "I've been calling you for a few minutes. Now set the table so we can eat." I nodded and packed up my homework as I paused my music and wrapped my earbuds up. I was wearing some black sweat pants and a light blue long sleeve with my sports bra. Aunt Kate and I made small talk as I set the table she made oven baked chicken legs, with macaroni salad, and a side of ceaser salad. Halfway through dinner she asked, "How are your classes going?" I shrugged before saying, "As good as they can be. Mrs.Rooney has been one of my favorite English teachers and Mrs.Evangel is driving me nuts with how hard shes been grading our assignments. Every time I think I'll get an A or an B I always get a C. It's why I've been working so hard on this paper. My other classes are good though. Just history giving me trouble. How's work?" She nodded before saying, "Besides A-Troupe things are going. B-Troupe more specifically Beth is giving me some problems and I can see Giselle really misses being on A-Troupe. Baby ballet has been going smoothly. Thanks for helping out, you make the class a little easier to manage. J-Troupe is as good as it could be with pre-teens and teenagers." I laughed as she asked me, "How's Emily? You talk to her?" I nodded as I said, "Yeah. She's feeling a lot better, she's coming back to class on Thursday and to rehearsals, but I think she should just mark it at rehearsals." Aunt Kate nodded in agreement before saying, "You're taking your substitute captain role seriously." I nodded subconsciously and said, "Yeah I guess I am." I shrugged before returning back to my food as she asked, "You text your father?" I nodded with a smile on my face and said, "Yes. He hasn't reached yet, but he could text for now and would call or FaceTime when he gets there." She smiled at me as she cleared her plate and drank her juice and said, "You can turn in once your homework is finished for tomorrow. I will clean up the kitchen, but tomorrow it's your turn hun." I nodded before kissing my aunt on the cheek and saying, "Thanks Aunt Kate. Good night." I grabbed my bag and repacked it properly for tomorrow and once that was done I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and lay down in bed, but not before getting a text from Emily.


Em: Hey Michie. I'm glad you stopped by earlier. Just wanted to say night and sweets dreams. I'll see you on Thursday. Ttyl

I smiled at the message turning on my side as I sent a reply.

M: Night Em. Sweet Dreams. And I'm always here whenever you wanna talk.

Em: 😊😴🤎

I tilted my head to the side confused on why she sent me a brown heart rather than a regular heart and shrugged. Maybe one day I'll get to ask her. I set my alarms for the next day and placed my phone on my night stand and laid on my bed waiting to be dragged into blissful sleep.

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