Chapter 18

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Emily's POV

After running through the Regionals dance twice with Kate and Chris watching we all split into our duets and got ready to present them. James and Riley went first and their duet was impressive. I love how Riley decided to step out of her comfort zone, but then again James has been making her try new things so I'm happy for them. After James and Riley performed we all clapped for them and I gave my sister a high five before she went to hug Michelle. Next was Daniel and Tiffany as they were dancing I slowly walked towards Michelle. She smiled lightly at me before I whispered, "Michelle, Tiffany was blackmailing me about being gay." She looked star stricken and angry at the same time, but she took a few deep breaths to calm herself down before thinking for a little while. After Daniel and Tiffany went we applauded, and now it was Chloe and Eldons turn. As they danced Michelle whispered, "Maybe we don't have to go through with the plan of taking you down. Aunt Kate doesn't tolerate bullying at the studio. So what if we sat down in her office with her and Chris and show them texts messages on your phone from her. She would set Tiffany straight or get her kicked off the team." Of course, it's genius. I side hugged Michelle and she smiled at me. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Michelle was beautiful always, and I was always absorbed with her chocolate brown eyes.

"Michelle and Emily, you're next," I heard which snapped me back to reality. We nodded towards Miss Kate and walked towards the center of the dance floor. Michelle and I started in our positions of her leading and I being the follow. Our eyes were locked into each other as Michelle nodded. Miss Kate played the music and as the beginning piano played we danced together in a basic minuet. As the lyrics played Michelle releases one of our hands and is starting to dance to dance a different rhythm. As I'm trying to get her to come back to me or like the song says 'Say Something.' I'm holding her hand, but she releases and do tricks like an aerial. As I'm dancing and trying to get her attention she keeps pushing me away until she realizes she can't do it by herself. As we reach the end of the song Michelle and I start dancing together hand in hand doing lifts and tricks together, until the end of the song where we go back to doing a minuet and when the song end Michelle dips me. As we started to hear the applause Michelle leans into me ready to kiss me until she dodges me and  lets me back up and bows with me before giving me a quick hug. That dance was so intimate to me and I think she felt it too. I wanted her to kiss me, but I want the team to know first before I make a move. Miss Kate smiled at us before we walked back to stand with the rest of the group. "Michelle and Emily that was really beautiful, definitely different from what everyone else did. So Chris and I will be rewarding you two with the movie tickets. Good job everyone," Miss Kate said before her and Chris walked back to her office. Michelle and I hugged before we broke off me heading back to my group and her towards Riley and James. As Stephanie and Tiffany were talking to me about the dance and what they would be doing now since rehearsals were over I kept my eyes on Michelle. Her smile, her laugh, I just wanted to be talking to her. I wanted to be with her. After Michelle talked to Riley and James for a little while she walked towards Miss Kate's office. Steph, Tiff and I walked over to the cubbies as they were getting ready to leave Miss Kate walked out of her office and said, "Tiffany stay for a minute please I would like to have a word with you after I have one with Michelle and Emily."

Michelle did it, I walked into Miss Kate's office and she closed the door behind me. As I sat in the chair beside Michelle I asked, "You told her?" Michelle nodded as Miss Kate sat in her chair and said, "Emily you're like my daughter I wish you would have came to me sooner about this." I nodded sadly as I looked at the ground. Michelle grabbed my hand which caused me to look at her and she had the most beautiful smile on her face. I sighed before saying, "I'm sorry Miss Kate. It's just that I wasn't out to my family or the team matter of fact and she was threatening to tell everyone and post it on Instagram." Miss Kate looked at me questioningly before asking, "Post what?" I took a deep breath before saying, "A video of Riley and I talking about me possibly being gay and talking about the girl I like." I said the last part as I slightly glanced at Michelle. She looked down worryingly before looking at me and slightly smiling. Miss Kate nodded understandingly before opening the door and calling Tiffany in. Michelle stood up so she could sit down. She stood behind my chair and smiled slightly at me as Tiffany asked, "What's this about Miss Kate?" Miss Kate looked at Tiffany angrily before saying, "We don't tolerate bullying at The Next Step, Tiffany. I've seen proof from Emily about what you were threatening her with." Tiffany looked start stricken and angry at me and Michelle. "I will be contacting your parents now and as far as dancing here at the studio you will be on probation. You'll still be apart of A-Troupe, but you will be wiping the mirrors after rehearsals, you will be helping with not just J-Troupe, but baby ballet as well. You will also be giving Emily a sincere apology. Pull this shit again  and you're off the team. Do we understand each other?" I have seen Miss Kate mad, but never this mad. Tiffany nodded, but I guess Miss Kate. "Do we understand each other?" Miss Kate repeated with anger laced through her voice. "Yes, Mis Kate," Tiffany said before leaving the office.

Michelle ran over to hug her Aunt, as she said, "Check out my badass Aunt." The three of us laughed before Miss Kate said, "Language. You know the rule. No swearing at the studio." We all laughed again knowing full well she cursed earlier while she was yelling at Tiffany. After calming down Miss Kate smiles before saying, "Your duet was beautiful girls." Michelle and I smiled at each other before saying, "Thanks." Michelle hugged me from behind and I smiled and looked up at her. As we were talking in her office Miss Kate excused herself to watch over the J-Troupe class. "You wanna come over tonight?" I asked while placing my chin in the palm of my hand and elbow on the desk. Michelle was standing across from me before shaking her head no and saying, "Not tonight. Riley and I were gonna hang tonight. Sorry Em." Why were they hanging out tonight, I nodded before saying, "It's ok." "Smile," Michie and I heard from Riley outside of the office.

Riley chuckled before walking into the office and saying, "You two look so cute

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Riley chuckled before walking into the office and saying, "You two look so cute." We both laughed before I said, "We're gonna go eat before I drop you guys off at Miss Kate's. Gonna join?" Riley nodded before saying, "Absolutely. Let head out. Oh and Michie congrats for coming out to the studio." Michie laughed before saying, "Technically I was forced out." Michelle grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the office as we picked up our stuff from the cubbies and headed to have a bit to eat.

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