Chapter 31

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Michelle's POV

As I laid in bed a smile on my face and Emily snoring lightly in my arms I thought about last nights events making my smile slightly bigger. I had woken up before everyone else which was a slight surprise, but I couldn't get back to sleep no matter what I tried. It started to annoy  the hell out of me, but I just stayed awake watching my beautiful blue eyed beauty sleep and thinking about everything I liked about her. I sighed, kissing her cheek before slowly moving from her hold and tiptoeing out of the room and downstairs towards the living room. Once I reached the couch I plopped down staring up at the ceiling it was only 4:45 so I let both of them sleep. My body was slightly sore from the workout Aunt Kate put us through so I started to roll around to allow my body to stretch. I sighed as I thought about my father who was still stationed in Pakistan, gosh I missed him like crazy. I'm just thankful for everything he's done, not just for me, but for everyone in the country. He was serving which is something I know he enjoys, being away from his family or not. My eyes started to tear up as I thought about how much I missed him, who wouldn't miss their dad. As I continued to think I felt my phone vibrate beneath, Mamma Bear it read. I slide my finger across the screen answering her call.

Michelle speaking, Mom speaking.

Morning Mom. Why are you calling so early?

Morning sweetheart. I honestly don't know, I just felt something and decided to call you. Wait. Michie what are you doing awake? Last time I checked you're exactly like your father. You hate mornings and it's almost 5. Did your aunt wake you?

I chuckled. Mom slow down, breathe. Aunt Kate didn't wake me up, she's actually still sleeping. And I'm still not a morning person I just woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. Riley and Emily slept over last night so I'm laying in the living room.

Oh! Did you have fun with them last night?

Yeah, it's actually their second night over. They stayed over yesterday night too, we went to dinner and saw Need for Speed.

Oh, I'm glad you're having fun with your friends and girlfriend.

I smiled as I adjusted on my aunt's leather couch, she was trying and that's all I could really ask for. Thanks mom. I was thinking about dad earlier, hear anything from him?

He called me a couple days ago he said it's too hot and he misses us. Don't worry I told him to be safe and he agreed to it.

I giggled. I'm glad he's doing good and staying safe. How are you mom? At the station I'm guessing.

She chuckled. You know me too well Michelle. Yes I'm here, but I'm doing good. I miss you and your father a lot, but I'm also in line for a promotion to detective.

Wow. Congrats Mom! I know you've always wanted that.

Thanks Michie. I better let you go I know you have school to get ready for. I love you sweets, and take care. I'll see you for dinner on Wednesday.

I smiled. Love you too mom, and be safe.

I agree.

I hung up my phone with a sigh, as I saw Emily approach me while rubbing her eyes before laying half on top of me and half on the couch. I kissed her forehead before saying, "Hey baby, go back to sleep. You've got half an hour." She mumbled something incoherently before nodding off. I sighed as I held her close placing another kiss on her forehead, her head was on my chest and our legs were tangled with each other. I grabbed a blanket from on top of the couch and spread it over her feeling her tremble in my arms. She gets cold so easily and sometimes it worries me, but the upside is it means I get extra cuddles. I pulled her impossibly closer and sighed as Aunt Kate waved to me in greeting. "Morning Aunt Kate," I whispered careful to wake up the beautiful girl on top of me. She kissed my forehead before saying, "Morning kid. How are you awake?" I shrugged in response before she asked, "You did sleep right?" I nodded in response saying, "Yes ma'am." She glanced at Emily before looking me in my eyes and asking, "How's your anger been?" I sighed rolling my eyes before saying, "I keep it at a 3 for the most part. The most I get mad or frustrated about is my school work. I know I'm smart Aunt Kate, but it's just frustrating sometimes especially when I'm stressed." Aunt Kate smiled nodding as she said, "I know kiddo and believe me your mother is proud and so is your father not to mention me. I think you're doing amazing sweets." I smiled up at Kate as I said, "Thanks auntie." She giggled before saying, "Try and get some more sleep. I'll wake you two up once I get back from my run." I nodded a yawn slipping from between my lips. She kissed my forehead before heading out of the house.

I felt kisses on my cheeks as I started to slip awake I cracked a small smile to Emily as my eyes flutter open. "Morning my brown eyed girl," she whispered, I chuckled before asking, "Isn't that a song?" Emily smiled but whacked my arm and said, "This is what I get for being romantic with you." I giggled before pulling Emily closer to my chest placing a kiss on her forehead before saying, "Morning Emie. How'd you sleep?" She yawned and shifted in my arms our legs still tangled her arms on either side of my body hugging me before saying, "Good until I woke up and I couldn't find you and better when I was returned to your arms." I chuckled before kissing her lips saying, "Sorry babes. I woke up and I didn't wanna wake you up so I came out here." Emily looked at me confusingly as she asked, "What woke you up? Why'd you wake up?" I shrugged, "I don't know beautiful." Done with our conversation I started giving Emily light kisses which slowly started to heat up. My hands were on Emily's ass while hers were on my neck, she slowly started kissing down to my neck and when she found my sweet spot she sucked causing light moans to slip from my lips. She chuckled as she continued her handy work causing more moans to slip from my mouth; when she finished with my neck she returned to my lips causing my hands to unknowingly tug on her pants. As things started to heat up we heard the front door unlock and open causing us to stop and slightly jump apart. Aunt Kate looked at us confusingly before asking, "What's happening here?"

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