Chapter 25

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Michelle's POV

As I waited for the girls, Eldon, and West to show up I was on the phone dreading my moms reaction to what I was about to tell her. As I laid in bed wearing my white sweats and a pink t-shirt with my hair loose. As I laid on my back she picked up the phone.

Mom speaking, Michelle speaking

Hey sweetie.

Hey Mom. You still at work?

She sighed. Yeah hun I'm supposed to go to the shooting range. Oh and they have me working with the recruits.

Mom the departments gonna run you ragged.

She chuckled. Hunny with your farther gone and you out of the house and my sister not on speaking terms with me, I've got a lot of time on my hands.

I sighed. All I meant was make sure you get some rest.

She chuckled. I will sweetie. Now what's up?

I took in a breath worried about her reaction. I've got really good news and something you may be upset about.

She sighed. Is this about you being gay and that homecoming proposal for Emily?

I took a breath. Yes.

She chuckled. Can we meet for breakfast tomorrow? Say 6:30. I know you start school at 8. Bring Emily and your aunt. Since my pesky little sister refuses all contact with me.

I chuckled. Ok. What's this about mom?

She sighed. Sweetie we'll talk about it in the morning. I love you baby girl.

Love you too mom.

As I hung up I sighed as I turned onto my stomach and closed my eyes and placed my head on top of my folded arms, that went a lot better than I thought. "Knock knock," I heard from the door frame and when the person sat on the bed and kissed my cheek just from the voice I knew it was my favorite person. I turned on my back and sat up with smile on my face as I say, "Hey gorgeous." She smiled in return as she said, "Hey babes. You look comfy, but like cute comfy." I chuckled as I looked her over and she was wearing her black tights, a white hoodie, and my black leather jacket, with white socks since we were inside. "Any chance I'm gonna get my jacket back?" I questioned while she laid beside me and placed her head on my chest. She looked up at me as she shook her head and said, "Nope. No way in hell." I rolled my eyes as I placed a kiss on her forehead and asked, "How do you feel about breakfast with my mom, me, and Aunt Kate at 6:30? Denny's?" She seemed to have thought for a moment before she nodded her head yes then asked, "Why though baby?" "Apparently someone posted the homecoming proposal online. Mom saw it and wants to talk to us," I said while intertwining my fingers with hers. She nodded in agreement before asking, "What do you think your moms gonna do or say?" I shrugged unsure as Aunt Kate knocked on the door and said, "Girls. Everyone is here waiting for you." We nodded getting up, but before we followed I said, "Aunt Kate, mom wants to catch breakfast with us at Denny's at 6:30 tomorrow morning." She nodded before guiding us downstairs.

We were almost done studying when we took a break to eat pizza. We were all sitting in the living room pizza in the middle text books much forgotten. Emily was sat beside me and beside her was Steph, then Tiff, after was Chloe, beside her Eldon, then West, and Giselle who was beside me. As everyone was talking I slipped my arm around Emily's waist and she cuddled into my left side, I kissed her cheek as the girls said, "Aweeee." I dipped my head embarrassingly as Em tucked her head into my shoulder, I rolled my eyes as Giselle said, "You two are so cute together." We chuckled as West said, "We knew they were gonna end up together anyway." Everyone laughed as Stephanie said, "Well Emily isn't very subtle and nor is Michelle when she's ready." They nodded in agreement as I rolled my eyes as they all went back to there original conversations I took a bite out of my pizza as Emily said, "This was a really good idea babes. I'm happy we decided to do it." I smiled at her as I nodded in agreement, she smiled up at me as she said, "You really are the best Michie. I'm so happy we're co-captains and dating." I smiled at her my dimple showing as I said, "Me too Emie. Me too." "Who's winning in a fight Superman or Iron Man?" West questioned catching everyone's attention. I rolled my eyes as I said, "You gotta think about this because Superman's weakness is kryptonite. All it takes is for Tony Stark to have a chunk of it, but Tony is human and has a freaking metal suite." Everyone looked at me questioningly with eyebrows raised, I shrugged as I said, "I take my superheroes theories, movies, and tv shows very seriously." Em shrugged beside me as she said, "I can confirm that. Ok moving onto a topic we all understand babe." I giggled as she looked at me and asked, "What's the theme for homecoming this year? It falls around Christmas right?" Eldon nodded in confirmation as Tiffany says, "Yeah they're calling it The Winter Ball. Did you guys get tickets?" Everyone nodded as Emily said, "Michelle got ours a few days ago. I can't believe it's in 2 weeks I'm so excited." All the girls squealed in excitement as Eldon said, "I can't believe the Regionals competition is literally the weekend after homecoming." Everyone voices there agreements as Giselle asked, "So who's going with who? Besides James and Riley and you two." Eldon smiled as he said, "West and I decided to just go as bro's." Giselle shrugged as she suggested, "We could all just go as friends." The rest of the group voiced there agreements before I suggested for us to get back to work before we ran out of time. Once we all finished studying and finishing out homework everyone started heading home, except Emily who decided to hang back for a few minutes before leaving. As we sat on the front porch steps I held her hand as I smiled at her while she stared up at the stars. I couldn't understand how a beauty such as her end up with me, it isn't that I thought I wasn't beautiful enough for it was the anger that scared me. I don't want to hurt her, but she helps me keep that in check and I will forever be thankful for her. As I continued to stare at her she realized I was staring at her and faced me a small smile on her lips, I returned her smile as she said, "I thought we were staring at stars, not each other babe." I chuckled before I say, "I was, but then the brightest star in my life was glowing so I couldn't help but stare." She rolled her eyes as she blushed and kissed my hand. I smiled lazily as I said, "Thank you for not running from my anger." She looked at me confusingly as she said, "Baby we all have our faults; and although you haven't seen mines yet I will never let you go." I nodded before asking, "Can you promise me that?" She stared up at the stars as she said, "I haven't shared this with anyone else, but I trust you. Riley and I weren't always close and a few years after our parents got married there was an accident with Riley and a male family member which is why she's shy and doesn't try to be in the spotlight. After he touched her inappropriately again she told me, she was so sure I wasn't gonna believe her or be on her side when we told our parents, but that night after we told our parents and things got sorted out we were laying in our room and she couldn't sleep so I told her to lay in bed with me. When we were talking I told her hey Riley I promise you that forever and always I'll have your back, listen, and be there whenever you need. She looked at me and asked is that a promise? I told her it's a promise for forever and always. That night was the first time we had truly become sisters and ever since then we've been closer than ever." I looked at her shocked as I said, "Wow I truly feel for Riley, but babe I'm confused why you told me that." She had enveloped me in a hug as she said, "Because I'm promising you always and forever." As we pulled away from each other our eyes met and my eyes flickered down to her lips as did hers and as we leaned in I placed my hand on her cheek as our lips met.

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