Chapter 16

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Emily's POV

Everyone was in their lineups, but I didn't know where Michelle was. I knew she was here cause I gave her a ride over, but why isn't she in lineups. As I was going to question where Michelle is Miss Kate walked out of her office and said, "Continue with rehearsals, Michelle is sitting these out don't worry she'll be back around for duet rehearsals." I could care less about duet rehearsals I just wanted to know if Michie was ok. I looked to Miss Kate as I asked, "Is she ok? Where is she?" Miss Kate smiled at all of us as she said, "Michelle is fine, she's just doing a couple errands for me." I nodded at her before she exited Studio A and played the music.

Rehearsals for our Regionals dance went smoothly and after a little while I told everyone to go practice their duets. I stayed in Studio A going over Michelle and I's duet, but it's really hard to do without a partner. I saw Miss Kate walk into her office and followed her asking, "Miss Kate, where's Michelle?" She chuckles as she pointed her couch, I looked at her worriedly before asking, "Is she ok?" She smiled and nodded at me before saying, "She's good just a bad headache and she's really sore. She said she hurt her shoulder and her body was sore from the air mattress. I'm gonna get rid of it and buy a better one for when you girls come over." I nodded in response before she left her office talking about some of the stuff she had to do. I looked back to the sleeping blonde beauty, I really wish I had the courage to tell her how I felt. I sighed as I sat on the floor beside the couch I shook her shoulder gently as I called out her name. She groaned in protest until I said, "Come on. Show me those beautiful chocolate brown eyes." She lightly smiled as she opened one eye. I stood up and tapped her shoulder she took the hint and sat up. I sat down where her head was and she placed her head on my lap. I started playing with her blonde hair and asked, "How come you didn't tell me you had a headache, or that Tiffany really hurt your shoulder, or that the air mattress was super uncomfortable?" She looked away from me, I rolled my eyes as I tilted her head facing me and she mumbled, "I was feeling a little better at lunch, but after the little run in with Tiffany I just felt ten times worse." I kissed her forehead before saying, "Ok Michie. How about we go over the dance a couple times and you come over to my house?" She seem to think about it for a second before smiling and nodding at me. She sat up and kissed my cheek before grabbing my hand pulling me along for duet practice.

After practicing our duet a couple times it was perfect and every time we went over it there was that same connection. We had just reached my house and we were both beat unlike Riley who ran straight into the house as soon as I unlocked it. She ran up the stairs to her room saying something about going to talk to James, but Michelle and I went to talk with my mom a little bit. Michie sat on the couch as she said, "Hey Mrs. Beaton." I smiled at my mom and said, "Hey mom." She smiled at us before saying, "Hey Michelle. Hey sweetheart. I was thinking pizza for dinner. I'm feeling lazy tonight." Michelle and I nodded in agreement before saying, "Pepperoni." We laughed before I hugged her from behind then asked, "Michie, you want something to drink before we do homework?" She nodded asking for a dragonfruit vitamin water. Her and my mom talked while I was gone I found my dad at the kitchen table working on some graphs for a new house as I said, "Hey Dad. I need a favor." He smiled at me before looking up and asking, "What's up kiddo?" I told her about what happened last night with cabinets at Miss Kate's house as I grabbed our drinks and he happily agreed to help Miss Kate saying they would talk when she comes to pick up Michelle. I thanked my dad with a kiss to his cheek and joined Michelle in the living room. We had decided to work on some homework. I really hate history. "Umm Michie," I said hesitantly she looked up from her history worksheet and I asked, "What did you get for number 5?" We worked through our history homework together and the rest of the classes, Riley only joined when she was really stuck.

Once we were finished, we decided to go up to my room and chill out. Riley had decided she was gonna chill down stairs with our parents. Michelle had sat on my bed while I had decided to change into some sweats and one of Michelle's big jackets that she let me borrow. When I came back into the room she was laying on top my bed half asleep with DC Legends of Tomorrow on. I laid beside her and said, "You can change if you want to." She shook her head no before turning on her side facing me. I raised my eye brow asking, "Are you ok?" She nodded mumbling, "Yeah just need a nap." She slings her arm around me and I cuddle closer into her as she said, "Take a nap with me." We were so close and our breaths were in sink, and as I found myself drifting she mumbled, "You're so warm." She pulled me closer into her body, our legs tangled together and my head resting on her chest. I could hear her heart beat and it soothes me, like a reminder that she's always there. As I drifted to sleep I couldn't help, but love her smell. She smelled just like cherries, and I loved cherries.

"No," I slightly heard I felt a nudge on my body and I slightly opened my eyes. Michelle was still completely asleep and I was gonna snuggle closer and drift back off when I heard, "I'm sorry." I sat up and stretched waking up as I heard her groan and say, "Please, Mom? I'm sorry." That's enough I'm waking her up. I shook her arms and called her name causing her to wake up with a start. She sat straight up trying to catch her breath. She looked like she was about to burst into tears and her shoulders were shaking so bad. I put my hand on her shoulder and as she turned to look at me she pulled me into a hug. I rubbed her back as I whispered, "It's ok. You're awake it was just a dream." That seem to settle her down and she released from the hug. She took my hand and started playing with my fingers per usual as she said, "Nightmare about my mom and I's fight." I pressed my lips against her cheek, I pulled her in for a hug which she snuggled into and we both laid back down. I laid on her chest as she hums a tune. It was calming and it relaxed both of us. After a little while of us talking Michelle got a text from her aunt. She had got out of bed and stretched and got ready to pack her stuff. I got up and helped her as we continued talking. As she grabbed her school bag she said, "I'm happy your parents are so chill about you being gay. Are you gonna tell the team?" I thought about it for a second as I handed her, her school books and said, "I haven't really thought about it. I mean they're my second family so yeah I guess I will. What about you?" She didn't even hesitate before nodding and saying, "Yeah I mean I know there's probably gonna be some changes at the studio but I will." "Why don't we just come out together?" I suggested, Michelle looked at me with an eyebrow raised as she said, "Because everyone will think we're dating each other." As Michie returned to packing her stuff I used my index finger to tilt her head to face me as I said flirtatiously, "Would that be such a bad thing, love?" Her cheeks turned a rose red as she dipped her head down with a slight smile. "Pizza's here, and so is Miss Kate!" We heard a yell from downstairs. We both walked down together and everyone sat around the kitchen table talking.

"So Michelle, Riley tells me that coming out to your parents weren't as smooth as Emily's," my mom said. I almost chocked on my food as I looked at Michelle's face. I was sitting across from her, Riley beside me, my mom at one head of the table my dad at the other and Miss Kate beside Michelle and across from Riley. I rolled my eyes as I said, "Seriously mom?" Michelle giggles before she said, "No it's ok, Em. Things weren't bad but they weren't great either. My mom freaked out and my dad was really supportive, just like my aunt." She had smiled lovingly at Miss Kate who reciprocated that smile with one of her own. My mom nodded before asking, "So are you seeing anyone?" I froze. Why the hell would she ask her that question. I wanted to jump out of the window I wouldn't break anything but hopefully I would be knocked unconscious. Michelle shrugged before saying, "No not yet, but there is this one girl I got my eye on." She slightly glanced at me before grabbing another slice of pizza. I looked away as I took a sip of my soda my mom asked, "Well does this girl have a name?" I chocked on my soda fully coughing and Riley patted my back before Michelle asked, "You ok Em?" I nodded not trusting my words before going back to my pizza as Michelle responded to my mom, "I'd like to keep that a secret for a little while longer. The thing is I haven't come out to any of my other friends or anyone else at the dance studio, once I do that I think I will make my move." My mom nodded approving of her answer as my dad laughed and asked, "You think you got moves kid?" Michelle giggled before saying, "Of course Mr.Beaton. My father got my mother didn't he." She looked down sadly at her hands before saying, "Will you excuse me real quick?" Nobody said anything as she got up and walked upstairs. Soon after I followed her and once I found her in my room snuggling with my favorite brown cop teddy bear I asked, "You ok?" She nodded as I sat beside her on the bed and said, "Yeah it's just I can't help but be a little jealous of your family right now." I nodded understandingly before saying, "You know this bear has gotten me through a lot. My first real heart break." She nodded understandingly before handing it to me and asked teasingly, "With a special boy?" I shook my head no as I said, "No actually it was my father." I looked up at her with my guards down. She nodded sympathetically before saying, "I have a bear like that. He wears an Army uniform, it's my bear that's been there through everything except I can't find it anywhere." I handed my bear over to her as I said, "Well hold onto him for me until you find yours. You need the comfort way more than I do right now." She smiled at me before kissing my cheek and saying, "Thanks Em. That's really thoughtful of you." I smiled at her before moving her hair behind her ear and said, "Oh just so you know I've got you and love you. Always and Forever Mich."

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