Chapter 24

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Emily's POV

It's been a rough couple of days, but things seem to be going back to normal. James thankfully passed his test and was returned to the studio and was looking forward to a date with Riley. Michelle and I had ran B-Troupe auditions and after much discussion with Miss Kate and Chris we had decided Giselle was the best fit for the team. We had started creating our first Regional routine when James had happily pointed out we would need a second for the final competition and after everything this team has been through we had a feeling we would make it out on top. Of course there was a little stick in the wall with finding out Chloe had a job to pay for dance, but we solved that together as a team, but not to mention we also got our asses handed to us by West's old street team Seeds. Not our best moment, but we united together as a team knowing we would have to pull all our top tricks to win at Regionals. Things between Michelle and I have been going great, we've been going on little dates when we find the time and as co-captains we as a team are unstoppable.

Michelle and I were sitting in Studio A waiting for the rest of the dancers so we could go through our Finals routine, but there was just one thing we couldn't agree on. "Em, I don't know. You wanna put a duet in the finals routine," Michelle said while stretching her legs out. I nodded with a slight smiled on my face as I stretched my arms and said, "Babe the story of the dance could be like Romeo and Juliet." She shrugged as the rest of the dancers started walking in and stretching with us. I sighed as I grabbed her arm and said, "Michie the finals routine is almost perfect we're just missing a story line and I think Romeo and Juliet could be it. Why can't you see it too?" She shook her head no and before I got a chance to say anything Riley asked, "What's going on?" Her question had caught everyone's attention, I glanced at Michelle who looked great in her pink work out shirt, white shorts, and had her hair up in a pony tail as I said, "Michelle and I are just trying to figure out if we want a story line for the finals routine." Michelle had rolled her eyes as she shook her head and said, "I think the dance doesn't need one." I had looked at her like she was crazy and said, "And I think it should be Rome and Juliet." Everyone nodded in agreement with small smiles on their faces as Michelle shook her head once again. James seemed to be thinking before saying, "Michelle and Eldon could do like a duet or something." Everyone nodded in agreement before Tiffany said, "But they don't have a lot of chemistry." Tiffany had brought up a valid point; Michelle and Eldon had been friends, but when they danced together you could clearly see they were friends and nothing else. Eldon smiled as he nudged James and asked, "Why not James and Riley?" I thought about it for a second as Riley shook her head profusely as she said, "No. No way. We are not doing this. I'm not doing this." I chuckled as I said "Alright I'm not gonna force my baby sis into doing anything she doesn't wanna do." As we all considered possible duets Miss Kate walked in asking, "Why aren't you rehearsing?" Michelle glanced at me as she said, "They want to add a story line in the final routine. Romeo and Juliet." Miss Kate looked at her questioningly as she said, "You said they. You don't agree? I think Romeo and Juliet is a great idea, but why does it have to be Romeo. Why not Juliet and Rose?" Michelle had looked at her Aunt confusingly while everyone smiled in agreement I looked just as confused as I asked, "Miss Kate you want Michelle and I to do the duet?" She nodded with a smile as she said, "You two have the best chemistry and would put the duet over the top." As I contemplated what Miss Kate had said Michelle had a look of anger on her face as she walked out of the Studio. Riley looked to me as she asked, "What's that about?" I shrugged before saying, "Everyone start rehearsing the finals routine with Miss Kate. Full out the first two times after that mark it and make sure it's clean, while I go talk to Michelle."

As I walked into studio B Michelle was sat on the couch staring at the floor. As I stood behind her I said, "The floor looks pretty interesting." She shook her head while stifling her giggle as I sat beside her and she snuggled into my side as I asked, "What's wrong love?" She sighed as I kissed her forehead before saying, "Honestly I had thought about the Romeo and Juliet routine a lot. I want it be it, but I invited my mom to watch the Regionals competition as a reconciliation of our relationship and she's coming." Before she could continue I interrupted her saying, "And you knew it was either gonna be with Eldon or me. If its with Eldon it gives your mom a slimmer of hope which you don't want to give and if its with me it's like rubbing it in her face." She nodded as she took a deep breath as I pulled her n tightly she said, "I wanna do the duet with you Em. I just..... It's just every time a conversation comes up about me wanting to tell her about you, about us I can't help but feel like I'm a disappointment in her eyes. I nodded in understandingly as I said, "Michelle, your mom has lived or is living her life, and you need to live yours and to the fullest. Be who you want to be, love who you want to love as long as you remember to stay true to yourself and be who you want to be. Never let anyone stop you from your dreams, whether it be professional dancer, a studio head, a doctor, and maybe even a lawyer. Just be you, because you is who I'm always gonna like. Understand me?" She smiled before placing a kiss on my cheek and saying, "Thanks Emily." I nodded with a smile on my face and as we are sitting here looking at each other, I'm drawn to her. I just want to kiss her. We've been doing little cheek kisses and the sort, but we haven't had our first kiss yet and as our lips are close to touch we hear someone clear their throat behind us which causes us to jump apart. Chris was standing at the door as he asked, "So we gonna do a duet?" I glanced at Michelle with an eyebrow raised as she slightly smiled and gave a timid nod. I smiled in response giving her a hug and we worked on the duet for hours with Chris. Michelle and I are both good choreographers, but it helps to get a little outside perspective.

After a few hours of a rough cut ideas we were going full out through the dance. As we are going through the duet it's like our relationship was on a whole new level. The dance was intimate, to really portray the story of Juliet and Rose. As I ran towards Michelle and she caught me it was like the ultimate reminder that she would never let me down. Ever since the first day at A-Troupe she hasn't. She's always been in my corner reminding  me she will never judge me and be there for me no matter what. As the song ends and we hit the final pose it's like we were gulping for air. Doing a dance so intimate and heart tugging Chris was crying, and he doesn't cry. He slowly clapped as Michelle and I separated to cool down. I sent a small smile at her and she left a quick peck on my cheek as Chris said, "Take 5 and meet me in Studio A so we can show the rest of the dancers." We nodded in agreement as he left Studio B, I sat on the ground first stretching out my legs as Michelle followed and did the same. She smiled at me saying, "I think the dance came together pretty good." I nodded in agreement saying, "Chris even cried." She chuckled before grabbing my left hand with her right and playing with my fingers. I chuckled before asking, "Michie what's wrong?" She shrugged as I continued by saying, "You only start doing that when you get nervous so spill." She glances at me as she said, "That dance was...." I nodded in agreement as I said, "Yeah I felt it too. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. You move so beautifully and I refuse for either of us to get hurt." She smiled as she said, "I'll always catch you." She placed a kiss on my cheek before standing up and lead the way to Studio A. As we hit the final pose of Michelle pulling me into her chest Miss Kate smiled as everyone clapped and said, "Girls that was amazing. I'm so impressed." We smiled as everyone nodded in agreement West saying, "Not gonna lie that was tight," everyone voiced there agreement before Giselle asked, "Should we go through the full dance now that we have the duet?" I thought about it for a second and said, "Tomorrow is better it's already late." Miss Kate nodded in agreement as she said, "Alright everyone bring it. The Next Step on three and you crazy kids better get outta here." As Miss Kate yelled, "One, Two, Three," everyone smiled as we happily yelled, "The Next Step."

As the girls and I - minus Michelle - are packing our stuff we get to talking. "So Riley we heard a certain boy is taking you out on a date," Tiffany teased with a smile on her face. Riley smile was bright as she said, "Yeah it's tonight actually so I'm gonna get to the car. Hurry Em, bye guys." I chuckled as I shook my head and Chloe asked, "So any plans with a certain blonde?" I looked at her jokingly as I asked, "Who Eldon?" All the girls started laughing before Michelle came from behind and kissed my cheek, "Ooooo, ooooo," the girls said as Michelle smiled and said, "Hey. Have you girls studied for the history and bio midterm yet?" Chloe nodded as she said, "Higgins class for Bio and Evangel for history? Yeah I started to. I even made flash cards if you wanna borrow them." Michelle shrugged as she asked, "Study session at my house tonight?" Everyone nodded in agreement as Eldon and West joined the conversation and Eldon asked, "Mind if we join?" I glanced at Michele who nodded in agreement as she said, "Everyone go home shower and change into like sweats and meet back at my aunts house. I'll text you guys the address. Oh and bring pizza." As Michelle finished packing her bag everyone nodded in agreement as she went to tell Miss Kate about the plans for tonight. I couldn't help, but smile a little as I watched her face scrunch up in confusion as she talked to her aunt. It was the cutest thing, and I guess she noticed me staring cause she sent me a quick smile and wink, before Steph interrupted my thoughts by saying, "She's really good for you Em. I'm happy you found her." I smiled at Stephanie saying, "Thanks, but just because I found her doesn't mean I don't need my best friend anymore." She chuckled before enveloping me into a hug and as Michelle approached we released as she said, "I'll walk you to the car before Riley kills me and I'll ride with my aunt, just don't forget my school bags in your car babe." I nodded at the reminder as I walked with Michelle, Steph, and Tiff to the parking lot we made small talk and laughed the whole way. Steph and Tiff said a quick bye before getting into Stephanie's car and Michelle kissed my cheek and opened the door for me like a true gentlewoman before doing a handshake with Riley and saying, "See you later baby." I gushed at the pet nicknames that we've been sending back and forth, but it always makes me feel the same way. Reminding me that I'm hers and she's mine.

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