Chapter 17

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Michelle's POV

I closed my locker door as James and West appeared beside me West and I did a mild handshake as he said, "What's up Michelle?" I smiled at James before giving him a quick side hug and said, "Not much. I actually wanted to talk you guys and the group at lunch later." I grabbed my bag off the floor before we started walking to class, "What about?" James questioned as Riley and Eldon both joined us. "Nothing big. Just you guys are my friends and teammates so I wanna be open with y'all." James nodded in agreement before greeting Riley.

We had all broken off to head to our different classes when I was grabbed by the arm and pulled into an empty classroom. I yelped. I heard laughter as I saw the blonde before me, Emily. I rolled my eyes, as she continues to laugh I can't help but look her over. She was wearing black jeans, with a purple t-shirt, with my leather jacket. Not to mention the black beanie she stole from me with her black combat boots. It's like she's copying my style. "Like what you see?" She questioned as she sat on top of one of the desks crossing her legs. As she looked me over I chuckled, I was wearing her red marvel t-shirt, with a white jacket, my other leather jacket, black jeans, my white converse, and my hair was in a loose braid. "I could say the same thing." Emily chuckled before saying, "We're gonna be late for classes." I approached her my hands trapping her on the desk as I said, "You're the one who pulled me in here Em." Emily smiled at me as she moved a strand of my hair, "You look hot as usual Michie," she complimented. I smirked as I said, "Not so bad yourself Em. But I am starting to wonder if you're copying my style." She rolled her eyes before saying, "It's your jacket and beanie." As I leaned to her ear I whispered, "I'm aware." I kissed her cheek before hugging her and backing off. I checked my watch as she hopped off the desk and say, "We're so late Em." She chuckles before grabbing my hand as we quickly walked to English class which we happily had together.

"Miss Beaton and Miss Baldesarra care to explain why you both are tardy to my class?" Mrs. Rooney questioned with an eye brow raised an arm placed on her hip. Mrs.Rooney has brown hair cut into a bob and she was wearing a white dress with black polkadots and a light black cardigan with black ballet flats. Mrs. Rooney was our favorite teacher so her calling us out like this was totally playful. I smiled at her before pulling out her coffee travel mug and saying, "Just grabbing my favorite teacher some breakfast. I needed a ride  thankfully Emily said yes." I handed Mrs.Rooney her coffee before Emily and I sat at our desks. She thanked us before returning to the lesson. When Mrs. Rooney wasn't talking Em and I would joke around until she would call our names to get our attention. At lunch  Em and I had to break off to keep the thought that we were 'fighting'. I had decided to have a cheeseburger and a cesar salad and a water. My eating habits weren't the worst but not the best either. With my lunch tray I sat with the usual group minus Emily. As everyone was talking about different subjects half way through my burger James asked, "Yo Michelle. Didn't you want to tell us something?" He had his arm slung over Riley's shoulder they weren't official yet, but they definitely looked like they had something going on. Everyone turned to look at me, I was definitely feeling the pressure now. Riley elbowed James before saying, "Guys let her finish eating first. You know sometimes all she has is food on the mind." Everyone laughed at that as I pouted before happily returning to my burger. Eldon was seated beside me and he kept talking to me about his family and I didn't mind it I just wished it was Emily who I was talking to. Kinda makes me wanna escape to the music room. As I finished up my burger the bell rang. Giselle had gotten up but before she left she asked, "Oh Michelle what were you gonna tell us?" I shook my head no before saying, "We'll talk about it later. At dance or something. I gotta get to my locker." Before anyone could question me I started quickly walking to my locker.

As I was grabbing my books from my locker I felt someone push me from behind. That's it. I turned around and no surprise there she was standing at my height with her brown hair in a high bun, wearing blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and pink boots. I dropped my bag to the ground as I said, "That's it. I'm sick of your crap Tiffany. Why can't you just leave me the hell alone? I warned you." "Oh yeah miss goodie too shoes do something about it," she responded as she dropped her bag on the floor. She pushed me and I knocked her arms down saying, "Stop it." As my rage was going up I went to swing, but I caught a look from Emily. It wasn't anger or scared it was concern, I put my hand down just when Tiffany swung and hit me in the face. I went down easy and as she went to kick me in the stomach I heard Riley and Emily yell, "Stop it." My lip was busted and there was blood coming out my mouth. Riley put her hand out to help me up when I saw her and thought about what she's doing to Emily. I was angry. I wanted to beat her up I got up quickly with every intent to beat the bloody hell out of her when Emily hugged me. "It's ok," I heard her whisper I retaliated her hug as she whispered, "Please Michelle? Walk away." I took a deep breath before grabbing my bag and walking straight to the one teacher who wouldn't get mad at me for ditching class and needing to talk about whatever was bothering me—Mrs. Rooney.

After Mrs. Rooney assigned her class their work she returned to the couch I was sitting on. "Alright Michelle. What's wrong?" I sighed she gave me a few minutes to think. Honestly I'm kinda happy I didn't tell them at lunch. "I came out to my parents," I said with a slight smile as I iced my busted lip. She smiled gleefully at me before I continued by saying, "My mom basically kicked me out of the house but my dad was so supportive. I also told Emily and Riley. Turns out Emily's gay too. I was supposed to tell my friends today but I kept putting it off and well the bell rang. I'm kinda happy I didn't tell them though. After everything with my mom I'm scared to lose my friends." Mrs.Rooney pondered on what I said before saying, "You're not wrong but everyone is different. They're not gonna react the same way that your mom did. I've seen you and your friends come and eat in this classroom for a while, and the way y'all talk and laugh with each other you're family. So don't be disheartened, you can do it." Mrs. Rooney's right, I can do this. A few minutes later I saw Emily wall into the classroom. Mrs.Rooney went back to her desk and Emily joined me on the couch. She lightly touched my cheek before enveloping me in a hug. I love her hugs and she smells just like roses. I love roses. She kissed my cheek lightly before asking, "You ok, Michie?" I nodded happily as I said, "Now that you're here yes." I grabbed her hands and started playing with her fingers before nodding my head to the door. We both got up and grabbed our bags, waving to Mrs.Rooney on our way out of her classroom hand in hand. As we walked around the school Emily said, "Thank you for not getting into a fight with her." I nodded with a light smile on my face before saying, "Of course Em. Why were you so concerned though?" She blushed embarrassingly as she stopped us from walking before saying, "Michie I'm always gonna be worried or concerned about you because you're my best friend." I nodded happily before we continued our walk our hands still together and they fit perfectly. After school I was by my locker packing up my bag to head to the studio. I felt a tap on my shoulder and as I turned to the side I saw Eldon brandishing a bright smile. "Hey Michelle," he said kindly, Eldon was wearing a blue t-shirt with khaki pants. What kind of guy wears khakis to school, I shook my thoughts out as I said, "Oh hey Eldon. What's up?" As I continued to pack my bag Eldon shift awkwardly before saying, "You and Emily seem to be hanging out a lot." I nodded before smiling weirdly at him as I said, "Yeah we're best friends Eldon. What are you getting at?" He shook his head no as he said, "Oh nothing just trying to make small talk. You're a really great dancer Michelle and you look really hot in that outfit." Woah ok. This is weird. Definitely weird. I put my hand on Eldon's stomach before saying, "Imma stop you right there Eldon. I'm not going out on a date with you. Sorry,"as I closed my locker I started walking towards Emily's car. She had my dance bag so I was just gonna ride with her as she was so kind to wait for me.

Once at the Studio I got changed into my black tights and my baby pink shirt. I usually go barefooted when I dance so I put my shoes in the locker and walk straight to Studio A. We were presenting our duets today to the group and Aunt Kate. As I'm walking into Studio A Eldon appears beside me saying, "Hey Michelle." I rolled my eyes this guy really can't take a hint. Everyone was in Studio A maybe this isn't the best place to do this, I'll just be nice to him. I smiled kindly at him as everyone stretched and Emily was talking to Kate and Chris. "What's up Eldon?" I questioned calmly and nicely, as we stretched together he asked, "How come you won't go on a date with me? I mean I'm cute, nice, sweet, and adorable." I rolled my eyes before saying, "I'm sorry Eldon I'm just not interested." As I was walking away Eldon grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me back to him and saying, "I don't believe you. It can't be just that." I pushed Eldon away before yelling angrily at him, "It's cause I'm gay Eldon. Is that what you wanted to hear?" Everyone was star struck at what I had just said before West started clapping for me and soon everyone except for Tiffany joined in. I scoffed lightly before laughing and saying, "It wasn't supposed to come out like that." Everyone laughed before Eldon kindly apologized and left me to talk to James and Riley. Emily walked slowly towards me and hugged me before lightly kissing my cheek and saying, "I knew you could do it Michie." Thankfully everyone was talking to each other so they didn't see this little conversation. Looks like today's not gonna turn out so bad.

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