Chapter 5

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Michelle's POV

I was finishing up texting Emily when my mom and Aunt Kate pulled up to The Cheesecake Factory. I smiled as I send her a smily face. My mom looked at me and asked, "So Emily? Was that the girl that waved at you?" I nodded at my mom and said, "Yeah. I think we'll be great friends mom." Before we got out the car she said, "I'm happy for you Michie. I haven't seen a real smile on your face since Mateo and you last hung out." I nodded in agreement as we exited the car. Once we sat down to order we started to joke around and talk. My dad was late so I was getting to know Aunt Kate a little better.

My mom got up quickly to go to the washroom leaving Aunt Kate and I alone. I smiled at Aunt Kate and asked, "How's our relationship gonna work?" She smiled at me and crossed her legs then asked, "How do you see our relationship?" I thought about it for a second before saying, "I want to be able to look to you for guidance and I want to be able to tell you things and you not go straight to my mother or well your sister. Just not go straight to my parents." She thought about and nodded in agreement and said, "Ok Michie. Then that's how our relationship is gonna work. I think after dance captain possibilities we'll tell the team exactly who you are. Sound fair?" I nodded in  agreement then asked, "Would it be a bad thing to have feelings for girls?" She looked at me  confusingly then asked, "Romantic feelings?" I nodded in confirmation and she said with certainty, "No it's not Michelle because love is love. Some people make out that being gay is a bad thing. It's not. Although people like to bring the Bible into it they also seem to forget the words, come to me as you are, not who they want you to be. If you do start having feelings it's ok. Well are you having feelings?" I hesitated before I nodded in confirmation and said, "I've dated guys in the past like Hunter but when I think about it I didn't feel much for him. I don't even know if it's true. I have a spark with one girl and this is what it leads to. My first day too." I angrily lay my head on the table, Aunt Kate touches my arm and says, "It's ok. Although I don't fully understand what you're going through I'll help you through it Michie. I have your back kiddo." I lifted my head off the table and smile as mom approaches the table with dad and says, "Well look who I found on the way back." My dad kisses my forehead and says, "Hey kiddo. Congrats I'm proud of you. Hey Kate. How you doing?" My dad kisses Aunt Kate's cheek then says, "Hey Victor. Glad you made it and I'm good thanks. Tonight we celebrate family and Michelle getting into A-Troupe." I smile as we raise glasses of waters and clink them together. The rest of the night followed with steady conversation we ate dinner and soon we headed home for the night. On the way home I decided to text Emily to give her a heads up.


M: Hey Em. Just finished dinner with the family and my aunt headed home. Can't wait to talk to you.

Em: Hey. Thanks for the heads up Riley and I are talking right now. So when you get home we should be in the clear.

Em: Oh also take your time getting ready for bed. You're probably exhausted.

I smile, she's so sweet for thinking about me possibly being tired.

M: Thanks Em and I won't take to long. It's already 8:40. Don't wanna keep you up late since we both got school tomorrow.

Em: Right. Speaking of school Riley thought it'd be good idea if I showed you around tomorrow. Don't want you to get lost.

M: Thanks.  Definitely taking you up on that.

Em: Alright cool. Do you need a ride in the morning? It'll be easier for us to show you around if we meet up at the same time.

M: Oh I usually take the bus. I need to get the hang of it anyway.

Em: Lol. There's no way you're taking the bus tomorrow. Send me your address. We'll pick you up around 7:30.

M: You sure? I don't mind taking the bus.

Em: Yes I'm sure Michie.

M: Ok. My address is 1779 Krypton Ave

Em: Oh wow. You live literally down the street from me. Like a 3 min. walk.

M: Seriously?!? That's crazy. But cool at the same time cause I'll get to see you more often.

Em: Lol. So you're saying you won't be sick of me even after school and rehearsals?

Shit I slipped up. She'll definitely know I feel something about her if I keep going this route. Luckily we reached home. I talked to mom and dad for a minute before I run upstairs and take a quick shower. After my shower and changing into my white fluffy pants and pink night shirt; I make sure my bag is packed for school tomorrow and my outfits picked out for school. I head to my parents room and say good night which they respond with kisses and nights. Once I reach my room I plug in my phone and call Emily.

( Bold is Emily. Italics is Michelle. )

Hey Michelle. *Yawns* Sorry I guess I'm a little beat.

Hey Em. Don't worry I'm beat too. Sorry I took so long. Was making sure everything was ready for tomorrow.

It's cool. I didn't mind nor did you take long. Anyway you didn't answer my question.

What question? I don't know what you're talking about.

You liar. You know exactly what I'm talking about.

Well *chuckles* nah. You're a new friend and I want to get to know you Em.

I wanna get to know you too Mich. How about we ask each other questions about each other then we answer it ourselves then the person answers it?

Sounds good to me Em. Alright.

Emily and I talked into the night until I guess I fell asleep. When I woke up there was a text from Em.


Em: Morning Mich. You fell asleep last night while we were talking and I guess I fell asleep too. Cause when I woke up the call was still going. Anyway don't forget to be ready by 7:30. Classes start at 8 so perfect time to show you around. Text me when you wake up and you're ready. 😊 🤎

Emily sent me a heart. Wait hold up. You don't even know if you like her firstly and secondly you don't know if she's gay or not. You're still trying to figure yourself out so just cool it a little. I quickly reply to Emily.

M: Morning sorry and thanks for not leaving me alone last night. I'm gonna start getting ready now. See you in 15.

I checked the time and it was 7:15 on the dot. Ok I planned it out. Quick shower, brush teeth, comb hair, get dressed, grab bag, coffee, and head out. Alright let's put the plan in motion.

Emily's POV

She fell asleep before I did and I couldn't bring myself to hang up. I should have because well her boyfriend should be doing this. I'm her friend and plus I don't even know she feels what I feel. It's funny, I just met her today yet I can't help but feel drawn to her. I turn off my lamp on my night stand and check the time. 12:30 am. Wow we talked for a while, Riley's words were ringing in my ears. "Be sure. Tell mom and dad first too." I don't even know if I feel like that towards her. All I really know right now is that I want to get to know her. Maybe I'm just drawn to her cause she's the new kid. Not to mention my new teammate. You know yeah that's probably what it is. I'm going to get to know her then all these feelings will probably disappear. Alright I got a plan in motion and now just to follow in it. Well Riley and I are showing her around school tomorrow which will be good. Oh and since Chloe is new to A-Troupe this year I can sit with her Michelle, and Riley at lunch. After hearing what I heard today after tryouts I don't know if I should trust Tiffany and Steph; I know Steph is my best friend and wants whats best for me but Tiff is high strung sometimes. When she's got her mind set on something she follows through, its one of our similarities. I guess it's what made us friends, but I'm gonna have to start keeping an eye on her. I don't need the drama on the team. We have to take Regionals. With that being my final thought I drifted into a peaceful sleep while listening to Michelle's light snore.

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