Chapter 30

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Emily's POV

I rolled over my arm around Michelle's body pulling her closet to me. I was half awake yet more half asleep. Riley slept on the air mattress allowing Michelle and I to cuddle in bed as we slept. I cracked open one eye watching Michelle's chest rise with her sleepy breaths. I smirked a little she never was a morning person; with my other arm I reached over to grab my phone to check the time. 7:30 am. Why the hell am I up so early? I placed my phone back down pulling Michelle's body impossibly closer, I kissed her forehead before allowing myself to go back into a peaceful bliss.

When I woke again Michelle was cuddle into my arms with slight snores. I giggled before reaching over and grabbing my phone. It was 10:45, Riley was still asleep I could hear her snores from the air mattress. I began kissing Michelle's cheek then moved my way down to her neck which caused a slight giggle from her lips. I stopped my handy work saying, "Good morning beautiful." Michelle smiled saying, "Morning," she went to kiss me but I stopped her saying, "Babe no. Morning breath." Michelle laughed before kissing my cheek and saying, "Fine." "Ugh can you two shut up and stop being all kissy kissy. It's too early," we heard Riley say from the air mattress. We both laughed as Riley got out of bed as I said, "By the way it's 10:45 ain't that early." We heard a knock from the door before Michelle yelled, "Come in!" Kate walked in saying, "Morning girls. Had a feeling y'all would sleep in so I just finished breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, and bacon." At the word pancakes Michelle and I both bolted up, Michelle kissed her Aunt on the cheek in thanks as we both rushed down stairs.

After breakfast we all had gotten ready for the day, we had agreed to a doubled date with James and Riley. I was wearing red jeans my black and white polka dot t-shirt and my blue blazer and black boots I had my hair in a braid and pinned up with bobby pins and my black head band. Michelle walked into her room putting her earrings on, I smiled looking at how beautiful Michelle looked. She was wearing a white strapless dress that reached her knee  with a pink zip up hoodie and her white low converse. I'm convinced those are her favorite shoes, as she walked to her dressing table I grabbed her hand spinning her into me causing us both to giggle as I kissed her cheek then her lips once we parted I said, "Aren't you a beauty?" Michelle kissed my lips before whispering in my ear, "Aren't I always? I see you watching me in practice." My cheeks flush pink as she placed her hand on my side dragging her hand slowly down my body. Riley walked into the room causing us to jump apart, she smirked like she was all knowing as I grabbed my wallet, phone, and keys before walking out of the room. Riley laughed as I walked out to start the car saying a quick good bye to Miss Kate as I passed by the kitchen.

The four of us had decided on heading into a pizza parlor called Al's Pizza. They served a pretty large pizza and we all grew to love this place. They're was places sit around and talk of course, there was like a mini dance floor that we sometimes used or anyone else whenever they heard a good song, and on another side of a wall there was a small arcade room for kids birthday parties. Besides Squeezed this is where we could all hang out from J-Troupe up to A-Troupe sometimes Miss Kate and Chris even come here to hang out with us, but of course this place is for the public so every now and then we run into someone from Elite whether it be someone random we haven't talked to or Amanda herself. Just the thought of her makes me mad. Michelle and I were sitting on one side of a booth with James and Riley sitting on the other. The three of them were in a very heated discussion, how much The Amazing Spider-Man 2 sucked worse than the first one. I myself didn't mind it that much, but when Michelle and I walked out of that theatre boy was she mad about how much it sucked. The whole ride home she wouldn't stop talking about it and of course I being the awesome person I am listened to her because well it's Michelle I could never not listen to her. Plus she was a cute mad this time. I giggled to myself catching Michelle's attention which earned me a kiss on the cheek before she returned to the conversation. As they continued to discuss I grabbed a slice of pepperoni pizza before saying, "Alright guys change of topic please, you're loosing me over here." Riley and James laughed as Michelle placed a light kiss on the cheek before saying, "Sorry babes. Sometimes I get a little into it and get trapped into my world. Which movie we saying tonight love?" I smiled gleefully at the thought before saying, "Need for Speed." James looked at me quizzically before saying, "Dang Emily I never took you for a car geek." I chuckled before saying, " So far I love all the Fast and Furious movies including 2 Fast and Tokyo Drift and Michelle promised to take me to see Furious 7. Plus we both love those movies so it's perfect for both of us. We always get into it about little quizzes and theories about the next movie. We cried when we found out Paul Walker died. My heart still mourns." James chuckled before nodding in agreement as Riley rolled her eyes we all proceeded to eat our pizzas and enjoy conversations which proceeded to many laughs and mini disagreements. We still had an hour before the movie and James and Riley decided to go play in the arcade while Michelle and I hung out here. Michelle rested her head on my shoulder I sighed before asking, "Michelle what is this?" She looked up at me quizzically before asking, "What do you mean Emily?" Us?" I nodded in confirmation Michelle picked her head up from my shoulder before looking me dead in the eyes saying, "I like you Emily, I like you a lot; and I know we have been dating for almost a month now, but let's just continue going with the flow. Ok babes?" I nodded a small smile on my face which earned my a kiss to the lips. As we broke a part I heard Ed Sheeran's Perfect playing on the over head radio. I pulled Michelle to her feet asking, "May I have this dance?" She chuckled taking my hand as I lead us onto the dance floor we swayed back and forth some eyes on us with hate and disgust, but we didn't care this moment was perfect for us. Her eyes on me and my eyes on her and no one else. Plus we knew if anyone would say anything to us Al would have our back, he supported our relationship even told us that his niece was bisexual as well and his son was gay. As the song ended Michelle and I kissed causing little butterflies to erupt into my stomach which always made me smile. Thinking out Loud played next as we swayed back and forth not a care in the world.

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