Chapter 11

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Michelle's POV

It has been a couple weeks and Emily has been nothing but cold and mean to me. I deserve it though; ever since Aunt Kate and I's conversation I have been avoiding her like the plague, so her being mean to me just gave me a reason to avoid her, but finding out that Tiffany was the reason why she's being so mean and cold to me just made my blood boil. How dare she use Emily against me. The second part of the plan was to get Tiffany to think we're planning something against Emily. Right now I was currently 'videoing' Elite's Regional routine. My phone notification went off loudly which was apart of the plan. I gathered the courage to talk to Lucien after he called me out.

I stood in front of Lucien as I said, "I'm here to tryout for your troupe. The Next Step is nowhere near your level and mines. I want to go to the best studio and that's yours." Lucien nodded before saying, "Well let's see what you got."  I took off my ballet flats and put my phone on top of my shoes. As the music came on I pulled out all my best tricks and as I'm dancing I can see they were impressed. Once the music ended everyone clapped for me and as I approached Lucien he said, "I think we would have a spot here for you at Elite. Think about it." I smiled and nodded before thanking them and getting ready to leave. I sighed great I don't have my wallet and all I have is my cell. I better get to walking. Should take 15-20 min. I plugged my earbuds in and started walking towards The Next Step.

Once I reached and changed everyone was genuinely surprised that I made it back safely. "Michelle, a word please,"Aunt Kate said. Oh no. Lucien probably called her on my walk here. I walked into her office and sat across from her she looked at me with an eyebrow raised and asked, "Thinking about leaving kiddo?" I shook my head no and said, "I haven't seen Elite before so I was just checking out the competition," I replied trying not to give off that I was lying. She nodded before saying, "Look I know that you and Emily have been distant, but it's important to separate your love life and dance life. Got it kiddo?" I nodded as I said, "Thanks Aunt Kate. Is it ok if I spend the night again?" She nodded as she asked, "Morgan and Victor still fighting?" I nodded as I said, "Yeah. Not getting any easier. They're going to marriage counseling though. Oh would you mind taking me to school before you head to the studio? Since school isn't too far from it I'll walk after." She nodded before pulling me into a hug and said, "Of course Michie. I'll take care of you no matter what. And Michelle? Maybe you shouldn't push Emily away." I shook my head no before I released the hug and said, "No. I tried subtly bringing up the possibility of me being gay to mom and she flipped. It's what started the fight with my dad. I'm glad he wouldn't care." She nodded before saying, "Alright go outside and stretch with everybody." I nodded before giving Kate one more hug and running out to stretch with everyone. I nodded at Emily as Aunt Kate had called her into the office. After they had finished talking Emily walked over to Steph and Tiffany and telling her what we had practiced. "All she needs is a little push and she's out of here," I heard Emily say smugly. After Tiffany and Steph talked with Emily Aunt Kate and Chris came out of the office doing a killer duet.

After they finished they made an announcement. Aunt Kate began by saying, "So  today inspired by us, you will all be doing duets." Everyone cheered happily and was clapping before Daniel asked, "Do we get to pick our partners?" Chris shook his head no as he said, "No. I have put you all into pairs and in two days you will perform it for all of A-Troupe." Miss Kate nodded in agreement before saying, "The best duet gets these free movie tickets." Everyone cheered happily and once it was done Chris said, "So the pairs are West and Stephanie, Chloe and Eldon, James and Riley, Michelle and Emily, and Daniel and Tiffany." Everyone nodded in agreement before I realized what was happening. Me and Emily. I know they did this on purpose. Trying to get me to rekindle our friendship, but I have to keep pushing her away. It's best. Emily however looked super happy about it. Everyone had split off to work on there duets and Emily had grabbed my hand before I began walking off to get my attention. I smiled at her before I said, "We could work on it in Studio B since everyone's in here." She nodded in agreement and I brushed her hand off of me. From the side Emily and I could see that Eldon was dancing terribly. "Whats going on with Eldon?" Emily asked. "Maybe you should take him out and juice his spirits he's got stuff going on at home," James said with a smug smile. Oh no. I don't want her going on a date with Eldon. Before she said anything to Eldon I grabbed her arm and pleadingly shook my head no she nodded at me before saying, "Sorry James, sorry Eldon. Actually Miss Kate asked me to help Michelle on some school stuff these next couple days." I nodded in agreement before saying, "Yeah. Bio and me is a no no. Anyway Emily and I better get started in this duet." Emily nodded in agreement and Eldon smiled at us, Emily kissed his cheek before she said, "That should lift your spirits for now." Watching her kiss Eldon made me angry and sad. Eldon smiled and nodded happily.

Riley grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear, "If looks could kill he'd be six feet under." That's when it hit me. I'm jealous. I looked to Riley before saying, "Ok. We should talk. Me and you no one else." She nodded in agreement and I grabbed her arm and dragged her towards Aunt Kate's office. I closed both doors and texted Aunt Kate telling her I was borrowing her office to talk to Riley privately.  I sat in a chair and Riley sat across me and looked at me expectantly. She raised her eyebrow as she asked, "So should I say it or are you gonna tell me?" I rolled my eyes before I said, "Ok fine. There's a slight possibility that I like your sister." Riley chuckles before she smiled and said, "I knew it. I knew it. Wait so why are you pulling away from her?" I shrugged my shoulders before saying, "I tried coming out to my mom and she completely flipped out. I got kicked out of the house for a little while so I stayed with Aunt Kate. Once my dad found out he told me to come back home because my mom was being ridiculous. Told me love who I want, but they've been fighting a lot so I thought it would be easier to avoid my feelings if I pulled away from her. The Tiffany blackmail thing is helpful to avoid her. I thought it would be easy, but I miss her so much. I miss her smile, her hugs, her laugh. The ways she been acting I see why you all say she's changed." Riley nodded in agreement before asking, "Do you know what Tiffany is blackmailing her with?" I shook my head no as I said, "I never asked her what it was about." Riley nodded before saying, "Ask her then. And listen to your dad. You should love and be who you want to be with. Not be with someone because your mom says. Look around also. You remember your first day at the school at lunch, when Giselle and Chloe had asked you about when you said someone." I nodded unsure of where she was going with this. She continued by saying, "They didn't care. They were supportive and seeing as how your Aunt has been letting you stay with her she's supportive of you. I your best friend is supportive of you. Your dad is supportive of you. There's a world full of haters. Don't let them stop you from falling in love." Riley hugged me before she left the office. I was motionless and I could feel the tears coming down my cheek. She's right. I've been fighting so hard to deny this side of me, but it's true I am gay and it's time to start being true to myself. Time to tell my parents the truth, that I'm gay and I'm proud.

I had rushed towards Studio B wiping my tears from my face. I calmly opened the door and smiled at Emily. Seeing her dancing always makes me smile. Once she noticed me watching she stopped and smiled at me before she said, "Hey Michie." I smiled at her cause it's the happiest I've ever been. I run toward her and I pick her up and spin her around in a hug as I say, "Hey Em. I'm so freaking happy." She smiled at me as I put her down and asked, "Well why are you happy Michie? Not that I'm complaining." I smiled goofily at her before I said, "It's a perfect day. We get to do a duet and work on the plan to get Tiffany off the team." She smiled at me, I sat down and grabbed her hand and pulled her down with me. She laughed before she said, "Can we talk about something first Michelle? And I need you to tell me the truth." I nodded at her, what's this about. "Have you been avoiding me?" She asked. Damn, I froze unsure of what I was gonna say. This is not good.

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