Chapter 40

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Emily's POV

My dad had just dropped off Michelle, Riley, James and I as we all walked in together Michelle holding my hand tightly. We quickly got our homecoming photos done before walking towards the rest of the A-troupe. I smiled at Stephanie before giving her a hug saying, "Wow Steph you look gorgeous. I love your dress." Stephanie was wearing a half white half black dress, white being on top. She was also wearing red heels, light make up, and had her hair in loose curls.

The night turned out perfectly. Michelle and I danced the night away together and with our friends and I could not be happier. We had a great time eating dinner with her parents and Miss Kate. As the night came to an end Michelle walked me to my door and I said, "Hey Michie. I'm really sorry your day started off really rough but I am super happy that it ended on a high note." Michelle smiled as she grabbed my hands saying, "I agree baby. Thank you so much for being with me and being my support system through all of this." I placed my hand on her cheek as I teared up at her words saying, "Babe I will always stand with you. I got you Michelle." Michelle kissed me good night before I walked in. I smiled at my parents as they greeted me. "Hey Emie. How was the dance did y'all have fun?" I smiled as I sat beside them on the couch, "I had a great time. Michelle makes me so happy and gosh we danced all night and I'm just happy she's in my life." My dad put his arm around me saying, "I'm happy to hear that." He kissed my forehead before asking, "Do you and Riley want to do a movie night tonight?" I smiled excitedly as I got up from the couch saying, "Yea I'm just going to change real quick and get Riley. Can we do hot chocolate and popcorn?" My mom smiled as she said, "Of course! Because what's a movie night without popcorn and hot chocolate."

I went upstairs to change, as I was changing I received a text from Michelle.


M: Hey Em just wanted to say I had the best time and I just got home. 😘❤️

E: Hey bubs I'm glad ur home safely. And I'm glad u had a great time I did too. ❤️😍😘

M: I'm glad. I'm at Aunt Kate's place. Everyone's here Arizona, my parents, and my aunt

E: That's great baby. 😊 We're all getting ready to watch a movie.

M: oh awesome which one? 👀

E: Haven't decided yet. 🤔

M: Ok. Did u want to go to the studio tomorrow?

E: No babe. Spend some time with ur parents, Timothy, and Arizona.

M: ok sounds good to me. Everyone does want to get to know u though.

E: My dad was thinking about having a barbecue.

M: Oh that would be so much fun 🤩

E: Alright I'll ask him about it. I did want to ask u something though. With ur dad back and everything going ok with ur mom are u moving back in with them?

M: ....... I haven't thought about it. 🤔

E: I would put some thought into it. Because it looks like Miss Kate loves having u around.

M: I'll definitely have to think on it. Because I love being here with Aunt Kate. She literally treats me like her kid. She makes sure that she'll be home at least within the hour of me being home and I'm never alone. With my parents it just doesn't feel like I'm their main priority and I know it's not their fault but it still hurts. I'm quite rarely alone with Aunt Kate with my parents I'm almost always alone because of their work schedules. And it's because their thought process is that I'm old enough I should be able to take care of myself but I don't want to be alone and I love how my aunt takes care of me.

Riley barged into my room, changed into her pajamas saying, "Hey mom and dad are ready for the movie." I smiled getting off the bed I was changed into a red t-shirt and fluffy black pajama pants. "Ok I'm just gonna text Michie real quick and I'll be good for the movie. Did y'all pick one?" I asked as I typed a quick message back to Michelle.

E: The only advice I give u babe is to follow ur heart. I know technically ur parents can take u back whenever they want to but they also love u so they'll listen to u. I have to go. Everyone's waiting. I'll text u when it's over u can call me if u want.

M: Thanks Em I needed that. Alright bubs enjoy the movie. We'll talk later. Love you 💙💙

E: Love you too 🤎🤎🤎

Riley smiled as she said, "Yea we did. Mom was feeling a musical so we went with Mamma Mia." I got excited as we started walking towards the living room saying, "Awesome. I love that movie. Are we watching both or just one?" Riley shrugged as she said, "I'm honestly not sure. We'll ask when we get down there." I shrugged in response saying, "Sounds good." We all got cozied up and enjoyed the moving me cuddled up with dad and Riley laying beside mom. It's crazy to me how close Riley and I are to each other's parent when they're not biologically ours. Well they do say love is what makes a family so who cares. I looked up to Dan he looked half interested but he smiled at me as he whispered, "You enjoying the movie?" I nodded smiling whispering back, "Yes. Thanks for watching it I know it's not your cup of tea." He smiled saying, "I will do anything for my girls." He pointed at mom and Riley who fell asleep snapping a quick picture of them before carrying them to their beds. He sat back beside me on the couch asking, "Did you have a good time tonight?" I nodded saying, "I did. Can we talk about something though?" "Shoot. What's on your mind?" Dad asked me with an eyebrow raised. I sighed saying, "So uhm earlier today I found out Michelle was sexually assaulted last year. It's part of why they moved. You know fresh start and all that. The thing is, is that I'm not quite sure how to be there for Michelle through all of this. She's going back to therapy which is great, but again I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. But I'm not even her girlfriend so I don't know if she even wants me to help her." My dad started giggling before saying, "You have it bad my dear." "What? What do I have?" I questioned feeling embarrassed as my cheeks turned red. My dad smiled as he put his hand on my cheek saying, "Love my darling. And that girl loves you too. I can see it. Now in terms of the PTSD and all that stuff well help can be in any form. Answering the phone when she calls, listening to her talk about whatever she needs to talk about when it comes to that stuff, being her shoulder to cry on, and on those days that are really hard making her feel extra special. It's what I do for all of you in general, it's what entails of being a good partner." I nodded in understanding snuggling into him saying, "Thanks for being my dad. And being so good to my mom." "Kiddo you have no idea what it means to me to have the opportunity to be your kids father and the husband to your amazing mother. Gosh I'm a lucky man. I have three amazing woman in my life," my dad said before placing a kiss on my forehead. "Thanks dad. You're the best. Also thanks for the advice. I really needed to hear it." I said before placing a kiss on his cheek, which after lead to a yawn. He smiled saying, "I thinks it's time for bed kiddo." I nodded in agreement saying, "I'm gonna go to bed love you dad." "Love you too kiddo. Sweet dreams," he called as I walked up the steps. Once in my bed I shot Michelle a quick text.


E: hey luv just finished my movie with dad

M: that's good bubs. What movie did y'all watch?

E: Mamma Mia. Riley and Ma didn't even make it to the end. 🤣

M: lol. U mind if I call

E: not at all. 😊

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