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Name:  Alexandra Durham

Father: Lord William Durham †

Mother: Lady Elizabeth Durham †

Wardship: Sir Henry Granville and Mrs. Lucy Granville

Hobbies: designing and sewing cloths, painting

Look: feminine, curves on the right places, light brown hair, green eyes, the skincolour is not important for this story

Alexandra's mother died while child birth. After her mother's death she got raised by her governess and Lady Danbury but she still spend some good time with her father. She also had Sir Granville as an artist teacher. Her father and Sir Granville had a very, very close relationship. After the marriage from Sir Granville with his wife Lucy, Alexandra spends much time with the three adults as also with Lady Danbury and the now Duke of Hastings. As she was fourteen her father died of an illness. His last wish was, that Henry and Lucy take care of Alexandra.

The earl of Durham, her uncle, had no interest in his niece nor in his brother's death. He has his own family to take care of and he made clear that Alexandra isn't a part of his family, even if she bears the name Durham. So he leaves her in the care from Sir Granville. She doesn't care because she just have meet her uncle and her cousins twice in her life. She sees Henry and Lucy as her family and she loves it this way.

Now she is eighteen years old and will be a debutant in this year's social seasons. She is a bit nervous but she knows that Henry and Lucy will not push her into marriage. They just wish her happiness and freedom in her life.

A/N I have drawed a couple of dresses for this story. I am not the best artist so sorry if you don't like them but I had fun drawing them. Also English isn't my first langue, so there can be some mistakes. 

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