Chapter nineteen

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Alexandra's P.O.V.

I arrived at the church and head inside. Lady Danbury as well as Will Mondrich and his wife Alice are already there.

"Good morning Lady Danbury. Good morning Will and Alice. It's nice to see you all." I greed them and sit down beside Lady Danbury.

"You look good today my dear. So happy." Lady Danbury says to me.

"Thank you. I am indeed happy. I have never think I would attend on the wedding from my stubborn dork of friend." I smile at Lady Danbury, who smiles back.

"Maybe this will not be the only wedding I will attend this year. Isn't it Alexandra?"

Of course she knows. I don't know how but she always does.

"How do you know? What did revealed it?" I ask out of curiosity.

"You have this huge smile on your face my dear. And we both know Henry can't keep a secret to himself."

"This man will be the death to me someday." 

I continue to converse with her as someone walks down the aisle. It is Simon and he looks quite nervous.

"Scared from the big day?" I ask him with a smirk.

"No of course not." Simon answers. Both Lady Danbury and I raise our eyebrows at his sentence.

"Okay maybe a bit. I'm scared of screwing this up."

"Now listen closely. I have raised a wonderful man and this is you Simon, so don't you dare to talk such nonsense. You will be a great husband." Lady Danbury says with a sternly gaze.

Before he could respond something, the Bridgeton's walk in. That means the ceremony will start soon.

I look in the direction of the Bridgerton who now all sit on the bride's side of the church, while Lady Danbury, the Mondrich's and me sit on the groom's side.

Benedict smiles at me and I smile back at him. I can't believe that hopefully soon we two will get married.

Third person P.O.V

A couple of minutes after everyone has settled down Daphne and Anthony walking together down the aisle. Simon turns around to look at his future wife. Named one has a smile on her face while looking at her future husband.

As the two siblings arrived at the altar, Anthony hands Daphne to Simon and the archbishop begins to talk: "Dearly beloved, we are gathered to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony. It is said that marriage hath in it less of beauty but more of safety than the single life."
The ceremony goes on and ended with the new wedded couple kissing.

Alexandra's P.O.V.

After the ceremony all the guest head to the Bridgeton House where the reception gets hold. The Bridgerton House fills fast with the people from the high society. As the duke and the new duchess of Hastings enter, all eyes were on the new wedded couple. The both look deep in love and I'm overjoyed for their happy ending.

I watch the both as a hand was laid on my waist, making me jump and turning around to the owner of the hand.

"I'm I so scary Lexi?" my fiancé asks me.

"Of course not silly. I was just watching your sister and her husband. They look lovely."

"Not as lovely as you look my dear."

I roll my eyes about his cheesy remark but still must smile. Before I can respond something, Daphne comes walking to us and pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you for everything. Simon has told me about his past and all just because of you and Lady Danbury. I'm so pleased to have you as friend." She says and pulls away. She makes me very happy with her words. I haven't a lot of friends in my life. Especially none of my age or who weren't employees.

"I am delighted to see Simon happy with you. The two of you are truly made for each other, your Grace." the last part I say with a mocking tone witch cause a grimace on Daphne's face.

"What's wrong, Sister?" Benedict asks her.

"It is nothing. Just to be called your Grace is unfamiliar, that's all."

"I think you will get used to it. When someone is worthy this title, then it's clearly you my Dear." I try to convince her.

The party goes on and Benedict never leaves my side. At the moment he stands beside me, so I lean over to him and whisper in his ear: "Are you scared that I will run away or why are you never leaving my side?"

"Are you tired of me so soon?" he asks with a fake hurt expression which caused him a playful eye roll from me.

"As if I could get that fast tired of you. You may ask me again in, hmm, let's say five years."

It was now him who whispers in my ear with a seductive voice: "Oh my little Lexi you will just get tired because of all the things I will do with you."

I turn my head to look him in his beautiful blue eyes: "Is that a promise?"

"Yes it is."

I would love to kiss him but I know I can't do this in public.

After a couple hours the reception ended and the people left. Benny has convinced me to break the news about our engagement before Daphne and Simon left to Clyvedon Castle. This is the reason why we are now all in the drawing room. I was quite nervous, what if they don't want me be part of their family? What if I am not presentable enough to be a part of the Bridgerton family? I mean not even the people who are related to me by blood have wanted me.

Before I can plunge further into the depths of my thoughts, Benedict cleared his throat to get the attention from his family and Simon, who is since today of course also a part of his family.

"Mother, Brothers, Sisters, your Grace. It is my pleasure to inform you about Alexandras and mine engagement." Benedict says.

"What a wonderfully news my dears. It is so marvellous to welcome two new faces in our family this year." Lady Bridgerton says while she walks straight to me to pull me in a tight hug.

"Thank you Lady Bridgerton. I am very happy to be a part of your wonderful family."

"Please you can call me now Violet. You too your Grace." Violet says to me and Simon.

"You all can call me Alexandra or Alex. Whatever you prefer."

All of the Bridgeton's say there congratulations to the two of us. Soon after it was time for Simon and Daphne to leave. We all say our good byes to them and watch the carriage drive away.

Lady Whistledown

Dearest gentle reader,

I must send felicitations to the new Duke and Duchess of Hastings. Congratulations and stamina as they embark on the most exhilarating time a young couple's life. I am, of course, talking of the honeymoon. Is there a more romantic notion? To retreat from society together, finally leaving watchful eyes behind.

While this author, along with the rest of the ton, will certainly miss one of its most remarked upon couple back in London, perhaps we might find solace in the promise of the duke and duchess returning to us bearing a surprise.

But beside this wonderfully couple there is another Bridgerton who seems to have find love this season. It has come to this author's ears that our little orphan Miss Durham and Mr. Benedict Bridgerton are engaged. If this couple also will have a fast wedding or if they will wait can just time tell us. But I promise, dear readers, that the details of this season's second Bridgerton wedding will be revealed by no one others then me.

Your Lady Whistledown

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