Chapter sixteen

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Benedict's P.O.V.

"This is madness." I hear Daphne yell as I came inside.

"What is it?" I ask confused.

Anthony came up to me:

"You and I need to talk." He grips me and shouts to or sister: "Daphne, bed."

He pushes me his office and slams the door close.

"I will need you to stand as my second."

He talks about a duel.

"What if you get yourself killed?"

"Then the title and estates will pass to you."

This is definitive not what I want.

"And what if you kill Hastings?"

"I shall have to leave the country and you'll be head of the family in every way that matters."

Before I can say something we hear Colin and mother.

Anthony explain everything to Colin before I head to bed. No matter what happens tomorrow, I will be the head of the family. I must take care of them and must leave the drawing and Alexandra in my past. She wants someone to be free with and there isn't much freedom as a viscount.

By dawn Anthony and I ride to the place where the duel will take place. We are already expected by the doctor.

"Doctor, I appreciate your attendance and discretion." Anthony says.

"You have my blunt?" The doctor asks. Anthony hands him the blunt.

"Very well. Try not to go dying while I am present."

"If the goal is merely to wound, where should my brother aim?" I ask him.

"You think you have the skill to guide the path of a moving bullet? Then you are either a fool or the king's finest marksman. Which is it?"

While Hastings with his second man comes, Anthony speaks to me:

"I have one last matter to discuss with you."

"You have already provided ample instruction. I should contact the solicitor and safeguard our sisters' dowries and..." He cuts me off.

"An additional task. In the top drawer of my desk, you shall find the name of a lady. If I die, you must ensure she is provided for. Do you swear? Benedict do..." this time I cut him off.

"I swear."

He gives me our father's old clock and says: "This is all."

They make themselves ready. Back on back and step away from each other. Then they turn around. Anthony points his gun at Hastings while he points it in the air. Anthony pulls the trigger but Daphne rides in the shot. Her horse jumps and throws her off.

"Daphne" Hastings yells, Anthony and I shout for our sister.

She lays on the floor but moves.

Daphne requires a moment with the duke and goes to speak with him.

"We must resume before someone should find us." Anthony interrupts them after a while.

"There will be no need to resume. The duke and I are to be married."

Alexandra's P.O.V.

Annabel wakes me up this morning. She helps me get ready as our footman Phillip knocks on the door.

"Miss Durham, there is a guest in the drawing room for you."

"Thank you Phillip. I will come in any minute."

After I get dressed, I walk in the drawing room to see a waiting Benedict.

"What are you doing here Benny?"

He does not give me an answer, he just pulls me in an embrace.

"What is wrong? Is it something with your family?"

He then explains anything. The duel between Simon and Anthony but also the wedding from Daphne and Simon.

"Why are you men always such idiots?"

"Hey. I'm not an idiot."

"You are the exception that proves the rule."

"Thank you for being there for me."

"Any time."

Benny and I talk for a bit before he has to go back to his family.

Soon he left I make myself on the way to Lady Danbury. Maybe we could together talk to him.

"Lady Danbury. I am not sure if you have heard the news about Simon's and Daphne's engagement?"

"I have indeed heard about it. It something wrong?"

"We both know what is wrong my Lady. He is blind to see what he has with Daphne and I don't want to let her get hurt."

"You must be very in love with the Bridgerton boy when you will save his sister from pain."

"Pleas. This has nothing to do with Benedict. You haven't seen her as he has broken up with her. She was so helpless that she has come to me. I'm nearly a stranger to her."

"We will talk with him." Lady Danbury calms me down.

And that is what we doing know. Talking with Simon.

"With what do I deserve the honor of having you two here?" Simon asks snappy.

"The same reason why I was the last time here. Pleas talk with her about your past. She needs to know now that she's going to be your wife."

"I don't need her pity."

"Simon that..." Lady Danbury cuts me off.

"My dear Simon. Did I raise you so badly? You must see that Miss Bridgerton loves you. She doesn't love your title or your wealth, she loves you. With all your quirks and bad habits, but above all with your past. You can trap yourself in a loveless marriage or you do that what your mother had wished for you. A happy ending."

During her speak I get tears in my eyes, Simon as well.

"You both are right. I can be lucky to have such a good mentor and good friend. Thank you two."

Simon says and hugs first Lady Danbury and then me.

"You know you can count on me when you need help." I say to him. He nods at me.

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