Chapter one

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I lay in my bed while hearing the noise from Henrys party downstairs. There are times where I join them to draw. His parties are sometimes a bit scandalous, but I like it. He was my father's best friend and lover. I don't think he is aware of my knowledge of their close relationship. Lucy had explained it to me. She had explained a lot to me, especially things an unwed woman like me shouldn't know. But in her opinion, I should know how the world out there really is. Of course I never have done such a thing and I'm still untouched, besides from myself.

Lucy and Henry give me much freedom. I can enjoy my life as I wish. I love to paint with Henry or assist him by portrays he made from the nobles and royals. But my other big passion is designing and sewing my own dresses. So when I'm not in my room working on a dress for me, I'm help Genevieve Delacroix, the best modiste all over London. She is my best friend. Everything I can and know about sewing, I have learned from her.

Tomorrow is an important day for me. Me and the others debutants get presented to her majesty Queen Charlotte. When I want a good husband, I must made a perfect impression. And I want a good husband, but I'm think it's not quite the same type then other woman my age will. I want someone who shares my love to art, who is open minded, kind and not averse to something fun. Because I have a lot of fantasy.

But I should push this thoughts away and try to sleep. As I said, tomorrow is an important day.

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