Chapter six

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This evening is the ball at Vauxhall. The colour of my dress is brown and maroon. It is decorated with red glass pearls. To that I will wear my ruby neckless and earrings.

To get to Vauxhall, you must take a short boat ride which I love by the way

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To get to Vauxhall, you must take a short boat ride which I love by the way.

Lucy and I stand by some of her friends, among them Lady Denbury. I hope, that I will see Mr. Bridgerton again tonight. As if she can read my mind, Lady Denbury comes to me.

"Good evening Miss Durham. It's wonderful to see you again. We had sadly no time to talk at my ball. But I like you to say that Mr. Bridgerton has ask about your beautiful painting in my archway."

"Oh and what have you said, Lady Denbury?"

"He said that he finds it very an interesting painting and has ask more about the painter."

"My Lady have you told him it is from me?" I ask a bit nervous.

"Of course my dear. You know how much I like your painting. He was quite surprised to hear that it was from you. It was not in my knowledge that you know Benedict Bridgerton." She says with a raised eyebrow.

"No, no. We just have met in front of the painting."

"Is this so? I heard the young man is also interested in art, maybe you two would be the perfect match?" After opening this to me, she turns around and leaves me alone.

Confused after my conversation with Lady Danbury, I got a bit thirsty, so I go and grab a drink.

I arrive at the table with the drinks, take a glass champagne and turning back around just to look in a gorgeous face.

"Good evening Miss Durham. It's wonderful to see you again." this is the second time this night, that I hear that sentence.

"Good evening Mr. Bridgerton. It's also nice to see you again, sir."

"Would My 'Lady care to dance with me?"

"Yes, why not."

Benedict leads me to the dance floor. He puts left hand to my waist and takes my right hand in his. Honestly his hand on my waist feels much better than the hand from every other man I have ever danced with. I look in his beautiful blue eyes.

"May I ask why you have lied in regard of your painting Miss?" he breaks the silence

"Sir, I haven't lied about the painting. I have said that the painter is a member of my family and I think I count as member of my family, right?"

Like the last time, a small laugh escape his lips.

"My apology, My Lady. You are indeed a member of your family."

"It is alight sir."

We finish the dance in silent, we make a curtsey/ bow and he leads me from the dance floor, a bit away from the crowd.

"Where you actually sad and hopeless while painting the picture?" he ask out of the silence.

"You have a huge interest to this random piece of art Mr. Bridgerton. But I was indeed sad to this time. I have painted it a month after my father's death, you can probably imagine how I felt to this time."

I avoid his gaze, but can feel his eyes watching me. After again a short silence he says:

"I can see that you where sad, but why where you hopeless?" I look at him and met his eyes. In his eyes filled with sadness but also curiosity. I take a deep breath.

"After the death of my father, I had no idea what will happen to me. His last wish was, that Sir Granville and his wife take care of me, but I have knew that my uncle had to choice what will happen  with me. Lucy and Henry where to this time already my last piece of family I had left. There where so many thoughts in my head, so I have painted that picture to distract myself." I say with a small tear in my eye.

"But now you under the care from Sir Granville, right?"

"Yes. Good for me that my uncle hasn't want me." I tell him with a sad laugh. 

"Is that what the queen meant with 'little orphan who know one has wanted'?" I must giggle as he repeats her words.

"Yeah exactly. I think she wanted to see my reaction about that. But sad for her that I know her words are not truth. But enough about me. Tell me something about you and your family." I say, trying to chance the topic.

"So I have three brothers and four sisters, we live all together with my mother. Oh well, all beside Anthony."

"I cannot even imagine to have one sibling and you have seven of them. Do you fight often with them?"

"It depends on. Most of the time we are just teasing each other's but from time to time we have some fights." He answers with a small laugh.

"Next to your family. What are you doing with your time?"

"Sometime I help my brother with his duties as viscount or I fencing with my younger brother Colin. But what I like the most is to draw. What about you?"

"Because of this you were so interested in my painting, I see. I also like it to draw and to paint of course. Beside of this I design and sew my own dresses."

"Does this mean the dress you are wearing, have been made by you?"

"You sound pretty shocked about that."

"It's just my sisters are all not good in it. That is why it shocks me a bit." We both laugh but get interrupted by the announcer.

"Ladies and gentlemen, a most extraordinary event is about to take place. Right this way! Come! Come!"

"Would you like to go and look with me?" Benedict ask and offers me his arm. I take it and we wake together in the same direction like the others.

"It is with great privilege I present Vauxhall's newest spectacle of illumination. Feast your eyes above and allow all that is radiant to overwhelm you!"

In the same moment the announcer finishes talking, hundreds of light begin shine above us.

"Wow. It's wonderful." We say at the same time.

After the show, we talk more till Lucy comes, to take me home. 

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