Chapter twenty one

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The big day

Alexandra's P.O.V.

Today is the day. The day I will marry my perfect match. I am quite nervous and excited.

I hear a knock on my door. "Come in."

"Good morning Alexandra. Are you ready to get dressed?" Annabel asks me while coming inside my room with a tray in her hands.

"As ready as I will ever be." I say giggly.

"I have a cup of tea for you and also a small breakfast."

"Thanks Annabel. You are the best."

I eat my breakfast and drink my tea while cheating with her. After that she helps me get ready. The dress Genevieve had made me is in a light green and withe and has a train. It is a lovely dress. To the dress I wear my emerald neckless. Annabel also makes my hair and a soft make up.

After getting ready the two of us head downstairs where Lucy and Henry are waiting for us

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After getting ready the two of us head downstairs where Lucy and Henry are waiting for us.

"You look magnificent my dear Alex." Lucy told me and pulls me in a hug.

"You father would be very proud of the young lady you have become." Henry says.

"Thank you Henry. But please, don't make me cry before I even have seen my future husband."

We all must laugh. I will miss this two a lot. It will be strange not to life under one roof anymore.

Lucy tears me out of my thoughts: "I probably should have no the talk with you what will happened today in your wedding night, right?"

She makes me roll my eyes.

"Do you really think I could spent four years together with the two of you without ever finding out about the passion between two people?"

"Oh no Lucy. We have depraved her. I think we must cancel the wedding. She can definitely not step to the altar like this." Henry says with a mocking sound.

I fake angry glare at him. "Has ever someone told you that you are mean?"

He says nothing, he just pulls me in a hug.

Soon after our hug we all sitting in the carriage on the way to the church.

Benedict's P.O.V

I am nervous and excited. I hope I don't screw something up.

While I stand at the altar my family is seeded on the right side of the church which is normally the groom's side. Through the fact that Simom is her friend, he and Daphne sit on Alex's side. Beside the two of them sits also the woman from the party which I have learned is the best known seamstress in London and a good friend of Alex. As also of course Lucy Granville.

I continue to look around the church as I hear the door open. There she stands. The most beautifulness woman of all. Together with Henry down the aisle while she has the hugest smile on her face. At the end of the aisle Henry hands Alex to me.

Third person P.O.V

Alex and Benedict stay in front of the archbishop facing him.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony. We will know let the couple exchange the vows. You may begin sir." The archbishop speaks loud and clear.

"I, Benedict Bridgerton, promise to cherish you always, to honour and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and all things until death alone shall part us." Benedict says with proud in his voice.

"I, Alexandra Durham, promise to cherish you always, to honour and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and all things until death alone shall part us." Alex says graceful with a smile across her face.

"Now the two beloved ones will exchange the wedding rings." The archbishop again speaks.

"With this ring I, Benedict Bridgerton, take you, Alexandra Durham, as my wedded wife. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us." Benedict says while taking off Alex's glove on her left hand and places the ring on her finger. After that he places a gentle kiss on her hand.

"With this ring I, Alexandra Durham, take you, Benedict Bridgerton, as my wedded husband. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us." Alex speaks while placing the ring on the finger of his left hand.

"By the authority vested in me by his majesty the king, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You now can kiss your bride." The archbishop ended. It has not need more than a second and Benedict lips are on Alex's lips.

Alexandra's P.O.V.

Currently we are at the Bridgerton house and greeting our guests. It was a wonderful ceremony and I so grateful to be married to this amazing man beside me.

In the moment no one was close to us I turn to my husband to whisper to him: "I love you Benny."

"I love you too Lexi." He says and gives me a kiss. As we pull apart two men reach us. I recognize them immediately.

"Charles, William. It is nice to have to two of you here. Has my Uncle accompany you?" I ask my two cousins.

"Sadly he has not. He is too busy with his duties. You know how he is. But it is nice to see you again after this what were they? Four years?" Charles speaks.

"Yes, indeed it are four years. The last time I have seen the two of you was at my father's funeral. I'm glad that we meet this time to a more cheerful occasion. Oh by the way this is my husband Benedict." I say to my cousins before facing Benny: "Benedict this are my cousins Charles and William."

"It is nice to meet the two of you." My husband says and shakes the hands of the two men.

"Thank you sir. It is also nice to meet you, right Charles."

"Indeed it is William. But I think we shouldn't take possession of the new couple just for ourselves, dear brother." William speaks politely.

"You are right. It was nice to see you again Alexandra. Maybe you and your husband will someday visite us in Durham?"

"Maybe someday dear cousin."

With that they both say there good byes and leave.

"Is anything alright?" Benedict asks carefully.

"Yes it is. I must say I'm happy that my uncle has decided not to come. He is not the nicest man around but my cousins are somehow really okay."

The greeting from the other guest continues after our little interruption with my cousins. I had a little emotional talk with Genevieve, which one has wished me an exciting wedding night. A few hours have passed and everyone except for Henry and Lucy has left.

The married couple and the Bridgerton all stay together in front of the house to say good bye to us. We all exchange lovely words and embraces with each other before Benedict and I get in our carriage.

It was a long day and I was happy to head now home together with my handsome husband and spent the night with him.

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