Chapter twelve

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As soon we reach my home, I jump out of the carriage and go inside. Lucy will most likely be in her room, so I head in its direction and knock on it.

"Yes?" I hear Lucy sweet voice from inside.

"It is me, Alex. Can I come in?"

"Yes sure, my dear."

I open the door and step inside.

"Lucy it's very important. Do you know something about Lord Berbrooke? Has ever someone mentioned something improper?"

"Why Alex. Has something happened?"

I know Lucy can keep a secret, I mean her marriage is a whole lie. So I tell her about Lord Berbrooke and Daphne.

"Why it is okay for men to fuck every woman they want and we not even can be alone with one without the ton thinking something sacandalous has happened." I ended my rant.

"Come down Alex. I know something about him. One of the servants from his mother has mention a thing. He has got pregnant a maid of his and then has send her away, taking no care for the boy. What an ass."

"Oh Lucy you are the best. Thanks. I hope you are feeling better. Excuse me for just asking now."

"I feel better sweetheart. Now go and spread his dirt."

Next thing I'm doing is going to the Bridgetons. I wear still the same dress but fuck it. I told the carriage man to drive as fast as possible, so we reach the Bridgerton house in no time. Fast I got out of the carriage and walk to the front door.

"Good afternoon Humboldt. I would like to see Lady Bridgerton. It is important."

"Of course Miss Durham. Follow me."

He brings me to the drawing room where Lady Bridgerton, Anthony, Benedict, Colin and Daphne are sited and looking all on the floor. Humboldt announced me:

"Lady Durham is her for Lady Bridgerton."

"Lady Bridgerton. I have found out something about Berbrooke. He has an illegitimate son with one of his maids. He refused to provide for them. Sends them away to live off scraps. I hope this is horrible enough for you to get rid of him."

Lady Bridgerton looks at me with wide eyes.

"How do you know that, Lady Durham?"

"As you know my Lady. The help hears everything. I have talked to one of the servants." I lied the last part but I cannot give my true source away.

"Thank you so much my dear." The Lady thanks me.

Daphne stands up and pulls me in a hug and say.

"Why have you done that? It was not your duty to get rid of him for me."

"But I like you and your family. You all don't deserve this and defiantly not from a man like Berbrooke."

We two pull away from the hug but not two seconds later Benedict pulls me also in a hug. He whispers in my ear:

"Thank you Love. Thank you so much to save my sister."

"Benedict" His mother shoots. He breaks the hug, immediately I miss his warm embrace.

"I think I should leave know. This day was for all of you surly more than enough."

"No, Miss Durham. You have saved my family from a scandal. We cannot thank you enough. Please stay at least for dinner." Anthony offers me. I'm sure he likes me now.

"It would be a pleasure, Lord Bridgerton."

"Please call me Anthony."

"Then you can call me Alexandra or Alex, which ever you prefer. All of you by the way."

Before the dinner, Daphne, Lady Bridgerton and I start to spread the story of Berbrooke.

After that, I eat dinner with them. I love it how they are. All on one table and so much of them. I could get used to it.

As the dinner is over, Benedict brings me to the door. A thought went through my head all evening. So I ask him quietly:

"Do you think he has forced her?" He looks at me with a confused face.

"Do you think Berbrooke had forced the maid to, you know, be with him?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"Look at him, I cannot imagine that someone would get touched by him on free will."

He chuckles. "No one can know that love, beside the poor woman. Don't worry your head over it." He says and gives me a kiss on my forehead.

"Good night Benny"

"Good night Lexi."

Lady Whistledown:

Dear readers

It has come to this author's attention that the ton is abuzz with a most sordid tale. It is said one cannot judge a book by its cover. But in the case of the bumbling Baron Berbrooke, it seems his displeasing appearance is quite apt metaphor for the state of affairs in his household. I would not be surprised if Lord Berbrooke were called away to the country on alleged business...

Business which, perhaps, might involve sending some much overdue funds to one former maid and young boy, who we can only hope takes after his mother.

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