Chapter eighteen

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Alexandra's P.O.V.

I'm waking up two arms wrapped around me, immediately remembering yesterday. I'm engaged to the best man in the world. I cuddle deeper in his chest and breathe in his scent. He smells so good.

"Good morning be beautiful fiancée. Are you ready for Daphne's wedding?" He speaks and scares me with it.

"Good morning to you too my fiancé. I am ready. So of course I still have to change. Which, by the way, you should do too, my love."

"What is not okay with my clothes?" He ask in an offended tone.

"First of all it's not elegant for a wedding and second you slept in your clothes and now they're wrinkled."

"Okay maybe you're right. Should I help you by any chance, my love?" He says, the last part with a cocky smirk.

I look at him and roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry Benny, But you have to wait until our wedding night, to see me without my clothes." but I stretch my leg through the slit of my dress. He looks at it, his eyes full of lust.

"You don't play fair Lexi but you are right." he looks on the clock in my room. "I should go and get ready for the wedding. See you later love." He gives me one last kiss and goes through the door.

Not even a minute after Benedict has left, Annabel comes in my room with my breakfast on a tray. She puts it down on my bedside table and begins jumping up and down.

"Ohh. I have seen him as he has left your room. Tell me, have you two, you know?"

"Annabel no we have not. He has just slept with me in my bed, that's all. Oh well all beside the fact that he has asked me to marry him." We both squeak while jumping up and down.

"I know it, I know he will be the one. You two are so perfect for each other. I am so happy for you Alexandra."

"Thank you Annabel. Now let us eat. I have a wedding to attend." She looks at me with a played questioning look.

"Not mine silly. Daphne and Simon will marry today."

After my breakfast, which I shared with her, I get dressed and pin up half of my hair. I walk downstairs just to get greeted with Henry and Lord Wetherby.

 I walk downstairs just to get greeted with Henry and Lord Wetherby

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"Good morning my dear. I have seen a certain young man leave our house this morning and have ask myself what happened with him during the night. Where have he stayed?" Henry ask with posed curiosity. He likes this too much in my opinion.

"We both know where he had stayed last night but I can promise you that nothing happened. He has just stayed with me over night." I answer him with a smile on my face while I remember the events from last night.

"He has asked you right?" Lord Wetherby interrupts my thoughts.

"I am sorry my Lord, I am not sure what you talking about." I say with played confusion.

He rolls his eyes. "Mr. Bridgerton has asked you to marry him right?"

"How do you know about that?" I ask him but he just nods his head in Henrys direction. Of course Henry has told him about Benedict asking him for permission to marry me.

"Yes he has and I said yes." I look on the clock behind the two men. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to Daphne's and Simon's wedding and I do not want to be late."

We say our good byes and I leave the house to go to the church.

Benedict's P.O.V

After arriving home, I go in my room to change. I still cannot believe she said yes. I'm the happiest man alive.

I hear a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I ask.

The door opens and revealed my mother.

"Where have you been? You haven't come home last night." She asks me worried.

"Everything is okay mother. I just was by Alexandra." I smile at the thought of last night.

"You mean the whole night? Are you insane? After all that happened you think it is a good idea to stay with her the night?" She asks now upset.

"As I said mother, everything is okay. Not just okay, everything is magnificent. Alex and I will marry." I just can't hold it longer for me.

My mother's face lights up.

"I'm so happy for you my son. She is a wonderful woman. But still you weren't supposed to spend the night with her. What if someone has seen you leave this morning?"

"You should not worried that much today. It is Daphne's wedding day after all. We should go to the church before we will run late."

Lucky for me we leave together to the church.

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