Chapter fifteen

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Simon asked for my presence at his friend's boxing match. We haven't talked since our discussion about Daphne and him, so I'm glad he has invited me. He was after yesterday's ball not in the best mood. Who could blame him? He had to watch his loved one while dancing with the prince. As nice and lovely Daphne looks like, she knows how to make a man jealous.

I stand beside Simon while he is talking with some men, among them Colin and Benedict who stand on my right. Simon talks with the men but cannot stop to look at Daphne who is sitting with the prince.

I lean over to Benedict to whisper to him: "I have to admit your sister knows how the play this game." and point to Simon.

"Of course she knows. She has grown up with three older brothers. In the end she will get what she wants."

Soon the match begins. Turning the game Simon pulls off his coat and throws it to me. I glare angry at him. What do I look like? A clothes rack? But I let it slip because he is cheering for Mondrich. The fight is more brutally that I thought it would be, but I kind of like it.

Finally Mondrich wins. Simon doesn't looks so happy, I know exactly why. He has starred half of the mache at Daphne.

"Come on Simon. Mondrich has wined. You should at least try to have a happy face."

Benedict's P.O.V.

I sit in the men's club after the boxing match as I hear someone call for me:

"What do you think, Bridgerton? This one more to your liking?"

"Mr. Granville..." I try to speak but he cuts me off.

"Perhaps they should take it over to Somerset House so it can be skied right next to mine."

"I believe I owe you an apology, sir."

"Unnecessary. I actually quite enjoy the eloquent strings of your critique. You were the only one who was so honest beside my ward Alexandra."

I must smile as he mentions her. But then I realize that I have never spoken to him as her legal guard.

"So?" He asks and points to the picture.

"A touch morose for my tastes."

He points on the next one.

"A tragedy. The hound deserved better."

Mr. Granville laughs.

"Where is yours? Alex has mentioned you were a good artist."

"I think Alexandra thinks too high about me sir."

"Oh I don't think so. She has a pretty good eye, like you Mr. Bridgerton."

I stutter to myself, not knowing what to say.

"Either way, you should come by my studio. The pieces I do for myself are there and I think you will find my real work far less, um... Oh, how did you put it? 'Cold and lacking inner life.'" He says and hands me his card. "And of course I would like to get to know the man Alex is so interested in."

"It would be my pleasure, sir." I say before he turns around and walks away.

Alexandra's P.O.V.

After the boxing match I go straight home. I feel inspired so I sit in Henry's studio and are sketching around. No idea how long I sit there till Henry comes in.

"Exact the young lady I was looking for. I have seen your beloved one in the club." By the mentioning of Benedict, I look up to Henry with raised eyebrows. "And I have invited him to my studio."

"You have what. What if he doesn't like it? What if he will think badly about me afterwards?"

"Honey. It will be fine. He is so fond of you and I'm pretty sure he will like it."

Benedict's P.O.V.

I'm on my way to Mr. Granville and I'm quite nervous. I have no idea what to expect.

After arriving at the studio, I knock on the door.

"Mr. Bridgerton." Mr. Granville greets me. "Come in, come in."

He leads me inside. I speak out my first though:

"I do not know what I was expecting, but it surely was not this."

"Oh, simply a gathering of like-minded souls. Here, let me show you what I've been working on."

He walks further in the room. I try to get along with my surroundings.

"What do you think?" He ask me.

It is a drawing from a topless woman.

"It's a far cry from Somerset House, I must say."

"I shall take that as a compliment."

"And I must say, I'm truly jealous of your and Alex's life."

"For me there are advantages to being the second-born. Heirs have the responsibility. The second sons have the fun. And in Alex's case. Her uncle the Duke of Durham hasn't want her, so she enjoys her life with me and my wife. So why are you not go and have some fun, she will find you later."

I take a deep breath, sit down and begin drawing the naked women in front of me.

Alexandra's P.O.V.

As I came back in the studio, I see Benedict drawing. I leave him some time alone and go to chat a bit with Genevieve. But after over an hour a go to him and stand behind him.

"Good evening Mr. Bridgerton. I like your work." I whisper in his ear.

He turns around.

"Good evening you to Miss Durham but I don't know, I'm do not like it."

Before I could say something, Henry reaches us.

"You have great potential."

"Oh no, it's nothing." Benny talks fast.

"Though, for such a stauch critic of others, you certainly lack a clear eye for you own work." Henry calls out and gets a small hit from me.

"It's the lines. Not what they're supposed to be."

"Take the compliment, Bridgerton. There is no expectation or judgment here. You left all of that back in Mayfair." I must chuckle about his comment, he talks further: "You can feel free to be yourself here, if that's what you should like. It's what works for me, at least. And I haven't been dissatisfied with my lines in... Well, quite some time." Now also Benny chuckles.

"Well, I've done worse, I suppose, really." Benny says.

"I seem to have enjoyed myself too much this evening. I should be on my way."

"As you wish. But know you are welcome back any time for practice or even conversation. Would you like lead our guest outside my dear Alex?"

"Sure Henry. Come with me Benny."

I lead him to the exit.

"I hope you are not too shocked about the naked women."

"Not at all. I hope you don't blame me for looking at said naked women."

"Of course not. I mean I have also see them."

"I cannot believe this is your life. Just doing what you like without consequences."

"Oh believe me, there are consequences. Should ever someone from the ton finds this out, I would be ruined, but that cares me not that much. I have nearly everything what I want in my life."

"Just nearly?"

"Yes. I'm searching for someone who will be free with me till the end of our lives."

We fall both in silent, not knowing what to say. So I decide to give him a kiss on his cheek.

"Good night Benny, sleep well."

"Good night Lexi."

And with that he walks away.

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