Chapter fourteen

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I'm sewing on a new dress as or footman, Phillipe, knocks on my door.

"Miss Durham. A guest for you. Miss Bridgeton is it."

Why should someone from the Bridgeton's visit me? Maybe it is Hyacinth.

"Let her in, Phillipe."

The door opens but it isn't Hyacinth. It is Daphne and she is crying.

"Daphne what is wrong?" I ask her and pull her into an embrace.

"He, he has stopped courting. He had said we were never friends." she sobs in my shoulder.

"Waite. Do you mean Simon? That idiot."

"He isn't an idiot, I am. We have fooled every one. It was just a trick to get him get rid of the mamas and their daughters and for me to find better suitors then Berbrooke. There was never something between us."

"Oh Daphne. I'm so sorry to hear that." We stand a time just in each other's embrace. Then I ask: "You love him, right?"

No words escape her lips, she just nodes.

"I'm happy that you came to me, but why?"

"I want not to see someone from my family and you have helped me with Berbrooke. And Benedict trusts you, so do I"

It is stupid put a small tear fills my eyes.

We break the hug and sit together on my bed. She tells me everything about their arrangement, how it happened and even the song she has made for him. I feel so sorry for her. She is so a lovely woman and what makes Simon, breaks her heart. Simon loves her, Lady Danbury and I can clearly see this but he must be too stubborn and proud to see it.

Daphne and I talk over an hour till I think she should go home:

"I should bring you home. Not that your family will worry where you are."

"Yes that would be a good idea. Thanks Alex for being there for me."

"Always Daph."

I bring her home with my carriage and wait until it disappears inside the house. Now I'm go to the Dukes house, someone must knock some sense into him and this someone is me.

I'm angrier then I should be, but the Bridgeton's have grown too much to me and when someone hurts one of them, I will hurt that person. Okay I will not hurt Simon but I must know what's going on in his head.

"Good afternoon Sir. I would like to speak with the Duke."

"I'm sorry Lady Durham. He is not receiving any visitors at the moment."

"I do not care sir. I wish to see him, now." I'm trying to be as friendly as possible because he has nothing do to with Simon's stupidity.

"I will go and look what I can do for you, ma'am."

Maybe I was harsher than planned to him. But it doesn't matter because I'm taken to Simon's office a short time later.

"You have wished to see me Alex?"

During my wait, I calmed down again, knowing that my angry self would be of no use.

"What happened between you and Daphne? Simon I can see that you love her and she loves you. Don't you think that you deserve love in your life?"

"I am not you Alexandra. I never had a father who loved me. I have no one who loves Me." he yells at me.

"No one. What is with Lady Danbury? What is with me? Are we no one? I love you like a brother Simon and we both know Lady Danbury loves you like her own son. Just because your father was a heartless, cold monster doesn't mean you must also be that way."

"Alex I just want the best thing for her and this is not me. She wants children and we both know I cannot give her that."

"Cannot and will not are not the same things. Talk with her. Maybe she will understand. There are other options for have children but not an heir. Take me as example. When you really will, you will find a way."

And with this a walk out of his office and go home. 

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