Chapter eight

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I'm dressed in a simple but still elegant light green dress. Green is my favourite colour, so I hope it gives me luck. While sitting in the carriage, with Annabel as my chaperon, I'm trying not to be too nervous. We get to our destination quickly and the carriage door opens up. Together we get off from the carriage.

The Bridgerton house is truly gorgeous. I am looking at it while walking to the footman.

"Good afternoon my Lady." He greeted politely.

"Good afternoon Sir. I'm Alexandra Durham and I'm have an invitation from Mr. Benedict Bridgerton."

"Of course my Lady. Please follow me." he says and opens the door for me to step inside. I haven't imagined that the house is even more gorgeous inside. But it is.

The footman leads us through the house in the garden, which is like the rest of the house just gorgeous. I can see Benedict and an older woman, which I expect to be his mother, sitting on a garden table. Together with Annabel and the footman, we reach the two of them.

"Lady Bridgerton, Mr. Bridgerton. The Lady Durham has arrived."

"Thank you Humboldt." Lady Bridgerton say to the footman. He walks back in the house.

"Miss Durham. It's a pleasure to meet you." She says to me.

"Lady Bridgerton the pleasure is mine." After I said that, Lady Bridgerton gives me a sweet hug.

See breaks it after Benedict clears his throat and makes me looking at him.

"Miss Durham. It is nice that you accepted my invitation." He says, takes my hand and gives it a kiss.

I feel the heat rise in my checks. Silly I know, but I kind of like him.

"Mr. Bridgerton. It was nice from you to invite me." Soon after the words escape my lips, two children came running in our direction. The both embrace each a leg from Benedict. It is a boy and girl, who now both look at me with big eyes.

"Who are you?" The girl asks me. A gasp escapes Lady Bridgerton's mouth.

"I'm Alex. What's your name my dear?"

"I'm Hyacinth and this..." she points to the boy "... is my brother Gregory. Would you like to play with us?" She ask excited.

I want to answer her but Benedict was faster. He looks down to his siblings and says:

"Maybe we will play later with you two. But I would like to spend some time with her first." He whispers the last part, but it was still loud enough for me to hear.

The two children accept this, if only reluctantly, and walk away.

"You must excuse my siblings. They are always excited when someone new comes."

"It's okay. I already think they are adorable."

He accompanies me to the table and tells me to sit down. A maid pours me a cup of tea. I give her a thankfully smile. I look to the backdoor from the house to see Annabel standing there and talking with another maid. I'm happy to see her not alone.

"Miss Durham, I must admit that I liked our talk at Vauxhall about art."

"Me too, Mr. Bridgerton. And please call me Alexandra if you like."

"Okay but just when you will call me Benedict." We smile at each other.

"I would love that, Benedict."

I can feel his mother watching us. He gives her a look and she stands up from her chair.

"I will leave you two a while alone." She say and walks inside the house.

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