Chapter four

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Lucy and I arrived at the Danbury house after a short ride in our carriage. I'm really nervous for my first ball.

"It will be alright. You know you have no pressure to marry this season. Just find someone who makes you happy Alex." Lucy told me.

This is what I love on her, she is always so positive and knows what to say to cheer me up.

We step out of the carriage to walk into the huge house. It is not the first time I'm a guest in Lady Denbury's home but every time I'm flashed once again. Together with Lucy, I walk down the huge stairs towards the ball room. The room is pretty crowded with people in dresses and dress suits. When I'm honest, I hate huge crowds. I prefer the small, familiar crowd from Henry's parties. But if I not will end as a spinster, I must go through it.

The ball has go on for over an hour. I have danced with a couple of men but they were not really what I'm searching for. So I have decided to take a break from dancing to go and take a look at some art. Somewhere in Lady Danbury's house is a painting from me which I have made four years ago. I gifted it to her because she had liked it very much. In my opinion it was not one of my best work but what should I say, tastes are different.

While I walk through the archway, from where you can watch over the ball room, I see my painting with a tall man standing before and looking at it. The man has brown curly hair and looks quite handsome from where I'm standing. I take a deep breath and collecting all my confident while heading in his direction. Now standing beside him with enough space between us.

 Now standing beside him with enough space between us

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A/N I have no clue about paintings and drawing. So sorry if I say something wrong or stupid.

"D-do you like the painting, sir?" I ask less confident than I hoped I would sound.

"It has something, but it seems a bit hopeless and sad." He answers my question without looking away from my painting.

"Maybe the painter was sad and hopeless while painting this piece." I say, exactly remembering how I have felt while painting this landscape. It was a month after my father's death. At this time I was sad and indeed hopeless. I was scared that my uncle will take me away from Lucy and Henry or that he will take away my father's heritage.

The man is now studying me with a confused expression.

"You are the little orphan." he ask. I roll my eyes at the stupid nickname the queen gave me and turn around to walk away. But I came not far because a hand grabs my wrist and turns me around.

"Excuse me, I have not wanted to offend you. I'm Benedict Bridgerton." He looks at me with friendly eyes.

"You really should be sorry. Especially because you are a half-orphan yourself. Isn't it, Mr. Bridgerton?" I tell him with a sternly gaze.

A small laugh escaped his lips while he looks in my eyes. "You are right I presume. May I ask what your real name was again?"

"Alexandra Durham, sir"

"Mhm. This is quite interesting. See the painting we have considered, was painted from an Alex Durham. A member of your family?"

Now it is my time to let out a small laugh.

"Yes actually the painter is a very close member of my family, Mr Bridgerton." I answer with a smirk.

"Also he was? You know, sad and hopeless while making this piece?"

"Yes. She was." He looks again to the painting to study it closely again.

I don't know why but as he was so focussed to my painting again, I took this opportunity to leave. I want to mess a bit with him, by disappearing right away.

Benedict's P.O.V.

My brothers, mother and Daphne are at the Denbury ball. I not truly not like social events like this, but I'm here for Daphne.

My siblings and me are talking with Lady Denbury, not to my pleasure. I try not to get her focus on me but it looks like I failed.

"Ah. Mr. Bridgerton, it got to my ears that you have an interest in art. Maybe you would like to watch some of the art in the archway above us?" Lady Denbury ask with a smirk on her face. I'm not sure if she will come with me or not but the art interest me really.

"I would like indeed study some the art. Thank you for the recommendation Lady Denbury." With that I say a proper goodbye to her and walk to the archway.

After studying a couple of paintings I stand in front of a bit darker painting.

I was so focused on the landscape that I don't notice that a young woman is standing by my side.

"D-do you like the painting, sir?" asked the sweet voice.

I answer her without looking away from the painting, but I can see in the corner of my eyes that she is watching me:

"It has something, but it seems a bit hopeless and sad."

"Maybe the painter was sad and hopeless while painting this piece." I turn to her and recognize her immediately. She is the little orphan. But instead of thinking I say it out loud:

"You are the little orphan." I curse myself for saying something so stupid. Looks like she doesn't like call that because she turns around and starts to walk away. Out of reflex I grab her wrist.

"Excuse me, I have not want to offend you. I'm Benedict Bridgerton." I try to sound as friendly as possible.

"You really should be sorry. Especially because you are a half-orphan yourself. Isn't it, Mr. Bridgerton." she talks back with a sternly gaze.

Aha she is a feisty one. I like it and must laugh about her remark, because she is right.

"You are right I presume. May I ask what your real name was again?"

"Alexandra Durham, sir" she answers.

Durham, like the name of the painting. Now I'm curious.

"Mhm. This is quite interesting. See the painting we have considered, was painted from an Alex Durham. A member of your family?"

This time it is her to let out a small laugh and it sounds wonderful.

"Yes actually the painter is a very close member of my family, Mr Bridgerton." She answers with a smirk.

"Also he was? You know, sad and hopeless while making this piece?"

"Yes. She was."

She was? Her words make me study the painting again. As I turn to her again, she was nowhere in sight.

Also when I don't like it, I should ask Lady Danbury about her and the painting. 

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