Chapter two

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"Wake up Alexandra, I have your breakfast." I hear the sweet voice from my maid Annabel. She is my maid since I live by Henry and Lucy. We are good friends. When I'm honest is she my only friend beside Genevieve, Henry and Lucy. I'm not the most social person, I preferred to be with my family or alone.

After eating my breakfast, I get dressed with the help from Annabel. The dress code for the presentation for the queen is simple: White dress with gold or silver embroidery and of course gloves and stupid fathers on the head. To stand out from the crowd, I have decided to floral embroidery in green on my white dress. Hopefully the queen will not hate me for breaking the dress code, maybe she will not even notice it.

I choice to wear my hair open

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I choice to wear my hair open. It is straight and light brown. Lucy has decided I should wear my emerald neckless, which was my mother's before she died. It's my favourite because it's matches with my green eyes. The gloves I'm wearing are also white and have a bit gold on it.

After a last look in the mirror I head downstairs to Lucy. She is waiting for me at the end of the stairs. Her dress is a light blue and she looks beautiful as always.

"Lucy you look so good. Should the queen look at me or at you?" I ask with a huge smile on my face.

"Why should she looks at me, when the most beautiful woman with the most stunning dress will stand by my side?" she ask back and we both begin to laugh.

"Thanks you for presenting me to the queen. I'm a bit nervous. What when she will hate me or worse hate my dress."

"Are you seriously more scared that she will hate your dress then you?"

"Of course. I have worked two weeks on my dress. It would hurt me so much more."

Lucy laugh about that statement.

"The queen would just prove that she has no taste when she will hate ether you or your dress."

I cannot other then go and hug Lucy. She is really like a mother for me.

"We should go. You don't will be late, right?" Lucy ask me after breaking the hug. Before I can answer her, Henry comes out of his drawing room. He looks tired and has dark circle under his eyes.

"Long night Henry?" I ask louder than necessary.

"Alex my dear. I just will wish you good luck. You will be the most beautiful debutant since ever."

I thanked him for his compliment. Lucy and I say him goodbye and walk to the carriage in front of our home.

The ride to the palace was 15 minutes. Lucy and I talk the whole ride about my presentation. She gives me some last tips and calms me down.

As we arrive we heat together into the palaces. I look at every piece of art in this place. It is breath taking. Soon we stand all in a large hall, waiting to get called.

After a couple of them get called, among them the Featherington daughters and their mother and also Daphne Bridgerton and her mother, it was finally my turn.

"Miss Alexandra Durham presented by her legal guardian Mrs. Lucy Granville." the announcer says. Lucy and I walk through the huge doors into the grade hall. All eyes are on me and the people whisper. It was not normal as an orphan not to life with your last relatives alive. This was the reason why they always talk about me when I'm on a social event. This and because my uncle has not want me.

As we reach the queen, we make both a curtsey. I try to be as elegant as possible. After our curtsey the queen raises from her throne.

"Oh. Our little orphan who know one has wanted. I must say you look indeed pretty good my dear orphan."

With this she turns around and sits back on her throne. Everyone wants to see my reaction after what she said, but her words don't hurt me. I know that my blood family has not want me but Lucy and Henry are my real family and I exactly know that they want me. So I just keep smiling and hold my head high. We made one last curtsey and walk back out through the door.

"Is everything okay?" Lucy asks me after we are back in the carriage.

"You mean because she said that no one has wanted me? I know that this is not the truth. You and Henry have wanted me and it's you and Henry I call my family." I answer her and hug her tightly.

Benedict's P.O.V.

Together with my family I stand in the throne room from her Majesty, the queen. Daphne's presentation was great. The queen even called her flawless. I'm so happy for my little sister.

My thoughts are interrupted by the announcer:

"Miss Alexandra Durham presented by her legal guardian Mrs. Lucy Granville."

The people around me begin to whisper as a girl with a woman walk in the room. She is very beautiful and elegant. Her dress was something special. I kind of like the the embroidered pattern on it, it's very artistic.

"Oh. Our little orphan who know one has wanted. I must say look indeed pretty good my dear orphan." I hear the queen say. She has never spoken so much with any of the other debutantes before. Why does the queen says that no one want her? I must ask my mother later.

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