Chapter twenty

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Alexandra's P.O.V.

Today I am again at the Bridgerton House together with Annabel. Violet, Benedict and I are discussing over the wedding. Benny and I have decided to wait a till after the season to marry which will be in three weeks. This will probably be the longest three weeks in my life. The planning goes fast. Neither of us will have a big wedding just the most important people in our life. Just one question spins around in my head. Should I invite my uncle and cousins? I am not sure about this.

I have spaced out but get pulled back by my fiancé: "Lexi is everything okay? Are you unsure about our wedding?" He asks me with a worried expression.

"What of course not. You are the perfect man for me. Never think about this ever again. No I just have thought about my uncle and cousins. I think it would be impolite not to invite them but I also think that they not have deserved to get invited. What do you think Benny, Violet? I don't want to throw a bad light on your family."

"Dear. First of all you are now part of our family. Second this will be your and my sons day. You two must do what feels right for you." Violet comforts me.

"My mother is right Lexi. This will be our day and we don't let it get ruined by the people of the ton or your uncle. I will support your decision, no matter how you decide." His words make me to the luckiest woman of the world. I am not quite sure what I have done to deserve such a great man in my life.

"Maybe we should invite them just for the reception. After all they are blood relation with me."

We have planned other things for the big day as Anthony walks in the drawing room we are sitting at the moment. He greeted us all and sits down beside his mother.

"What are you doing?" Anthony asks.

"We are planning Alex's and my wedding brother." Benedict answers him.

"Of course. Have you both already decided where you will live?" Anthony asks in our direction.

Benedict turns his face to me and says: "Actually we have not talked about it yet."

"Have I never told you that I own a cottage? I have lived there with my father till his death and it was always my dream to live with my husband there. Certainly just when you are okay with that." The last part came out a bit worried.

"It will be my pleasure to live there with my beautiful wife. Where is it located?"

"Only about an hour from here. We won't be too far away from our families but we will still have our silence and privacy." I whisper the last part to him.

He must chuckle about my words and says: "I would like to see it before our wedding, when that's possible?"

"Of course. We can go now when you will and have time. But I must warn you, no one was there since my father died. I am not sure how clean it will be."

Benedict's P.O.V

We have shortly left after her invitation to visit our future home. It feels surreal to call it our home.

The ride was indeed not longer than one hour. So now Lexi and me, as well as her maid, stay in front of a beautiful cottage. The garden was also very pretty but also a little overgrown. In the centre of the garden stands a sweet pavilion.

 In the centre of the garden stands a sweet pavilion

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