Chapter Seventeen

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It are two days gone since this whole story with Daphne, Simon and Anthony. Tonight is one of Henrys parties and of course he has invited Benedict. My dress is a bit more figure hugging and more revealing then I would wear on the other events.

 My dress is a bit more figure hugging and more revealing then I would wear on the other events

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I'm walking around as I hear Genevieve's voice:

"What are you doing here?"

"Apologies. Have we met?" I recognize this voice right away. Benedict.

"We do not need to have met. You are a Bridgerton, yes?"

"I see my reputation precedes me."

"You should go home to your brother, perhaps."

Before Benedict can say something, I cut in:

"Come on Genevieve. Let the poor man be."

"Alex my dear. Are you coming to rescue your lover boy?" She mocks at me.

I go to her and whisper in her ear:

"You know he's reserved for me."

"Honey it should have been just a test. We both know how man are." She answers so that Benedict can hear it. He has a confused expression on his face. I go along to him and grip his hand.

"Come on Benny, we'll go where it's quieter."

I pull him upstairs, grab the key from the pocket in my dress and open the door for my room. We both walk inside and I close the door behind me.

"Is this your room Lexi?"

"Who else's room should it be? It is the best place in the house at the moment."

"But we are alone. Do you want to have the same fate as Daphne?" He as with a smirk across his handsome face.

"Don't be scared. No one will duel with you because of me or have you forgotten that I'm the little orphan?"

He comes to me and puts his arms around my waist. We've never been so close except while dancing. He's eyes look in mine.

"I love you Lexi."

A huge smile creeps on my face.

"I love you too Benny"

I feel his lips on mine and it is one of the best feelings I ever had. He deepens the kiss. We stand there, kissing each other what feels like an hour till I pull away to breath but our foreheads rest on each other's.

Benedict's P.O.V

I know it's not appropriate to kiss her, but I couldn't help myself. I love her and she loves me back. I have ask Mr. Granville yesterday, if I can marry her. He just said: 'I don't know. This is something you must ask her yourself.' This is what I will do now. Ask her the big question. We look each other deep in the eyes, so there is not a better moment then now.

"Alexandra Durham. Will you marry me?"

She blinks twice as if she can't believe it.

"Yes. Yes." She pulls me again in a deep kiss. We pull a second time this evening away. I would love to have her now but I must wait.

"Does your family knows?" She have made so clear that she likes my family because of this I love her even more.

"Not yet, just Anthony. I have thinked we could say them tomorrow together?"

"But it is Daphne's wedding, her big day. I will not steal this from her."

"How can it be that you're so wonderful?" I ask her with a short kiss.

"I am just born this way." We both laugh but she abruptly stops.

"What do you think you want to do after our wedding?"

"That's an easy question. I will spend my whole day with my wife and try to capture her beauty in paintings. And later when we have children, I will paint with her and our children."

"That sounds wonderful."

We keep talking about our future and dreaming until she gets tired.

"You can stay here if you want." she ask shyly.

"I would love to."

So now she lays fully dressed in my arms cuddled up to my body. 

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