Chapter thirteen

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A new wing at Somerset House will open this day. Henry and I have spent a lot time there together. It will the first time this season that he will attend to a social event with Lucy and me. He prefers more intimate events, like his parties for example.

The opening is in the after lunch. I spent the morning with finishing my dress. I want something special for today, this is the reason why I sewing real violet roses on my dress and made a matching flower crown. The dress itself is in two different violet-shades.

 The dress itself is in two different violet-shades

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Kinda like them.

After Lunch I get dressed. I'm a bit scared about the roses, I hope they will not wild too soon.

Lucy, Henry and I sit in the carriage.

"Are real flowers not a bit extra my dear?" Henry ask politely.

"Are we not going to an art exhibition? I think a bit extra will be fine." I smirk at him.

"As you say Alex."

Together we reach Somerset House. A lot of people are already there. There is a crowed of many debutantes. I assume they are all hoarding around the newly arrived prince. Don't get me wrong, I like to have a Ladies title, but this greed for status is something I can not understand.

I exit the carriage and walk confident through the people on Henrys left arm while Lucy is on his right one. The people begin to whisper. Unfortunately, I only understand fragments.

"Are does really flowers on her dress?" "Oh gosh. Look at the little orphans dress." "Attention seeker"

Normally I don't like attention on me but now I love it. Somerset House is my territory.

The gallery is as beautiful as always, just now much more crowed then normally when I'm here.

I spot my favorite Bridgerton in the crowed. I inform my two escorted where I go to. I wander to him and tip him on his shoulder. He turns around and observes my dress.

"You look breath taking, my sweet Lexi. Are does real flowers?"

"Of course. I wouldn't bother with fake ones." I saying in my most arrogant tone.

"You are unique. Would you come with me to look at some art, like on our first night?"

"With you? Any time." I say while I giggle.

"Are here also some of your art work hanging around?"

"No like I said I'm not the best artist. But maybe in the future will be there some from you."

He doesn't respond, just rolls his eyes.

We walk together to the exhibition and discuss about the different paintings. At the moment we stand before one from Henry. Lady Denbury and Henry reach us and Benedict turns to her:

"It's much too cold. Where's any sense of the subject's spirit? And the light! Given the quality, I do wonder why the piece was not skied with the other daubs."

I must bit my lips not to laugh. Luckily Benedict's attention is on Lady Denbury.

"Perhaps we should ask the artist." the called Lady says.

"That would be something. Do you also think Alex?" he now brings the attention to me.

"That would be a great idea." I answer with a smile.

"Mm... Mr. Granville," Lady Danbury says and turns to Henry. "Why was your piece not skied?"

Henry says just "Hmm."

Benny tries to save his skin "Mr. Granville, I" but Henry cuts in "If you will excuse me, um, I must find my wife. Alex." He nots at me.

I and Lady Danbury start chuckling.

"You two diabolical... How could you let me rattle on like that?" He whisper-shouts at us while watching between the two of us.

"How could we not, my dear Mr. Bridgerton. It was riotously funny, you must admit." she announced and walks off. Benedict turns to me. I must giggle even more due his face.

"I'm sure he hates my now. Why haven't you said something?"

"Like Lady Danbury has said, it was way too funny."

"You've definitely spent too much time with her."

A loud gasp goes through the crowd. It looks like poor Cressida swooned and the prince caught her.

"What for a cheap trick." I say to Benedict.

"A tick?"

"Yes of course it's a trick. She just want the prince's attention."

"Why are you not trying to seduce the prince?" He asks a bit too nervous for my taste.

"I don't know. Maybe I have already found my prince charming." I look him deep in his eyes. A smile crawls on his face.

"Is that so? Maybe I have found my perfect princess." He whispers seductively in my ear.

Lady Whistledown

These days, the modern young lady must display a miscellany of talents in her quest for a suitor. She must be a witty conversationalist, an accomplished musician, and an expert in the art of the swoon. For managing to faint with nary a petticoat out of place is a most coveted talent indeed. Of course, not everyone has fallen victim to the royal fever sweeping through London Town. One diamond and a little orphan in particular seems quite immune, making this author wonder if the crown has lost its luster.

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