Chapter eleven

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Benedict's P.O.V.

Never have I think of marriage before. Not really. But with Lexi. She is so different. So lovely however also feisty. We share the same interest in art and she is quite humour full. And especially not so rigid and boring like the other Ladies. She does was she likes which is what I love about her the most.

Now I sit with mama, Daphne, Eloise, Gregory and Hyacinth in our drawing room while sketching her pretty face. One of our servants walks in the room with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

"Are they for Daphne, Humboldt?" My mother ask him.

"No, my Lady. They are for Mr. Bridgerton." He walks to me and hands me the flowers.

"For me. Are you sure?"

"Of course sir. I have also a letter for you. It comes together with the flowers." He says and hands me the letter.

I put the bouquet on the nearest table and open the letter.

My dearest Benedict

I know it is not commonly to send flowers to a man, but I would like to thank you for yesterday's wonderful evening. I also will apologize because of making you feel jealous. It really wasn't my intention to make you feel this way.

I like you very much Benny and I do not want to lose you.

I'm excited for the picnic later.

Until then



How sweet is this? She sends me flowers to apologize, when in facts I was the idiot, like she said yesterday.

"From who are Benedict." Eloise asks me.

"Why should I tell you, little sister?" mocking her.

"Probably because I'm your favourite sister, duh."

"This is not true. He likes me soooo much more then you, El." Hyacinth intervenes.

"I'm pretty sure he likes me the most. After all I was the first sister he had." Daphne interrupts.

I roll my eyes.

"I love you all the same, my sisters."

Hyacinth comes to me and sits on my lap to whisper in my ear:

"Are they from the pretty woman which was her the other day?"

"Yes, indeed they are." I whisper back.

"Will you marry her?" She whispers again, but now with big eyes.

"When she also will." I answer my little sister with a small chuckle.

"That would be amazing." She shouts now out.

"What would be amazing Hyacinth?" My mother must ask.

Hyacinth glances at me while I shake my head.

"Nothing mama." She answers our mother and goes back to play with Gregory.

Perhaps I should talk with Anthony about this.

Alexandra's P.O.V

I make myself ready for the picnic while felling like a lovesick puppy. Maybe I have fallen for the second oldest Bridgerton. Scratch the maybe. I have fallen for him.

For today's picnic I wear a yellow dress with a rose embroidery and short yellow gloves. My hair is in a simple side braid.

Lucy is still not better, so I go with Annabel. This time it's okay because there I will be always visible for everyone. I don't understand this stupid rules but what can I do. 

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