Chapter seven

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For those not in attendance at the Vauxhall celebration, you missed the most remarkable coup of the season. It appears Miss Daphne Bridgerton has captured the interest of the newly returned Duke of Hastings. How the young miss secured her newfound suitor is yet to be determined. Yet, if anyone shall reveal the circumstances of this match, it is I.

It also seems like, Miss Bridgerton is not be the only Bridgerton sibling with a match on the way. Mr. Benedict Bridgerton was seen to talk and dance with our little orphan Miss Alexandra Durham. Only time will show if this two new found matches will survive.

Yours truly

Lady Whistledown

Benedict's P.O.V.

I have spent the whole night thinking about Alexandra. I would like to see her again. The talk we shared yesterday was very revealing. It seems like we to have the same big interest in art and funny is, that she is the first person I would like to show my work to. I think, I should invite her.

"Mother?" I ask while our breakfast.

"Yes my dear?" she says and looks me in the eyes.

"I would like to invite Miss Durham for this afternoon, and maybe for dinner if she would like."

The face from my mother lights up.

"So it is true what lady Whistledown writes?"

"It don't know what this woman writes mother. But Miss Durham and I have a same area of interest in art, so I would like to talk more with her about this topic."

I think, I never seen a bigger smile on my mother's face.

"Of course Benedict. Invite her, I would like to meet the young Lady my son is so fascinated off."

I roll my eyes, pretty sure she is already planning my wedding in her head.

Alexandra's P.O.V.

Last night was adorable. Benedict and I have talked about so much. About or favourite artists, favourite art direction and also we have made fun about the other guests. And I have to admit, he is so handsome. Till now he would be the perfect candidate for me, but I'm not sure if he also likes me back. I mean, he is a Bridgerton after all. He probably could have every Lady he wants.

I push this things away to dress me for the day. When I'm at home, I'm dressed more comfortable, what just means, I wear no corset and a simple light blue dress for today.

My days are mostly the same. Waking up, get dressed, eat breakfast and then I sew, draw or embroider something.

Not knowing why, but today I feel like drawing something. So after breakfast I decided to join Henry in his studio.

I knock on the door and ask:

"Are you alone or have you company?" I started knocking after an incident with Henry and Wetherby. That day I seen more then I have ever wanted.

"Yes my dear I'm alone. Come in."

I enter the room, go straight to Henry and give him a tight hug.

"Good morning Henry. What are you doing?" I ask while looking at the nearly empty canvas.

"Ahh. You know just a bit experimenting. How did I get the honour with your company?"

"I feel inspirit this morning to paint something."

"Has this maybe something to do with a certain Bridgerton boy?" he ask with a smirk.

I just roll my eyes with a smile in my face.

"Maybe, maybe not my dear."

"You must know Alex, a little bird has written about you tow."

"This Lady Whistledown again? Why does she stick her nose in things that are none of her business?"

"So it is true." Henry says, still with a stupid smirk.

"Yes. He has also an interest in art and is quite handsome, don't you think so?" I ask him. The last part with a smile.

"I don't know whether he's handsome or not. I haven't the pleasure to meet him yet. May you should invite him to one of my parties?" He says, laughing slightly.

I look at him with raised eyebrows.

"You know I like your parties but I'm yet not sure if he will like them to and I definitely don't want to scare him away."

After our conversation, we both begin painting. Since a long time I wasn't so motivated to paint. 

The picture she begins to paint

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The picture she begins to paint

We both paint in silence till a knock on the door interrupts us. Henry calls the person in. It is Annabel with some flowers and a letter in her hands.

"Alexandra, this flowers and a letter have arrived for you."

"Thank you Annabel. You can put the flowers in my room if you are so kind. I will take the letter."

She hands me the letter and disappears through the door. I open the letter to read it.

Dear Miss Durham

It was very pleasant to dance and talk with you. So pleasant that I would like to invite you for tea this afternoon. Then you could met some of my siblings and my dear mother. She would enjoy to meet you.

I hope you will follow my invitation.

Benedict Bridgerton

A huge smile crawls on my face after reading his letter.

"Why are you smiling like a maniac?" Henry ask, teasingly.

"I'm not smiling like a maniac and because of this comment you will never know who has written me."

I haven't should say that, because like Henry is he tries to snap the letter out of my hand. I try to dodge him but he is faster. He catches the letter and read it.

"OH. He wants you to meet his family. Interesting my dear."

"Do you not know it is not polite to read the letters from others?"

"I know that, but you are my ward, so I have every right to so."

"Of course, whatever you say." I answer, rolling my eyes at him and turn my attention back to the painting.

"Do you not know it is not ladylike to roll your eyes?" He ask but me not answering him.

We continue painting till lunch. After eating, Henry and I go again back to our work.

"I should go and get ready." Saying after watching to the clock. I give Henry a hug and go to my room. I hear him wishing me good luck while leaving the studio.

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