Chapter nine

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Benedict leads me around the house. Of course we got followed by Annabel. We reach a study in which we settle down. Annabel waits in front of the open door

"I must excuse my sister. She sometimes can be pretty curious."

"It's alright. I must confess it was quite funny." I say as he gives me a curious look. "So I mean the argumentation between your mother and you and your siblings."

"You know it, right?" He ask with a smirk on his face.

"I know what?" I ask with a bit of panic. What I know is that an unmarried Lady should not know of such things.

"How a Lady comes to be with a child." He says, still smirking but now also with a raised eyebrow. 

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Why is it important for you if I know or not, Sir. Do you think I have done improper things?" I ask him a bit harsh.

"Of course not, my 'lady. I have just the feeling that you are different from the other young woman. This is all."

We fall silent for a couple of minutes.

"Is different good?" Asking him now with a raised eyebrow.

He looks deep in my eyes.

"In this case, Lexi, it's something good." He says flirtatious.

"Lexi?" I ask him about the nickname.

"I also can call you little orphan, if you prefer." he tells smiling.

The second time this day, I hit him on his arm.

"You can be an idiot, do you know that, Benny."

"Benny. I like that."

We begin talking about his sketches again and about mine too. We talk till Lady Bridgerton walks in the room.

"My dear, would you like to eat dinner with us. Then you can meet the rest of the family."

"I would love to Lady Bridgerton."

The evening goes on very well. I meet Francesca, who will leave the next day to practice the pianoforte with their Aunt. And the head of the family, the viscount of Bridgerton Anthony. I'm not one hundred percent sure if he likes me or not.

After the dinner I go back home and straight to bed, dreaming of the sweet man called Benedict Bridgerton.

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