Stormtroopers Mission

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and artists.

Demyansk Pocket: 22nd of April, 1942

   Fighting through the night had done its damage to Aleksander's nerves and sanity, most of his uniform was covered in blood that was primarily not his. Most of it came from fighting with Soviets in hand to hand combat or shooting them so close, that the spray of their blood had doused his uniform. Currently, the blood drenched soldier was sitting down at the farthest end of the trench line alongside other troops. Word had been passed down throughout the night, that they were going to make an attempt at pushing through the corridor created by their many months of fighting. The arrival of reinforcements had greatly helped them, but now it was time for the army group to get out while they could. Checking his MP-40, Aleksander made sure he had a full magazine ready when it was time for his platoon to push forward. Well, what could be considered the remains of a platoon as there was only 20 left out of 60 they had started out with when they had first started fighting in the pocket. When it comes to himself, Aleksander didn't believe he would survive the push to get out of the pocket, as they really didn't have many vehicles to transport the troops out. This meant that a majority of them would literally be running and fighting at the same time, because the Soviets would likely try to run them down or shoot them as they retreated. The movement of troops to get out of the situation they were in was organized to be sure, they would get artillery support and other such means to keep the Soviets off their backs, but that really didn't settle many of the troops nerves who had been fighting in the pocket since February. Looking up to the sky Aleksander hears the familiar sound of incoming artillery but it is not aimed at them, rather it is aimed at the Soviet lines and he can only hope that the barrage lasts long enough for them to escape. Hearing the concussion of the artillery, Aleksander made sure he was ready to start sprinting as each unit was going to be given a specific signal in order for them to start moving out. The sound of the artillery almost deafened the shrill cry of whistles that were further off, signaling that other units were starting to move out. None of them had to wait long to hear the sounds of weapons chatter and the concussion of the 7.5cm guns of Panzer IV's. Closing his eyes and breathing deeply Aleksander would sigh and exhale, before the shrill tune of three sharp whistle blows alerted them it was their time to move. Jumping up from his position, Aleksander would start to rush across the wet ground alongside others from his platoon and those that remained of his company. They stayed close to what armored vehicles they had which consisted of half tracks, each one was armed with an MG-34 or MG-42, giving the men adequate cover fire. Aleksander would not lie, he smiled at hearing the chattering ripping cloth sound of the weapons as they poured down cover fire for the troops to move. Walking close to the right side of one of the half tracks he almost stopped to pause when a Soviet bullet skipped over the armored hood of the vehicle and into the face of another soldier, killing the man instantly. Stepping over the body he kept his eyes ahead on getting out of the hell they were in, hell was apparently not finished with them as a Soviet BT-7 tank rumbled forth from a grove of trees and it's main gun was pointed towards them.

    "Panzer!!" Aleksander yells loudly and sprints away from the half track, along with many of the other men. The tank fires it's main gun sending a 45mm shell through the engine of the half-track, erupting it in an explosion that sends shrapnel flying in various directions. Aleksander yells out in pain, tumbling to the ground as a smaller piece of shrapnel pierced his left shoulder. Another explosion rocked the ground but was much bigger than a half-track being destroyed, lifting himself up he saw the BT-7 was a burning hulk. Looking to his right he saw a Panzer IV was rolling through the snow, moving from one of the other groups alongside a second tank to assist in the movement of troops.

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