The Laughing Killer

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and artists.

Fort Luna: 3 Days Later

   The sight of a wood ceiling is what greets Aleksander when he wakes up, this surprised the man greatly before he remembered what had happened. Leaning up he groans loudly in pain at the wounds he suffered from fighting with the creature, then also fighting the 'wolves?' if he could call them that. Aleksander found that he was in a room entirely made of stone except, except for the iron door and the ceiling. Needless to say it did not take him long to realize that he was prisoner, what did make him curious was of the fact that he wasn't chained down or had any restraints on him. Even though it was not a good idea he made an attempt to stand up, which resulted in him groaning loudly before sitting back down on the bed. During this time he realized that the only clothes he had on him were his briefs, which did little to hide anything in his case. Looking around the room, he found that it was much like a room one would find in a castle dungeon but with more amenities. A chair and desk were against the one wall along with a wash basin and clay pitcher, even though it was a dungeon cell it was clear that it was meant for more respected prisoners. His attention snapped to the door as he heard heavy bolts shifting, the door was pushed open and Aleksander felt his eyes widen heavily at seeing the size of the three creatures that entered. Two were dressed in armor while the third was dressed in robes, said robes looked to be of good quality and had markings embroidered on them. Clearly the two armor were guards, as they had helmets like those of old knights and their eyes weren't even visible from what he could see. His eyes flickered to the one in robes who walked towards him, in one hand was as a leather satchel and the other a bowl hot water. Instead of reacting like a hostile animal or a scared child, he sat still as the robed figure approached him and then stopped in front of him. Because of the size difference he has to crane his neck back to see the wolf, which had an oddly feminine face as the robes were baggy and he could not tell the gender. Without saying a word the robed figure got down on its knees, setting the bowl of water beside him on the bed and the satchel on the other side. Aleksander realized that this was likely a medic of theirs, which meant that this figure or someone similar cleaned and closed his wounds. Keeping still and not giving any indication of hostility he watched as the figure moved a hand and lifted the hood back on the robes, he realized by the look of the eyes and face that this was a female in front of him. However, his mind was quickly brought back to her actions as she moved her hands to the bandages on his thigh. Slowly she would untie them and move them away from his leg, seeing the damage done almost made Aleksander think that he would be crippled for the rest of his days, however he didn't know that his leg was far worse before. Seeing the state of his leg the healer nods her head, seeing that his leg is indeed making progress which is very good. Unlike when he was first brought to the fort, the healers have gotten used to his presence in the medical wing of the dungeons. While yes he had been an enemy, he was showing no clear hostility towards her and being a model patient. Far more than what the healer could say about the female and male warriors of the fort, some of whom would even go as far as to try and hide injuries. Opening her satchel she takes out a sterile rag and grabs the bowl, she dunks the rag into the bowl and then squeezes the rag to get excess solution out of it. Inside the bowl was no regular water but a solution known amongst them as Halvan, a healing solution used for severe wounds that was made out of the Halva root. Gently she would place the rag over his wound, which resulted in a loud hiss and exhalation of air from Aleksander. The man felt like his leg had been set on fire by a flammenwerfer, however he did not react with a yell or shouting at the medic as that would not do him any good at all.

   Hearing the sounds coming from her patient, the healer grimaced slightly as it was not an enjoyable experience to have Halvan used on oneself. She held the rag against his wounds in the hopes that the solution would soak in, which would help with healing the torn flesh from. For his part, Aleksander had closed his eyes and felt the feeling that the liquid had induced on his leg, fighting back the pain as best he could. After a few more moments the healer had moved the rag away from his leg, which brought a little bit of relief to Aleksander but not much. Setting the rag aside she moves her hand around in her satchel, pulling out a fresh roll of bandages she starts to wrap it around his wounds. This presses down the feeling of burning even more, causing Aleksander to hiss even more. Despite noticing this the healer keeps going until the cuts the bandage with her own claw, tying it off to make sure it's tight and secure. After doing so she starts to close her satchel and making sure she has all of what she came in the room with, standing up she grabs the bowl and turns to leave the room, walking towards the guards at the door.

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