Bloody Winter

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Disclaimer: The only art I own was directly commissioned for this story, all other art belongs to their respective owners and franchises.

Hurokna Outpost:

Silence filled the hall after they listened to Aleksander's tale, theirs were full of glory and grandeur while his had been one of brutal death. A detailed and vivid description of a war they couldn't understand, couldn't even begin to understand. Rather than say a word, Urlock pushed a pint towards Aleksander. Who simply nodded his head at the wolf, then grabbed the pint and took a drink. Even the senior and permanent leaders of the outpost could not formulate words, after hearing such a story they had many questions but knew not to ask them. Further conversation or talk was broken, a call from the outside alerted all of them that there was more wolves requesting entry into the outpost. This was strange to be sure, as the only wolves in this area would be Hurokna wolves. Horus and Lyonix stood from their seats at the head table and made their way to the entrance, other wolves followed them and were carrying their weapons along with them. Aleksander chose not to follow, as he imagined that this was their business to deal with. Unbeknownst to him, the wolves that had demanded entry into the outpost were a forward scout patrol that had been sent by general Sindalla. She, along with a contingent of 200 warriors, were heading further north to a Royal Army outpost closer to the border. The fastest route to said outpost was through Hurokna land, so a scouting party had been sent ahead to guide the way. Normally these scouting parties would entirely avoid Hurokna outposts, but a young lieutenant had it in his mind that because they were of the 'Queens Royal Army', they would have the authority to impose themselves on the 'lower dregs of the Hurokna' as the lieutenant had said to his men before arriving to the outpost.

Horus, Lyonix and about 10 other warriors waited for them as the drawbridge lowered and the gates opened. The shaman priest had to bite back his snarl at seeing the pompous lieutenant, who was at the head of his group of 20 others. While the others in his party wore light blue and silvery livery on their armor, this lieutenant was in full plate armor and only was missing his helmet. The smirk on his face was self-righteous like most young officers, but this one had an air about him that he truly believed he was above reproach, at least by them. When he dismounted his horse was when the tension truly raised amongst them, he had taken Horus as a stable hand and given him the reins of his horse. Such disrespect could've been skewed as simple misidentification, but the look that the lieutenant gave Horus showed that he knew the other wolfs rank, he just did not care. Horus did not say a word as he handed the reins off to an actual stable hand, after handing them over he turned his dark gaze to the lieutenant. Despite his plate armor and arrogant air of self importance, the lieutenant was not much bigger than Frieda would be and was actually dwarfed by Lyonix and Horus.

"I do apologize, guard captain. I mistook you for a stable hand, your armor does not show your station." The lieutenant said with a friendly smile, but all of them knew it was fake as possibly could be.
"My men and I have come to pick up supplies, we are heading further north with our captain and such supplies are in great value." Horus raised a brow at the lieutenant, the other male had said such words as if he was expecting all of his demands to be met.

"Lieutenant, I am not a mere 'guard captain'. I am the Warden of this outpost and commander of its garrison, you insult my rank and then expect me to give you the supplies you demand. I do not know whether to consider you arrogant, or a fool." A chuckle escapes Lyonix as he stands there with his arms crossed, the lieutenant looks indignant at first but then turns wrathful.

"We are soldiers of her Majesty's Northern Army, you are our vassals by law and the law deman..." The lieutenant stops in his tirade and calms himself down, mainly for the fact he realized how much closer the entourage of warriors with Horus had gotten to him and his men.
"Pardon my crossed tone and ill meant words, for it has been a long ride. May we warm ourselves in your hall, then discuss terms?" Horus narrowed his eyes slightly, as it was obvious this lieutenant truly did not care if Horus gave him pardon or not. While this lieutenant was indeed self righteous and pompous, he was not entirely foolish.

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