First Shot

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Disclaimer: The only art I own for this story was directly commissioned for said story, all other artwork belongs to their respective creators.

Hurokna Fortress: Present Time

Aleksander would step out of the main hall after eating, the storm had subsided just enough to where one could actually see just enough to walk around the main area of the fortress. Sighing to himself, he would walk towards the main ramparts of the fortress. Wanting to see if it was possible to gaze upon the fortress, without having to be blinded by snow or bit at by the bitter cold. Getting to the top, he would walk forward and stop at one of the many embrasures along the wall. Looking through the space at the forest before him, which was still heavy clouded and only few shapes could be seen. Chuckling to himself, he would remove his cigarette case and lighter. Having himself a cigarette after a very fulfilling meal, allowing him time out here alone to think to himself of what was to come. The man just breathed out his first lungful of smoke when he was suddenly stumbling backwards as something impacted his chest and caught him by surprise. Falling back against the other side of the wall, he saw an arrow sticking out of his chest just below his collarbone. Aleksander was just starting to truly feel the pain, when he saw grappling hooks coming over the top of the wall. Fumbling for his pistol, he was able to retrieve it from his holster in the nick of time and fired a shot into the face of the first assailant trying to come over the wall.

"Alarm!!" Came the echo of shouts from inside the hall, loud enough to be heard from outside. Aleksander unfortunately was still wounded, bleeding and waiting for the next assailant to show themselves.

The assailants stormed over the top of the wall, clearly the first attacker was supposed to be a scout to see if they had killed him or whoever they thought was on the wall. Aleksander was of course too worried with keeping himself alive to notice one very key difference, these attackers did not have the look of wolves. Covered in all black armor and leather from head to toe, all he knew was that they had shot him with an arrow and were attacking the fortress. He fired two more shots at two of the attackers rushing at him, both shots being well placed in the face and neck respectively. Only one dropped on the spot, while the other had enough energy left to football kick him in the side and send him sliding across the stone floor and into the side of the wall. Impacting against the wall knocked the wind out of him, and he knew that a couple of ribs were likely broken or cracked. His attacker made it a few more feet before collapsing to the ground, the heat of the blood steaming in the cold air from where the bullet ripped through their body. The clashing of swords was followed by howls of battle and of rage, with the sudden crack and chatter of his means weapons thrown into the mix, Aleksander himself looked down at the ground as he struggled to get up.

A rush of movement came towards him, immediately causing him to raise his head and pistol at the same time. The all black leather form of one of the attackers was coming towards him again, as this attack on the fortress was obviously no token force by any means. Squeezing the trigger down, he awaited the crack and recoil of his pistol to send a 9mm round spiraling into the creature advancing on him. He felt his heart freeze in his chest when the pistol itself clicked and nothing happened, misfire, him raising his pistol had clearly stopped the attacker who didn't know what was being pointed at him. Aleksander swore he heard a chuckle before the creature advanced on him again. Falling onto his back, he kicked away and shuffled himself back as quick as he could to buy him time to clear the malfunction. The creature had grabbed hold of his leg when he had cleared his pistol, and sent the hammer forward with the correct response from the pistol. Sending the 9mm bullet straight into the head of the creature, forcing it to drop dead right on top of his legs. Letting his arm fall to his side, he breathed out as much as he could with possibly broken or cracked rips. Feeling like his chest burned just to breathe, and the arrow in his chest only added more to the pain and his actual blood loss.

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