Dance in the Shadows

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, unless it has been directly commissioned for this story. All other art belongs to their respective owners and franchises, also, I will stop giving warning symbols from now on unless I believe they are needed for obvious reasons.

Hurokna Territory: Present Time

Aleksander and the other Germans made their trek back to the fortress at a relaxed pace, getting the packs and equipment that they left behind along the way. The absolute silence of the woods, aside from their own talking, was somewhat eerie. There were no threats or feral creatures around that could pose a threat, for Aleksander and the men were the threat. Their mere presence in the forest was enough to make all go silent, no creature daring to show themselves or move. When it comes to himself, Aleksander was smoking another cigarette from the pack that had been offered to him by one of the men. Including himself, there was no a full squad of SS Totenkopf stormtroopers in this world. All of the possibilities for chaos, destruction and bloodshed almost made Aleksander giddy to think about it. He thought silently about everything that had transpired within the last hour, meeting his fellow Germans, the ambush and slaughter they had participated in. Aleksander had discussed how much equipment and other items the men had brought with them, everything from canteens and rations, all the way up to grenades and ammunition, mostly the latter instead of the former. From what they told Aleksander, their original mission was very much like his own. Which to put it in milder terms, was a pure bred suicide mission to cause as much chaos and destruction as possible to the enemy military and government structure. Hence the heavy amount of ammunition, explosives and in the case of the one soldat, flame weaponry.

  When the group was halfway to the fortress, Aleksander raised his hand in a halting motion. All of them stopped in confusion and immediately looked around, trying to see if they were being watched or worse, followed. A chuckle left Aleksander as he motioned for them to be calm, as an idea had popped up in his head and he wanted to tell them of it. While he was the most senior of all of them in terms of rank, he had wanted to hear their thoughts on a plan that was formulating in his head. A very insidious plan to be sure, but a plan nonetheless. What had spawned in his mind, was a plan to conduct a shadow war against the royals. Which, would include them ambushing patrols, supply convoys and even training areas that they happen to come across. All without getting the Hurokna's directly involved, with only speculation and hearsay being evidence against them. Unfortunately, their was a big primary issue in following such a plan. The issue was simple, Lacina herself learning of such actions and directly ousting Aleksander and his group. Doing so would make him and his men completely free game, free game for any would be warriors and or bounty hunters to come and collect his head and those of his men.

Royal Highway, Hurokna Territory: Present Time

While the plan formulated in his mind and Aleksander told of it to his men, the matriarch of the Hurokna, Lacina, and her daughters were in a carriage and on their way to Cavalda on a massive shopping trip. The den was slowly running out of supplies and luckily the major side effects of the storm had passed, leaving the road muddy but free to travel with little to no issues. All of the warrior guards following the carriage were females, for obvious reasons given the heat. Tension within the carriage could be cut with a knife, as no one truly has the courage to speak or even attempt to converse. Lacina herself was silent, staring out the window of the carriage on the right side. Countless thoughts ran through her head of the events that occurred within the last couple of days, and above all of them she realized something, how dangerous Aleksander really is. The male, the human, was a broken and bloodthirsty warrior that truly would not stop until he won or was killed, in his endeavor against the royals. Lacina wanted to break from the shackles of the royals, but how Aleksander was trying to fight his single handed was truly beyond anything that Lacina has seen or read about in her time on this world. A deep sigh escaped her, causing her daughters and Ursana to look at her in anticipation. Turning her eyes upon them, she could not help but notice how they all stared at her. Particularly her second eldest daughter, Tassandra, who openly glared at her own mother with a level of resentment that Lacina has never seen before.

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