Life Anew

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story unless it has been directly commissioned, all other art belongs to their respective creators and owners.

Hurokna Fortress: Hours Later

Aleksander awoke slowly, blinking his eyes to clear his brain of the fog from having just woken up. When the man tried to move, he found that he was wrapped in two arms and held tightly against someone. Glancing down at the arms, still trying to clear the fog from his head, seeing the silver and black fur made him realize immediately who it was. Because there was only one wolf he knew with such a pattern, shifting around slightly he was able to look up and see a sleeping Tassandra was the culprit of why he was unable to move. Trying to think of a way to wake her up without scaring her or outright rolling both of them onto the floor, he sat there for a moment and thought to himself. A few moments passed before he moved both of his hands upwards, starting to run his fingers through the fur along her neck. Knowing exactly what he was doing, both hands move to the side of her neck and he started to run his fingers through the fur in order to wake her up. A shiver ran through her body and she tightened her hold on him, which actually made it harder for him to breathe and he was now tapping the side of her head to wake her up. Noticing it wasn't working, as apparently she was a deeper sleeper than he imagined, he grabbed her fur and pulled on it. Which actually caused her to wake up with a growl and loosen her grip on him, allowing him to take a deep breath to get some air back into his body. The couple of moments he was able to breathe didn't last long, as she wrapped her arms around him again and pulled him close once more. Fortunately not as tightly, allowing him to relax as the she-wolf had actually barely awoken at all from his actions and was merely readjusting. Comically enough, she had covered both of them with the massive fur blanket in a way where the only thing to be seen was the top of her head and ears poking out. A image that came to his head in that moment, was that he was like a living Steiff teddy  bear and it made his eye visibly twitch.

"Diese Wölfe werden mein Tod sein. These wolves will be the death of me." Aleksander mumbles to himself as he tries to escape from Tassandra's arms, just for the she-wolf to open her eyes slightly and growl before pulling him fully back against her and moving her head down to rest on top of his.

  "You either stop moving and go back to sleep, or I will put you back to sleep. I am tired of your coldness towards me, it ends now." Tassandra growls to Aleksander in a matter of fact manner, as she finally had enough of his attitude towards her.

  "Du bist ein verdammtes Ärgernis. You're a damn nuisance." He growls out in German and being defiant as ever, which only causes Tassandra to tighten her hold on him even more as he struggles to get loose.
"Why the fuck are you even in here? I told you to piss off." He tries to pry her arms off, but stops cold when her feels her claws start to dig into his shirt.

"I've had enough of the way you have been acting toward us, towards me most of all. Yes I lied to you out of fear of what you would do, but that doesn't change the fact that I am the one who brought you back to life and didn't want to see you die again." She growls deeply, sounding angry rather than choked up or ready to cry. Because she was telling the truth, all of them haven't become afraid of him as much as they have been noticing his more aggressive demeanor. More confrontational than before and far more arrogant, like he was either wearing a mask or showing his true colors.

  "Fear of what I would do? You do understand that I have no chance of winning a fight if I were to get violent with any of you if I don't have my weapons or catch you by surprise? My loyalty and honor aside, I'm not stupid enough to start a one sided massacre that I can't win." The sighs out, as it became evidently clear in that moment to her that he acted the way he has been to throw them off.
   "Verela aside, with her comments about my wife, I truly don't care that you lied to me it's that you didn't trust me enough to tell me the truth." The man growls out, being able to slip out of her grasp now, as she loosened her hold on him.

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