Ovalarns Folly ⚠️

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this chapter, they belong to their respective owners and artists. The only art that is mine is that which I had commissioned, the warning is for some slight NSFW stuff that happens towards the end of the chapter, nothing serious.

Festival of Yulestaran:

After leaving the challenge field and getting dressed, Aleksander found himself walking towards a massive sized tent that looked like a feasting hall more than anything else. He did not notice nor care to notice all the looks he was being given, nor did he notice those that gave him a wide path after seeing what he did to the heir of the Ovalarn Pack. None of the women from the Hurokna pack were in sight and neither was Ursana, likely they were dealing with the backlash from Lady Ovalarn but he didn't care about that at all. Arriving at the flaps to the tent he did not see the eyes of an Ovalarn guard staring daggers at his back, entering the tent he almost chuckled to himself at seeing the massive benches, tables and bars were many wolves and other canine looking species were getting food and beer from the looks of it. Walking over to the bar counter he did notice the looks that many of the wolves gave him, but not a single one was of scorn or anger. A few of them wearing dark leather armor with green and silver cloaks raised their steins to him, saluting him for his actions on the challenge field. During festivals such as this, words of challenges and the results of said challenges travel like wild fire. Unknown to Aleksander these wolves belonged to a smaller pack of the Hurokna's many vassals, the Eralurk pack, whom had disputes with the Ovalarns many times before and are glad to see them knocked down a peg by an absolute stranger and outsider to their lands. Looking back to the bar he'd nod in respect to the bar maid that sat down a stein of beer for him. Taking a drink of his beer he would then feel the weight of a clawed hand on his shoulder, making him tense momentarily and set his beer down. Looking up he'd be staring into the eyes of the guard who had stared at his back, the guard was glaring down at him and showing her fangs. Which was a clear sign of aggression and he did not rise to meet said aggression, especially in an area that he did not know who would be on his side.

  "I would not put your hands on that one, Ovalarn." Came a voice from behind Aleksander, and the name 'Ovalarn' was said with clear disdain.
  "He is protected by the Hurokna who are our Alpha's, I would hate to see one of your ilk be made into worm food once again." Laughs and chuckles erupted from those of the Eralurk that were sitting nearby, causing the Ovalarn guard to look away from Aleksander.

  "Be silent, heathen filth. The gods demand blood for this abominations desecration of our honor!" The guard would shout at the Eralurk pack members, causing them to stand from their seats. Aleksander chose this moment to act as he kicked the Ovalarn guard in the knee, causing them to yell out and let him go in the process. After being let go he pulled his saber from its sheath, which caused all commotion in the tent to stop.

"You all see how this abomination draws his weapon in an area of hospitality and peace, he even struck me." The Ovalarn guard tries to turn this on Aleksander, but the Eralurks are more well liked and trustworthy and speak in his defense.

"You placed hands on him in a threatening manner, then bared your teeth. Something that we all know is signs of ill-intent, is that not true?" One of the Eralurk wolves asks aloud, which is responded to quickly by other wolves who shout accusingly at the Ovalarn.
"You are the one in the wrong, Ovalarn. So you either defend yourself, leave this tent in shame or apologize." A snarl escapes the Ovalarn who draws her sword and turns to Aleksander, who merely smirks at her as he draws his trench knife from behind his back.

A deep snarl escapes the Ovalarn as she lunges towards Aleksander in rage, he blocks the strike and moves to his left to get away from the bar counter. Taking a bit of a risky maneuver he attempt to stab her with his trench knife in the side, but a backhanded hit to his shoulder stumbles him. Reacting quickly he ducks under slash that was meant to take his head off, giving him an opening and allowing him to slash across the wolves mid section. The slash cuts through the leather of the wolves armor, causing a loud and pained yell to escape the female guard. A punch to his stomach makes him drop to a knee and he brings his saber up in time to stop a downward strike from the female. She kicks him and sends him falling back, luckily he is able to roll to his right before she stomps on his head and then drives his trench knife into the side of her knee as he gets up from the ground. A pained cry flies forth from her as she falls to a knee, taking a swing the tip of her blade catches Aleksander in the side which causes him to yell out.

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