Day of Madness

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, aside from that which was directly commissioned. All other art not commissioned belongs to the respective owners.

Festival of Yulestaran:

After leaving the feasting tent it was clear to Aleksander that trying to relax was the primary objective of today, not starting fights with the wolves or getting himself into anymore trouble. He already  saw an entire pack kicked out of the festival, he didn't know about the other details as he'd already went back into the tent when Lacina made her orders known. While he walked the various wolves that saw him nodded their heads in respect or simply gave a wave of acknowledgment, which was entirely fair with him. Noticing a vendor to his left that apparently was selling fruit caught his attention, walking over to the stand he looked at the various and different fruits, but settled on a yellow apple like fruit and handed the vendor a silver coin from his pack. The vendor nodded their head in appreciation, Aleksander nodded back before continuing to walk and took a bite out of the yellow fruit in the process. The taste was amazing, much more amazing than a regular apple and had a richer taste to it. After finishing that first bite he nodded his head at the good taste, then kept walking. Soon he found himself at one edge of the festival, looking towards the forest and shrugged his shoulders as he walked in that direction. Walking across the open field it felt somewhat odd that he wasn't taking cover from machine gun fire or even artillery, he truly did feel at peace and the warm sun on his skin made it seem more surreal than it truly was.

Reaching the trees he would find one to sit down by, leaning his back against the tree and continuing to eat the fruit in his hand. Sitting here like this and looking at the trees around him made him think of home, much like it had before when he ate his food after the debacle with Tassandra. Thinking that did make him somewhat perplexed, he wasn't a child and yet Tassandra treated him like one when he simply wanted a beer. He couldn't focus on that though, as it was a petty act and he didn't need it living in his mind for the rest of the day. Taking another bite out of the fruit he'd sigh to himself in thought, realizing more and more that he was gonna be staying in this world. Aleksander at first found the notion to be insane and didn't want to believe it, but the more he stayed here and lived around these wolves he honestly began ti question if he'd want to go back. Yes this place was much different than home, to put it mildly, but he felt more at peace here than he had back home. The last time he felt so content and he'd even dare to say happy, was when he was a child before being sent to the Hitler Youth. Aleksander was brought out from his thoughts by hearing a noise to his right, someone trying to walk silently and mostly doing a good job but had failed to notice a stick. Looking up at the noise he'd see Daniela standing there and holding a broken stick, looking down at him with a small smile on her face. The fact she'd gotten so close without him hearing should've unnerved him, but he was not afraid of anything, not much anyways.

"Mind if I sit down?" Daniela gestures to an open spot next to him, Aleksander looks at her and then to the spot before shrugging his shoulders, which is enough of an answer for her. Walking in front of him before sitting down next to him and looking at him, Aleksander pays her no mind as he takes another bite from the fruit.
"You know, you don't have to sit out here by yourself. The rest of the pack and others are getting ready for some of the games, stuff I think you'd like to watch." Aleksander listens to what she says and understands a good half of it, he nods his head at her words.

  "Will I... be treated like child?" Aleksander somewhat asks in a growling voice, mostly for the fact that he has to remember the words and make it sound right with his accent. Daniela knows what he refers to and rolls her eyes, her sister really did piss him off with that act of taking his head away.

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