Character Update

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Disclaimer: Besides the photo used behind the title of this part, all the art depicted was commissioned by JackRip for this story, meaning the art of the characters belongs to me. Hope you all enjoy and leave any thoughts or questions in the comments.

 Hope you all enjoy and leave any thoughts or questions in the comments

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Lacina Hurokna

Age: 53

Height: 7'6

Children: Verela Hurokna, Tassandra Hurokna, Daniela Hurokna, Frieda Hurokna.

Bio: Lacina Hurokna is the current matriarch of the Hurokna Pack, the Hurokna Pack is considered one of the biggest and most powerful packs in the entire Kingdom of Daeresh, both economically and militarily. Under her leadership the pack has taken more control over their territory, as forces of the Royal Army are not allowed to enact laws or taxes throughout their territory or upon her vassal packs. The reason for this goes back before she was even born, but unlike past leaders of the pack, she enforces the laws and traditions that were put into place from generations before. Back when the kingdom fought a war for unification amongst the packs and territories, the Hurokna Pack alongside its vassals held off the unified packs of the royal family, forcing them into a treaty that allowed the Hurokna and their vassals to join the kingdom but still maintain a high level of autonomy. Lacina has lived a rough life, having to take over the pack at a young age after her parents died of sickness. She found her mate years later and gave birth to her four daughters, her youngest daughter Frieda was only a pup when she found out her mate was having an affair. The news almost broke her but she stayed strong for her children, since then she only tried harder to make sure that her daughters would mate with those that they loved, not out of necessity or from an arrangement like she had.

 The news almost broke her but she stayed strong for her children, since then she only tried harder to make sure that her daughters would mate with those that they loved, not out of necessity or from an arrangement like she had

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Verela Hurokna

Age: 29

Height: 7'0

Mother: Lacina Hurokna

Siblings: Tassandra Hurokna, Daniela Hurokna, Frieda Hurokna

Bio: Verela is the oldest of her siblings and for this reason she is also known to be the most reserved and responsible, always being the voice of reason when her sisters go too far or are disobeying their mother. Despite her current nature of being the reserved and responsible one, she at one point was the most wild of her siblings with a short temper and a bite to match. However it was an incident when Tassandra was young that changed Verela, they had been out hunting and the beast they were hunting had charged them, mostly due to being provoked by Verela. Tassandra had been hurt when it charged, having been kicked in the arm as it tried to escape. Her sister getting hurt drastically changed Verela, as she realized how irresponsible and reckless she had been. Since then she has been one of the main speaking points of reason when her sisters argue or debate, being there for them when they're down and needing someone to talk to them.

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