Preparing for Yulestaran

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, they belong to their respective owners and artists. The only art that belongs to me is that which I have had commissioned.

Hurokna Ancestral Den: The Next Day

A deep groan escapes Aleksander as he moves a hand to his head and rubs it as he sits up. Remembering all that happened yesterday, then the fact he got knocked out by the one daughter. A deeper groan of annoyance would leave him as he stood up from the bed, holding his head and walking over to the basin of water to help clear his head. Because of that fact he didn't even notice that Daniela was sitting in one of the chairs and watching him, being silent with a small smile on her face. The she wolf had to admit that he was something to look at, while smaller than all of them in the den he was no coward or weak minded. Aleksander still didn't notice her as he washed his face, running the water over his head to help cool the headache he had going on. Reaching for a towel he would glance at the mirror and almost freeze, seeing the red furred wolf in the reflection of the mirror. Daniela almost growled in satisfaction to herself when he froze up, like a scared stag surrounded by predators. However, she imagined that he would be much more appetizing than a stag but in an entirely way. Both of them stared at one another, him staring into her eyes from the reflection and her staring right back. She knew that he has yet to learn all of their culture, as a male staring back into a females eyes like this in such a manner could evoke a challenge. Aleksander then smirked before going back to what he was doing, using the towel to dry his face.

  After doing so he would turn around to face her, eyebrow raised and still staring right back into her eyes. Daniela suppressed a shiver, wanting nothing more than to capture his lips and taste him. However she forced herself back, such thoughts could wait until after the festival and when the moon finally sets for the last autumn day of the season. Standing up from the chair she would walk to the door and gesture for him to follow her, a deep sigh would escape Aleksander that almost made her chuckle. Walking towards the door she would open it for him, just as he was walking by she would lightly run her fingers along the back of his neck. Making him freeze up momentarily before shrugging his shoulders and looking at her once they were out in the hallway, eyes slightly narrowed at her. The red she wolf would grin at him, eyes slightly glinting in the candle lights along with her teeth. Upon seeing his eyes immediately go to her teeth rather than her eyes she closed her lips in a toothless smile, realizing that showing one's teeth to another could be seen as a sign of hostility in most cases, especially amongst wolves. He stared back at her before giving her a similar teethed grin, which caused a growl to rumble from her throat. Obviously he didn't take her growling seriously, as he grinned at her and even laughed a little bit before walking again. Just a little bit ahead of her. Seeing him walk away after acting like that towards her almost made the red she-wolf lunge for him, the act of arrogance and his sheer disregard of the fact she is more dominant than him caused her to growl even louder.

"Lustiger kleiner Hund." He says with a small laugh, not realizing that Daniela was paying attention to him and following him the entire time. The word 'Hund' immediately made her realize that he likely called her a hound or a dog, her eyes widened and she growls deeply while staring at him. Causing him to stop and look at her, raising a brow and grinning at her.
"Der kleine Hund weiß, was ich sage?" Aleksander asks with a small laugh, seeing the fur on his body bristle and raise.

"You little shit!!" Daniels yells and lunges for him, he jumps out of the way and then leaps at her. Wrapping his arms around her and pushing her against the wall, trying to unbalance her in the process. He is able to accomplish this and gets her to the ground, but his success doesn't last long as she uses her strength to toss him aside. Sending him rolling across the floor, but he isn't slow to get up as he rushes back at her and tackles her as she's getting to her knees.
"Little monster!" Daniela growls and laughs, trying to get ahold of the smaller human so she can pin him down. This fight was less of a fight to the death and more so a fight of dominance, as she showed her teeth to him and he did the same, that and his little comments made her want to annihilate him in that moment. Aleksander was able to get himself free and started to take off down the hallway towards the stairs.

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