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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the art involved in this story, besides that which was directly commissioned for this story. All other artwork belongs to their respective creators and franchises.

Hurokna Territory: Present Time

Leaving the royals to boil at the fact they had nothing against him, Aleksander stayed with the patrol as they kept going down their usual route. The further they traveled along my the route, the more that Aleksander found himself getting along with the other wolves. Most of them he only knew from his first visit to the fortress, while others only knew of him from his actions. Aleksander was riding ahead of the group, when he found himself ducking down on his horse, the crack of a bullet going over his head caught his attention and made him stay low on the horse. The other wolves quickly moved themselves behind some of the thick trees, while Aleksander stayed where he was. Him staying still caught all of them by surprise, as they knew the sound his weapon, but this was entirely different and much louder. A laugh escaped Aleksander, he recognized the sound of a Mauser anywhere and it filled him with a sense of joy that he did not know was possible. Moving his hand slowly, he took off his helmet and raised into the air with the lightning bolts of the SS facing towards where the bullet came from. Seconds passed by slowly, very slowly, then he heard the sound of boots crunching in the snow. Looking up from his somewhat slouched position over his horse, he felt a smile etch itself across his face. Walking towards him and dressed in all grey and carrying various weapons, were 10 other Germans, a full squad. Staring at them, he placed his helmet back on his head and walked towards them.

  "Was ist Ihre Einheit? What is your unit?" Aleksander asks, getting closer to them with each step and seeing the man who was out in front smiling and throwing his arms out for Aleksander to hug him.

   "3.SS-Totenkopf, Was ist mit Ihnen? 3rd SS-Totenkopf, what about you?" Hearing those words, Aleksander started to laugh as he rushed towards them. Like a kid that hasn't seen a beloved family member in a long time, he wrapped his arms around the first man who did the same.

  "Ich freue mich, euch zu sehen, meine Brüder. I am happy to see you, my brothers." Aleksander stepped back from the man and saluted him, throwing his arm upwards with his hand like a spear. The man returned the salute, as did the nine others, all of them obviously surprised but happy to find another German.
"3. SS-Totenkopf, 11.Kompanie. 3rd SS-Totenkopf, 11th Company." A wide smile broke across the other men's faces at his words, the man across from him grabbed his shoulder happily.

"Wir sind bei der 12. We are with the 12th." Aleksander laughed even harder before hugging the man again, who gratefully returned the hug. The clicking of safeties broke the two men apart, as the others had their weapons raised towards the wolves who had started to come out of cover. Aleksander backed up and raised his hands to motion for peace, waving his hands for them to lower their guns.

"Nicht schießen, meine Kameraden, sie sind nicht feindlich. Do not shoot, my comrades, they are not hostile." The men all look at Aleksander like he has lost his mind, but are fortunately willing to listen.
"Dies ist nicht unsere Welt. This is not our world." Aleksander explains to them, getting all of them to raise a brow or look absolutely confused by what he means.

   "Was sind diese Freaks? What are these freaks?" One of the other men ask, the man has an MG-34 resting over his right with loose belts hanging from behind neck. Aleksander chuckles at his statement, looking over his shoulder and gesturing for the rest of the patrol to come out of cover.

  "Wölfe? Massive Wölfe? Wo zum Teufel sind wir? Wolves? Massive wolves? Where the hell are we?" A further man at the back of the squad calls out, before walking closer, Aleksander eyes widens at seeing the man is carrying a Flammenwerfer 35 on his back.

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