11: And Thus, A Big Misunderstanding is Born

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Author's Note: Here's the thing, I have some commitment issues that apparently extends to my behavior when consuming fiction so I have only watched BNHA seasons 1 through 2, and not anything else. So please don't spoil me past Season 2.

TRIGGER WARNING: Very minor gore, sexual harassment, cussing

SPOILER ALERT: BNHA Season 2 spoilers

I don't mean to brag, but if man is a creature of higher intelligence, then I am a god among men.

However, as I stood waiting for Hitoshi outside a supermarket, I had some downtime to reflect on myself, my choices and my past.

I learned to talk and read when I was two years old. By four, I had already mastered seven different languages.

By ten, my parents dedicated an entire room for my accolades. Dozens of framed certificates and shiny gold medals lined every single wall of that room. There were cabinets that had to be reinforced with steel because I put too many trophies.

There was no shortage of people praising me, including my own parents. However, mom and dad would always remind me that no matter how smart I was, that didn't make me any more valuable than anybody else. I was their precious daughter, but they didn't want meno, it's because I was precious to them that they didn't want me to end up like Icarus.

Oh, in case you're not aware, Icarus was the son of the legendary Athenian inventor Daedalus. Daedalus created the labyrinth that housed the minotaur. This and that happened and they were imprisoned in the same labyrinth. To escape, Daedalus crafted two pairs of wings out of wax and feathers. He warned his son not to fly too close to the sea and not too close to the sun. When they soared out into the sky, Icarus appeared like a god to the mortals below. The boy felt the same, too. Forgetting his father's warning, the idiot boy flapped the fake wings until he got so close to the sun that the wax melted.

You can pretty much guess what happens next.

Anyway, I have two thoughts on the matter:

The wax wouldn't have melted when he flew higher into the atmosphere, it should have frozen and become brittle. Well, he would've died either way, so let's move on to my other pointIcarus was a fool. I'm not. So you can imagine my frustrations whenever my parents recounted that story to me every time I one-upped a fellow human.

In preschool, I corrected the teacher's grammar and was promptly scolded by the bitch and laughed at by my peers.

In elementary school, I wanted to befriend my seatmate so I prepared a batch of vegan cookies (to be safe). When they accepted, I went on to list the recipe, a discussion which eventually erred towards a vivid description of the symptoms of food poisoning.

... My seatmate asked to be moved the next day.



I was alone for a good deal of my childhood. I learned the hard way that "friends" was a term for groups of people with similar levels of idiocy and gathered to feel good about being stupid together.

But I had my family (who didn't call me an "egg-head" and threw away my books for knowing a lot) and my art, so I was content.

However, now that mom and dad are dead (and in a different dimension at that), I have no one, not even the man I am friends with at the moment.

I am the most intelligent person I know. I could not make "true friends" even if I wanted to, because I'm too smart for everyone I know.

I sighed and thought to myself, Man is a creature of superior intellect, so surely, I will meet a good match someday

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