19: And So I Befriended a Serial Killer Today

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Before you start reading, perhaps you're interested in seeing Y/N in the flesh. Well, not in the flesh, a reader sent me a fanart of her and it's just CHEF'S MOO-WAH. You can see here: https://www.quotev.com/story/11971142/Beyond-the-Stars-BNHAVarious-x-GeniusReader***TW for the chapter: sexual assault is briefly mentioned by name


As you handed Hitoshi a homemade blueberry sorbet, your watch dinged with a notification from S.I.S.A.

The words "quantum barrier synchronization status: FAILED" appeared across the screen. You sighed. This was your 105th attempt at synchronization and it has failed for the 105th time.

"What's wrong?" Hitoshi asked.

You swiped to delete the message. "Just a reminder I set to make sure you finish your food."

He rolled his eyes and faked a laugh, shoving a spoonful of sorbet.

"By the way, I want you to look at these." You handed him a tablet.


"They're modifications of your hero suits. This one here comes with a sniper rifle. You can choose between two different ammos: rubber bullets and darts containing my quirk, of course, you're going to have to be careful when you use which. There's no telling when we get separated, I can't keep giving you my toxin and..."

He gawked at the illustrations. Most of the modifications included sneakers and gloves and every single costume had black as the main color, as though acknowledging that Hitoshi's quirk made him best suited to work in the shadows. That is, if he ignored the violent weapons. "I appreciate this, kitten, I really do, but firearms won't exactly help with the entire villainous quirk thing."

You blinked.

"Don't look at me with those eyes, I'll cave."

You sighed and swiped on the screen. "There are more designs with different weapons. I have a penchant for a militaristic aesthetic because it's the most effective in battle. I also hate capes but if you want I'll come up with something."

"No, no, no, no." He gently took one of your hands. "Thank you for this. I-I have no idea how long this must've kept you, but I can't ... I can't pay for any of it."

"This isn't a product, it's a gift. I want you to have it." You covered your fists with your free hand. "Please, Hitoshi?"

The reluctance in his voice was obvious when he finally agreed with a defeated "okay."

"Yay." You let go. "You can keep the tablet with you until you decide. If you want my opinion, you need to figure out what combat style you're going to use in the field before you choose."

"You really have this entire thing figured out, huh?"

You grinned. You told him that after getting into the hero course your parents hired different instructors to teach you how to fight. Not a total lie.

"I have to go now. See you tomorrow."

You retrieved the tupperware, said goodbye to Mrs. Hitoshi, put on your glasses and coat, and left the hospital.

"S.I.S.A.," you spoke into your watch, "I sent you Cerebro's voice file. Replicate the vibrations using the mind control speakers and see if it will work on the subjects."

"Audio file 'CEREBRO VOICE RECORDING NUMBER FORTY-TWO' uploaded. I will update you on any progress. Also..."

"What now?"

"The subjects seem to be hungry. Should I feed them through the IV or give them solids?"

"Go ahead and give them a salad or a sandwich, I don't care. Just make sure they don't die. I gotta go."

Beyond the Stars (BNHA!Various x Genius!Reader) INDEFINITE HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now