2: This Young God Enters a New World

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White ceiling, dim lighting, the sharp stench of disinfectant. I was in a hospital.

I didn't care.

Mom was dead. If dad wasn't already it wouldn't be too long until he joined her. No parent wants their kid dead, he said, but he never stopped to ask me if I was okay with abandoning him.

I blinked.

The tears came and I didn't move to wipe them off. For what felt like hours, I lay on that uncomfortable bed crying to myself.

"I love you, kiddo. Stay strong."

When the sobbing calmed down to pathetic hiccups, I decided it was time to face my current situation. My grief didn't disappear in the slightest, but with the chances that this world wasn't as peaceful as dad thought, I needed to get it together.

I sat up. I say it like it was easy but my limbs were heavier than I thought. Not sore but numb, like I've been lying down doing nothing for days. I had to grab on the protective railings of the bed to hoist myself up.My legs were in worse condition. Unlike my arms, which I could still control, there was little feeling from the waist down.

Poor physical condition. IV in my left hand. Purple flowers occupied the table nearby. This version of myself was either terminally ill and bedridden or was in comatose. Spacious and painted in a soothing green, furnished with a leather sofa and a flat screen TV but no other beds, which meant this was a private room. Other me was rich.

I glanced at the wall clock above the bed. 2:03. It was dark behind the sheer curtains, so 2:03 a.m. I plopped back on my pillow, softer than anything back home yet provided me with zero comfort. There was no way I could fall asleep. Besides, if I closed my eyes for too long, I'll see the blood again.

Screw it.

I pulled off the lavender blanket. As I suspected, these legs had atrophied. They haven't decayed into twigs but they were pale and dry and too thin to be healthy. I could feel them, I could wiggle my toes to some extent, but it took a while to bend my knees.

I practiced moving my lower limbs. I didn't realize how much time passed until the door creaked open and a nurse gasped when he saw me. The sun shone outside and my wall clock told me it was already six.

"You're awake!" It was different from my language. However, I knew immediately that it was Japanese and I could comprehend his words. He introduced himself as per procedure then went to get a doctor.

He came running back with the doctor. He—at least, I assumed it was a he—was tall and broad, and I finally understood why the door here spanned ten feet. He had leathery red skin and black horns sticking out from bald his head. If it weren't for the physical mutations that manifested in my world, I would've screamed my throat raw, believing the devil has come to take me. That and the fact that he wore a friendly smile and a white labcoat.

"Good morning" He greeted in a surprisingly normal voice, "I'm Doctor Yamamoto. Can you tell me your name?"

What were the chances that this version of myself and I shared the same name? Ultimately, I chose to stay quiet. When in doubt, play stupid.

When he understood that I couldn't answer, he spoke "You are [Name] [Last Name]" The name was different.

"Do you know what year it is?" Dad said he could not transfer consciousness into a younger or older version of himself so it should be 2136 here. But again, I said nothing.

The doctor asked, "Do you know where you are?"

"A hospital" It came out a dry croak. I blushed.

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