24: Too Old for Fairytales

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It was the night before the beginning of the one week internship and you have been standing in front of the Shinso residence for a solid five minutes with a briefcase.

After rerunning a mental simulation of you conversing with Hitoshi for the ten thousandth time, you pressed the doorbell.

You brushed back your hair and smoothened the hem of your dress as footsteps rushed to the door.

"[Name]-chan?" It was Mrs. Shinso.

You adjusted your glasses. "Good evening."

Her eyes were wide but she smiled anyway. "Hello, sweetie. Can I help you?"

"Um, I would like to talk to Hitoshi."

"Hitoshi." Her mouth opened and closed before she answered, "Sorry, dear, he's sleeping right now."

It was seven p.m. "Oh."

"Yes. He's been very...busy...and I know you came a long way but he's been...so busy, I hope you understand."

"...no, of course, I understand." You glanced at the briefcase on your hands before pushing it towards her. "The internship starts tomorrow and I wanted to give him this. He hasn't decided on a hero costume yet, but I wanted to make—I mean, give him a prototype."

"That's very sweet of you."

"Yes. If he has any complaints or modifications he wants to make, please tell him to tell me."

"Of course." She hugged the briefcase to her chest. "Thank you, dear. I'm sure he will love it."

You shifted your weight onto one foot. "Please tell him, if he has any complaints...tell me soon."

She nodded. "Sure. Will you be all right going home alone? Do you want me to give you a lift?"

"No, thank you. I will be fine."

"Okay, okay."

You licked your lips. "Well, have a good night, Mrs. Shinso."

"Good night, [Name]. Take care."

And with that you got on your U-bike and rode away.

Hitoshi's ignoring me.

Hitoshi wasn't asleep. You spotted him hiding behind the stairs.

As much as you wanted to barge in and force him to speak with you, you recalled Katsuki's "Let him be" advice and willed yourself to stay calm.

Deep breaths...

The next stop was the Midoriya residence.

You pressed the doorbell and were welcomed by a pretty lady with Izuku's features.

"Mrs. Inko Midoriya?"

She wiped her hands on her apron. "May I help you?"

You introduced yourself as Izuku's classmate and her green eyes sparkled at the mention of your name. "O-oh, you're [Name] [Lastname]?"

"Yes, that's...what I just said..."

She clasped her hands together. "It's very nice to meet you. If I knew you were coming, I would've made more for supper."

"No, that's all right. I actually came here to give something to Izuku." You raised a briefcase.

"Hold on, let me go get him." She spun around and nearly stumbled on the hallway carpet when she sprinted away. "Izuku, Izuku!"

The boy dashed to the doorway seconds later. "[Name]-san! I wasn't e-expecting you, not that I don't like having you here, but that's not to say that I was wishing that you..."

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