15: Pikachu, It's Your Turn Now!

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A/N: Thank you for your love and support, everyone! Your comments give me life!

After a pathetic serving of yogurt "parfait" without a single fruit or even nuts, I snuck out of the mansion, bought a cheap chocolate cream cornet with a guy named Crimson Riot on the packaging, and went to my bunker at the beach.

I spent the next few hours conducting more experiments.

Rather than getting paralysis within 2 minutes, Stain reacted with extreme aggression when I administered my blood, yelling out curses at the imaginary pro heroes beside me.

I began listing my observations as S.I.S.A. recorded. "Increased heart rate, excessive perspiration, dilated pupils. Visual and possibly auditory hallucinations..."

I unlocked one of the shackles. His hand shot up. His uncut fingers grazed my cheek as I dodged. I bumped onto my medical cart, knocking over a jar of cotton balls.

"Crap." This bunker was getting too cramped.

I cleaned up the cotton and returned to watching Stain.

He swung his arm all over the air.

Rubbing my cheek, I added, "Subject can still move his arm."


My stomach growled and my eyes fell over to the crumpled cornet wrapper on my medical cart.

I let out a dry chuckle.

So that's how it is.

I must be losing brain cells if it took me this long to figure out the cause.

I think back to the day I first activated this body's quirk, when I ate a four-days' meal worth of burgers and fries. Hitoshi was injured, my emotions went wack, and those who got caught in The Fog exhibited symptoms of a psychotic episode.

However, during the times I experimented on Stain, my meals consisted of (regular) gummy bears, jelly beans, and very sweet coffee. During those studies, his gaze would wander and he would ramble some nonsense about "the true meaning of being a hero" to me and the air. His eyes would then glaze over, his words slurred, and his motor control gone. Interestingly, his heart rate was high, as if he was panicking. He likely was. There have been cases of surgical patients becoming conscious during surgery but unable to move.

Back then, The Fog paralyzed Stain. Now, he has passed out from exhaustion.

Simple carbohydrates versus polysaccharides.

Sugar versus starch.

"Stupid," I muttered as I send him back to his pod. "Stupid and reckless."

I doffed my lab coat. "Stupid and reckless and irresponsible." I'm a scientist. I should've known from the beginning that what I eat affects my body, including my freaking biochemically-based quirk.

I can understand why Other Me and Minerva didn't make note of these details. Knowing the crap that they've been feeding this body back at the mansion and Other Me's refusal to use her quirk, it's only natural that she wouldn't notice a variation in the effects of The Fog.

But me?


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