18: *Villain Surprise Attack* Oh Me, Oh My, I've Been Bamboozled *Eye Roll*

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Thank you again for your compassion and support, everybody! Your kindness has humbled this author. You have no idea how much your comments mean to me. All I can hope is that you enjoy this chapter.

Also, over 1000 hearts?! You guys are the best. (ノ▽〃)

Y/N's Current Baseline Stats:

Power: 3/6

Speed: 5/6

Technique: 6/6

Wits: 6/6

Cooperativeness: 1/6

WARNING: Dark themes ahead.

You couldn't get rid of the grin off your face as you exited the office.

Not only was Principal Nezu physically adorable, he was also a good chess player. A stalemate is neither a win nor a loss, but to you, who has never lost a game of chess your whole life, it was invigorating to play against someone who wasn't so... dull.

You squealed inwardly, but it's cut short with a memory of you and a white bear playing chess.

Your walking slowed as you remembered Crispin...

Crispin was the first robot you and your parents built together. A stuffed bear who housed a mechanical frame that let them move around. Every time you squeezed their right paw, their voice recorder would blast out "Hi there," "I love you," or "You're my best friend" in your dad's faked high-pitched voice.

Crispin was a 3-feet-tall anatomically incorrect polar bear with no genitals and no thought of their own.

And for the longest time, you saw them as your best friend.

When you got older, you refined their design. To be more specific, the only thing that remained the same was their furry outer shell. You gave them a skeleton that provided smooth movement, and their voice recorder was replaced with a voice box. Yes, a voice box. The bear didn't just play recorded voices to you; the upgraded Crispin was intelligent. They could learn, and they did learn—language, basic arithmetic, colors—and they talked to you.

They asked you how your day was, they listened to your rants, they played board games with you even when they always lost, and they would tug on your shirt if you got too caught up in your studies.

Crispin was your best friend.

Then one night, right before bed, they questioned you, "Why did you make me?"

The young you told Crispin the truth: they were a family project. You then hugged them tightly and went to sleep.

Your arms were empty the next morning, and water was leaking from your bathroom.

You then found Crispin at the bottom of your tub.

You don't recall crying. You just watched your friend's body until mom arrived and pulled you to her chest. Afterwards, you were assigned a therapist—

The feeling of being scrutinized made your head turn to the stairs.


"I can see you."

The person flattened themselves against the wall, but—

"I can still see you."

"...hic..." The secret watcher timidly stepped out of hiding.

You sighed.

It was the third year, Tamaki Amajiki. Quirk: Manifest. Part of the school's Big 3. Not much social media activity.

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