8: Like Batgirl and Black Canary (They're Not ACTUAL Birds of Prey, but Meh)

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Two weeks left before the entrance exam but the entire thing has been thrown in the backburner of my mind. I found myself actually enjoying training on its own. Acrobatics and ballet, jeet kune do and fencing. It is amazing. This body is amazing, it almost borders on superhuman. Tetsuya showed me old video clips of Other Me in action. She was graceful, a dancer on the battlefield. Every movement precise as she ran on phone lines and dodged hits from large villains. She never stopped moving to catch her breath. She never stayed in one place.

Disgusting costume aside, she moved beautifully. In my old body, I could only run for a few kilometers before keeling.

I still had a long way to go but ...

Testing my physical limits was the best thing to happen to me so far. In the first week of training, I blacked out on the floor before I could reach the shower. I slept better on the hard tiles than in that marshmallow bed. It's hard to think about things when one is struggling to get air in her brain.

"You're getting better," Tetsuya said, dodging my fists.

I pulled back and raised my leg. He twisted sideward then caught my foot. "You're faster than you were a week ago."

"I won't be satisfied until I land a hit," I told him as I bent backward. My hands on the ground, I spun my entire body.

"You've never won against me before, but I supposed I can go easy on you—!" I swiped a leg below him, forcing him to jump. While he was airborne I tried to punch him but he leapt over me like a frog.

He forced me to my knees before stomping down on my back.

I cried. He laughed and stepped away, "I think you're good for the day."

"Not yet," I hissed, struggling to get up.

"You're clearly at your limit, I'm not fighting you again."

"I meant ... " I pushed myself to my feet, "I don't want to rest yet."

"Nonsense. I designed your training regime. Rest is half your training, too, don't be stubborn."

I clicked my tongue.

"Now, now, be a good girl and go back to your room."

Ignoring him, I asked, "When can I get a new bike?"

He arched an eyebrow.

"At some point I will be doing vigilante work and I can't exactly fly or teleport."

"You won't be needing that. I will drive you to wherever you need to go."

"What am I, five?" I crossed my arms. Batman had the batmobile, the batcycle and the batplane, and I get to be chauffuered? No way.

"You don't need anything else but me and the car, besides it's too early for you to start thinking about vigilante work."

"It's never too early to prepare for the future." I said, but Tetsuya was entering the secret passageway back to the mansion.

"Get some sleep, Owl." He waved and the door closed.

I sighed and looked at the White Owl's costume. Tight fit around the torso with bell sleeves, I scrunched my nose at the feathered neckline. I know that fine feathers make the bird but this was taking it too literally. And liberally. Wearing that was asking for enemies to shoot you. Hell, I'd shoot my foot first before I wear that thing.

With another sigh I went over to the computer. Tetsuya never let me touch it. "You were horrible with technology, who's to say that trait didn't survive post-amnesia?"

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